Selected buildings

2 offices
1 retail space

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Vinohradská 180 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Vinohradská 180 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Vinohradská 180 je šestipodlažní budova s pronajímatelnou plochou 8395 m2. V přízemí se nacházejí obchodní prostory, ve vyšších podlažích kanceláře. Budova disponuje 49 parkovacími stáními před budovou a 25 místy v podzemních garážích. V budově jsou k dispozici konferenční a přednáškové místnosti a další prostory, např. obchody, restaurace, ordinace apod. V suterénu se nachází zařízená kantýna vč. gastro vybavení a prostorné jídelny. K dispozici jsou skladové prostory, které jsou přístupné přímo z podzemní garáže. Díky komplexní modulové skladbě budovy lze upravit vnitřní dělící konstrukce podle požadavků nájemce. Prostory jsou prosvětlené přirozeným denním světlem, což zajišťují velká okna s elektrickými venkovními žaluziemi. Nejvyšší patro budovy disponuje terasami s nádhernými výhledy na město. Výborná dostupnost MHD díky stanici metra A - Želivského a několika tramvajovým a autobusovým spojům. V okolí nachází veškerá občanská vybavenost. Dostupnost automobilem je zajištěna snadným napojením na vnitřní městský okruh. Z budovy je to také kousek do centra města, v docházkové vzdálenosti od projektu jsou desítky restaurací, obchodů a veškeré služby. Kancelářské prostory jsou dělitelné od cca 600 m2. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Vinohradská 180 is a six-storey building with a leasable area of 8395 m2. On the ground floor there are commercial premises, on the upper floors offices. The building has 49 parking spaces in front of the building and 25 spaces in underground garages. The building has conference and lecture rooms and other facilities such as shops, restaurants, surgeries, etc. In the basement there is a furnished canteen including gastronomic equipment and a spacious dining room. There are storage rooms, which are accessible directly from the underground garage. Thanks to the complex modular structure of the building, the internal partitioning can be adapted to the tenant's requirements. The premises are illuminated by natural daylight, which is provided by large windows with electric external blinds. The top floor of the building has terraces with magnificent views of the city. Excellent public transport accessibility thanks to the metro station A - Želivského and several tram and bus connections. In the vicinity there are all civic amenities. Accessibility by car is ensured by easy connection to the inner city ring road. From the building it is also a short walk to the city center, within walking distance of the project are dozens of restaurants, shops and all services. The office space is divisible from approximately 600 sqm. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 12.7 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 15.3 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 137 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1961 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Vinohradská 180

Vinohradská 1632/180 – Prague 3

12,70 - 15,30 EUR
Available areas 137 - 1961 m2

Vinohradská 180 is a six-storey building with a leasable area of 8395 m2. On the ground floor there are commercial premises, on the upper floors offices. The building has 49 parking spaces in front of the building and 25 spaces in underground garages. The building has conference and lecture rooms and other facilities such as shops, restaurants, surgeries, etc. In the basement there is a furnished canteen including gastronomic equipment and a spacious dining room. There are storage rooms, which are accessible directly from the underground garage. Thanks to the complex modular structure of the building, the internal partitioning can be adapted to the tenant's requirements. The premises are illuminated by natural daylight, which is provided by large windows with electric external blinds. The top floor of the building has terraces with magnificent views of the city. Excellent public transport accessibility thanks to the metro station A - Želivského and several tram and bus connections. In the vicinity there are all civic amenities. Accessibility by car is ensured by easy connection to the inner city ring road. From the building it is also a short walk to the city center, within walking distance of the project are dozens of restaurants, shops and all services. The office space is divisible from approximately 600 sqm.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Crystal [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Crystal [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Crystal je jedinečná čtrnácti podlažní výšková budova o pronajímatelné ploše 15 000 m2, která se nachází v blízkosti frekventované křižovatky ulic Vinohradská a J. Želivského. Už na první pohled budova upoutá svým vzhledem, který připomíná malý a velký krystal. Specifická je ale také fasáda budovy připomínající šachovnici. Crystal svou výškou perfektně zapadá mezi další dvě sousedící budovy a vizuálně tak dotváří ráz přilehlého náměstí. Budova se nachází v blízkosti zastávky tramvaje a metra A - Želivského a je tak skvěle dostupná MHD. Díky strategické poloze umožňuje snadnou dostupnost do centra metropole, stejně tak jako napojení na vnitřní městský okruh, ul. 5. května a Letiště Václava Havla. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Crystal is a unique fourteen-storey high-rise building with a leasable area of 15,000 m2, located near the busy intersection of Vinohradská and J. Želivského Streets. At first glance, the building catches the eye with its appearance, which resembles a small and large crystal. However, the facade of the building is also specific, resembling a chessboard. With its height, the crystal fits perfectly between two other neighbouring buildings and visually completes the character of the adjacent square. The building is located close to the tram and metro stop A - Želivského and is thus perfectly accessible by public transport. Thanks to its strategic location, it provides easy access to the centre of the metropolis, as well as connections to the inner city ring road, 5. května Street and Václav Havel Airport. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 14 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 14 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 446 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 446 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Vinohradská 2577/178 – Prague 3

