Tančící dům
Jiráskovo náměstí 1981/6 – Prague 2
The Dancing House, otherwise known as Ginger and Fred, originally the Nationale Nederlanden Building, completed in 1996, stands on the right bank of the Vltava River at the corner of Rašín Embankment and Jirásek Square in Prague. It is named after the shape of its two corner towers, inspired by the famous interwar dancing couple Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The dancing house was designed by Vlado Milunić together with Frank O. Gehry, who was invited to the project by the investor. The interiors of the investor's offices were partly entrusted to Eva Jiřičná, a British architect of Czech origin. The Dancing House on the Rašín Embankment combines fine art with modern architecture. The building offers beautiful views of Prague Castle, the Vltava River and on the top floor of the building you can visit the restaurant and bar. The building's attractive location also guarantees efficient transport links to main roads and motorways in all directions (Prague City Ring Road, D1, D5 and D8) and access to public transport such as (metro B Karlovo náměstí) and tram lines (Jirásek Square, Palackého Square and Karlovo náměstí).