Selected buildings

6 offices
2 retail spaces

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Port 7 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Port 7 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Port 7 je unikátní developerský projekt, který v sobě snoubí aktuální trendy v oblasti moderního pracovního prostředí a energetické úspornosti, zasazený v přírodě na břehu řeky Vltavy v Praze - Holešovicích. Díky této poloze budova nabízí skvělou dopravní dostupnost autem, metrem, tramvají, vlakem a na své si přijdou i cyklisté, pro které je tu hned několik páteřních cyklostezek. Okolí nabízí krásné prostředí vhodné pro procházky podél řeky, ale i v novém parku. Port 7 svým nájemcům nabídne plné spektrum služeb: restaurace, kavárny, vinárnu, ale i lékárnu a obchod s potravinami. Návštěvníci budou moci využít také služby fitness a wellness centra, školy a školky. Nájemcům je k dispozici až 35000 m2 kancelářských ploch ve 3 budovách se střešními terasami. Ty poskytují krásné výhledy na Pražský hrad Tróju nebo unikátní Trojský most. Součástí Port 7 je i přístav pro menší lodě. Všechny objekty jsou propojeny podzemním parkovištěm s kapacitou 261 parkovacích míst. Pro cyklisty je k dispozici 100 stojánků na kolo s přístupem ke sprchám. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Port 7 is a unique development project that combines current trends in modern working environment and energy efficiency, set in the countryside on the banks of the Vltava River in Prague - Holešovice. Thanks to this location, the building offers excellent transport accessibility by car, metro, tram, train and cyclists will also enjoy the building, for whom there are several backbone cycle paths. The surrounding area offers a beautiful setting suitable for walks along the river, but also in the new park. Port 7 offers its tenants a full range of services: restaurants, cafes, wine bar, as well as a pharmacy and grocery store. Visitors will also be able to use the services of a fitness and wellness centre, a school and a kindergarten. Up to 35,000 sqm of office space is available to tenants in 3 buildings with roof terraces. These provide beautiful views of Prague's Troja Castle or the unique Troja Bridge. Port 7 also includes a marina for smaller ships. All buildings are connected by an underground car park with a capacity of 261 parking spaces. For cyclists there are 100 bike racks with access to showers. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 16.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 17 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 230 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 6814 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Port 7

Partyzánská – Prague 7

16,50 - 17 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 230 - 6814 m2

Port 7 is a unique development project that combines current trends in modern working environment and energy efficiency, set in the countryside on the banks of the Vltava River in Prague - Holešovice. Thanks to this location, the building offers excellent transport accessibility by car, metro, tram, train and cyclists will also enjoy the building, for whom there are several backbone cycle paths. The surrounding area offers a beautiful setting suitable for walks along the river, but also in the new park. Port 7 offers its tenants a full range of services: restaurants, cafes, wine bar, as well as a pharmacy and grocery store. Visitors will also be able to use the services of a fitness and wellness centre, a school and a kindergarten. Up to 35,000 sqm of office space is available to tenants in 3 buildings with roof terraces. These provide beautiful views of Prague's Troja Castle or the unique Troja Bridge. Port 7 also includes a marina for smaller ships. All buildings are connected by an underground car park with a capacity of 261 parking spaces. For cyclists there are 100 bike racks with access to showers.

3 retail spaces

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Bastion [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Bastion [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Bastion Florenc je první budovou společnosti ČSAD Praha holding, která vznikla v rámci revitalizace území Florence. Nabízí dvě patra obchodních prostor, čtyři patra prvotřídních kanceláří a perfektní dostupnost v rámci Prahy i okolní metropolitní oblasti. Projekt nabízí až 4.310 m2 komerčních prostor na 6 podlažích, z čehož 3.378 m2 činí kancelářské prostory. Standardní kancelářské podlaží nabízí 846 m2 a lze jej dělit na 2 jednotky o velikosti 420 m2. Budova díky své dvojité prosklené fasádě a antivibračním ložiskům zaručuje veškerý komfort a příjemné prostředí pro práci. V blízkém okolí se nachází velký počet skvělých restaurací a kaváren. Celá budova je maximálně hospodárná, disponuje tepelnými čerpadly, moderními technologiemi a průkazem energetické náročnosti třídy typu A. V podzemních garážích se nachází 24 parkovacích míst. Vchod do budovy se nachází přímo u výstupu ze stanice metra B a C - Florenc. Před budovou je konečná zastávka 8 autobusových spojů, v blízkosti je tramvajová zastávka, kudy projíždí 12 tramvajových linek. Ústřední autobusové nádraží Florenc je 50 metrů od budovy a přijíždějí sem autobusové spoje z České republiky i zahraničí. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Bastion Florenc is the first building of the ČSAD Praha holding company, which was built as part of the revitalisation of the Florence area. It offers two floors of retail space, four floors of first-class offices and perfect accessibility within Prague and the surrounding metropolitan area. The project offers up to 4,310 sqm of commercial space on 6 floors, of which 3,378 sqm is office space. The standard office floor offers 846 m2 and can be divided into 2 units of 420 m2. The building, thanks to its double glazed facade and anti-vibration bearings, guarantees every comfort and a pleasant working environment. There are a large number of great restaurants and cafes in the vicinity. The entire building is as economical as possible, with heat pumps, modern technology and a Class A energy performance certificate. There are 24 parking spaces in the underground garage. The entrance to the building is located directly at the exit of the metro station B and C - Florenc. In front of the building is the final stop of 8 bus lines, nearby is a tram stop where 12 tram lines pass. The central bus station Florenc is 50 metres from the building and buses from the Czech Republic and abroad arrive here. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 25 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 35 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 247 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 3266 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Křižíkova – Prague 8