14 EUR
Available areas 446 m2

Crystal is a unique fourteen-storey high-rise building with a leasable area of 15,000 m2, located near the busy intersection of Vinohradská and J. Želivského Streets. At first glance, the building catches the eye with its appearance, which resembles a small and large crystal. However, the facade of the building is also specific, resembling a chessboard. With its height, the crystal fits perfectly between two other neighbouring buildings and visually completes the character of the adjacent square. The building is located close to the tram and metro stop A - Želivského and is thus perfectly accessible by public transport. Thanks to its strategic location, it provides easy access to the centre of the metropolis, as well as connections to the inner city ring road, 5. května Street and Václav Havel Airport.

6 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Vinohradská Business Center [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Moderní administrativní budova Vinohradská business centrum nabízí kancelářské prostory vysokého standardu na celkové ploše 7 400m2. Přístup do jednotlivých pater umožňují dva samostatné vchody. Venkovní a podzemní parkoviště poskytují dostatek parkovacích stání. Budova umožňuje variabilní řešení kanceláří jak v rámci koncepce otevřeného prostoru, tak možnost dělení. Plocha celého patra je 900 m2, obvyklá velikost jednotky cca 300 m2 a kanceláře lze rozdělit na jednotky od cca 100 m2. Vinohradská business centrum se nachází ve snadno dostupné lokalitě Prahy 3. Stanice metra Flora a Želivského jsou vzdáleny jen pár minut chůze, zastávka tramvaje se nachází přímo u budovy. Dostupnost automobilem přímo z Vinohradské ulice. Okolí poskytuje kompletní občanskou vybavenost, restaurace, hotely, zdravotnická a sportovní zařízení, kino i nákupní centrum Atrium Flora. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The modern office building Vinohradská business centre offers high standard office space on a total area of 7,400m2. Access to each floor is provided by two separate entrances. Outdoor and underground car parks provide ample parking spaces. The building allows for a variable office layout both within the open space concept and the possibility of subdivision. The area of the entire floor is 900 m2, the usual unit size is approx. 300 m2 and the offices can be divided into units from approx. 100 m2. Vinohradská business centre is located in an easily accessible location of Prague 3. The Flora and Želivského metro stations are just a few minutes walk away, and the tram stop is right next to the building. Accessibility by car directly from Vinohradská street. The surrounding area provides complete civic amenities, restaurants, hotels, medical and sports facilities, cinema and shopping center Atrium Flora. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 12.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 12.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 264 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2889 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Vinohradská Business Center

Vinohradská 1597/174 – Prague 3

12,50 EUR
Available areas 264 - 2889 m2

The modern office building Vinohradská business centre offers high standard office space on a total area of 7,400m2. Access to each floor is provided by two separate entrances. Outdoor and underground car parks provide ample parking spaces. The building allows for a variable office layout both within the open space concept and the possibility of subdivision. The area of the entire floor is 900 m2, the usual unit size is approx. 300 m2 and the offices can be divided into units from approx. 100 m2. Vinohradská business centre is located in an easily accessible location of Prague 3. The Flora and Želivského metro stations are just a few minutes walk away, and the tram stop is right next to the building. Accessibility by car directly from Vinohradská street. The surrounding area provides complete civic amenities, restaurants, hotels, medical and sports facilities, cinema and shopping center Atrium Flora.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Koněvova 99 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Konevova 99 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní budova Koněvova 99 se nachází na Žižkově v ulici Hartigova, v těsné blízkosti vrchu Vítkov. Budova disponuje 2 podzemními podlažími s 55 parkovacími stáními a skladovými prostory. Nadzemní podlaží disponují terasami a balkóny s výhledem do okolí. V budově je recepce a ostraha 24/7. Lokalita je výborně dostupná MHD díky tramvajové stanici Ohradní a přilehlé stanici autobusu. Stanice metra A - Želivského je vzdálena 3 stanice tramvají. Okolí budovy nabízí dobrou občanskou vybavenost včetně restaurací a zelených parků. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Koněvova 99 administrative building is located in Žižkov on Hartigova Street, in close proximity to Vítkov Hill. The building has 2 underground floors with 55 parking spaces and storage spaces. The above-ground floors have terraces and balconies with views of the surroundings. The building has a reception and 24/7 security. The location is easily accessible by public transport thanks to the Ohradní tram station and the adjacent bus station. The A - Želivského metro station is 3 tram stops away. The building's surroundings offer good civic amenities, including restaurants and green parks. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 12 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 16.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 550 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 550 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Koněvova 99

Hartigova 2747/99 – Prague 3

12 - 16,50 EUR
Available areas 550 m2

The Koněvova 99 administrative building is located in Žižkov on Hartigova Street, in close proximity to Vítkov Hill. The building has 2 underground floors with 55 parking spaces and storage spaces. The above-ground floors have terraces and balconies with views of the surroundings. The building has a reception and 24/7 security. The location is easily accessible by public transport thanks to the Ohradní tram station and the adjacent bus station. The A - Želivského metro station is 3 tram stops away. The building's surroundings offer good civic amenities, including restaurants and green parks.

2 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Luxembourg Plaza [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Luxembourg Plaza je jedinečný multifunkční projekt nabízející moderní a vysoce kvalitní kanceláře, obchodní prostory, mezinárodní hotel i podzemní parkování, a to vše v jedné z nejlukrativnějších lokalit v Praze, na rozmezí Vinohrad a Žižkova. Budova splňuje všechny požadavky i těch nejnáročnějších nájemců. Uvnitř budovy se nachází jedno z největších otevřených atrií v Praze. Luxembourg Plaza je situována na Praze 3 v ulici Přemyslovská, přímo na trase metra linky A – Flora. V bezprostřední blízkosti se nacházejí také zastávky několika tramvají a autobusů a nákupní centrum Palác Flora. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Luxembourg Plaza is a unique multifunctional project offering modern and high quality offices, commercial space, an international hotel and underground parking, all in one of the most lucrative locations in Prague, between Vinohrady and Žižkov. The building meets all the requirements of even the most demanding tenants. Inside the building is one of the largest open atriums in Prague. Luxembourg Plaza is located in Prague 3 on Přemyslovská Street, directly on the metro line A - Flora. There are also several tram and bus stops and the Palác Flora shopping centre in the immediate vicinity. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 16 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 420 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1254 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Luxembourg Plaza

Přemyslovská 2845/43 – Prague 3

15 - 16 EUR
Available areas 420 - 1254 m2

Luxembourg Plaza is a unique multifunctional project offering modern and high quality offices, commercial space, an international hotel and underground parking, all in one of the most lucrative locations in Prague, between Vinohrady and Žižkov. The building meets all the requirements of even the most demanding tenants. Inside the building is one of the largest open atriums in Prague. Luxembourg Plaza is located in Prague 3 on Přemyslovská Street, directly on the metro line A - Flora. There are also several tram and bus stops and the Palác Flora shopping centre in the immediate vicinity.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Atrium Flora [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Flora Atrium [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Atrium Flora se nachází na křižovatce ulic Jíčínská a Vinohradská na Praze 3. Budova umožňuje plynulé napojení autem na hlavní dopravní tepny. Z garáží se lze snadno dostat do centra, na letiště, či do dalších částí města. Snadné cestování MHD umožňuje několik linek tramvají a přímý vstup do metra na linku A - Flóra ze suterénu budovy. Atrium Flora je bezesporu dominantou této městské části. Budova propojuje kancelářské prostory s obchodní pasáží. Tři vzájemně propojené budovy tvoří kancelářskou část o celkové výměře 18.000 m2. Parking pro nájemce je možný v podzemních garážích. Pro návštěvníky a obchodní partnery je možné využít parking obchodního centra. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Atrium Flora is located at the intersection of Jíčínská and Vinohradská Streets in Prague 3. The building provides a smooth connection by car to the main traffic arteries. From the garage you can easily get to the city centre, the airport or other parts of the city. Several tram lines and direct access to the metro line A - Flóra from the basement of the building allow easy travel by public transport. Atrium Flora is undoubtedly the dominant feature of this part of the city. The building connects office space with a commercial arcade. Three interconnected buildings form an office area with a total area of 18,000 m2. Parking for tenants is possible in the underground garages. Visitors and business partners can use the parking of the business centre. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 12 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 12 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 500 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 4053 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Atrium Flora

Vinohradská 2828/151 – Prague 3

12 EUR
Available areas 500 - 4053 m2

Atrium Flora is located at the intersection of Jíčínská and Vinohradská Streets in Prague 3. The building provides a smooth connection by car to the main traffic arteries. From the garage you can easily get to the city centre, the airport or other parts of the city. Several tram lines and direct access to the metro line A - Flóra from the basement of the building allow easy travel by public transport. Atrium Flora is undoubtedly the dominant feature of this part of the city. The building connects office space with a commercial arcade. Three interconnected buildings form an office area with a total area of 18,000 m2. Parking for tenants is possible in the underground garages. Visitors and business partners can use the parking of the business centre.