25 - 35 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 247 - 3266 m2

Bastion Florenc is the first building of the ČSAD Praha holding company, which was built as part of the revitalisation of the Florence area. It offers two floors of retail space, four floors of first-class offices and perfect accessibility within Prague and the surrounding metropolitan area. The project offers up to 4,310 sqm of commercial space on 6 floors, of which 3,378 sqm is office space. The standard office floor offers 846 m2 and can be divided into 2 units of 420 m2. The building, thanks to its double glazed facade and anti-vibration bearings, guarantees every comfort and a pleasant working environment. There are a large number of great restaurants and cafes in the vicinity. The entire building is as economical as possible, with heat pumps, modern technology and a Class A energy performance certificate. There are 24 parking spaces in the underground garage. The entrance to the building is located directly at the exit of the metro station B and C - Florenc. In front of the building is the final stop of 8 bus lines, nearby is a tram stop where 12 tram lines pass. The central bus station Florenc is 50 metres from the building and buses from the Czech Republic and abroad arrive here.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => THE GREENLINE [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => THE GREENLINE [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Objekt Greenline je moderní administrativní budova oceněná mezinárodní certifikací LEED na úrovni Gold. Budova nabízí dvě sdílené terasy v posledních patrech, sdílené zasedací místnosti, kolárnu se šatnami a sprchami, parking pro hosty, dobíjení elektro aut a centrální recepci. Dále Greenline disponuje částečně otevíratelnými okny, protihlukovou ochranou pláště, vynikajícím přirozeným světlem a unikátním přímým přístupem přímo z D1. Výborná dostupnost autem i městskou hromadnou dopravou – budova se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti stanice metra Kačerov (trasa C). [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Greenline building is a modern office building awarded international LEED Gold certification. The building offers two shared terraces on the top floors, shared meeting rooms, a wheelhouse with changing rooms and showers, guest parking, electric car charging and a central reception. Furthermore, Greenline has partially opening windows, noise protection cladding, excellent natural light and unique direct access directly from D1. Excellent accessibility by car and public transport - the building is located in the immediate vicinity of Kačerov metro station (line C). [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 16.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 16.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 345 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2413 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Jihlavská – Prague 4

16,50 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 345 - 2413 m2

The Greenline building is a modern office building awarded international LEED Gold certification. The building offers two shared terraces on the top floors, shared meeting rooms, a wheelhouse with changing rooms and showers, guest parking, electric car charging and a central reception. Furthermore, Greenline has partially opening windows, noise protection cladding, excellent natural light and unique direct access directly from D1. Excellent accessibility by car and public transport - the building is located in the immediate vicinity of Kačerov metro station (line C).

7 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Danube House [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Danube House [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Danube House prošel kompletní rekonstrukcí technologií, interiéru i exteriéru a je teď ještě zelenější než kdy dřív. Budova se nachází na dosah centra metropole, ale nabízí také tak potřebné spojení s přírodou. Díky přilehlé aleji stromů lemujících břeh Vltavy s cyklostezkou nabízí široké vyžití pro běžce, chodce, cyklisty i další sportovce. V Danube House je nově na každém patře zelení překypující terasa, na střeše budovy se pak nachází velká zelená terasa pro všechny nájemce. Kompletně přepracovaným proskleným atriem vede dvoupatrová zelená pochozí platforma s možností posezení, odpočinku nebo neformální pracovní schůzky mezi stromy a zelení. Danube House šetrně nakládá s vodou, využívá maximum energie z obnovitelných zdrojů a má díky tomu minimální uhlíkovou stopu. I z tohoto důvodu je stále držitelem certifikace LEED Platinum. Nově bylo instalováno chytré LED osvětlení, které má stejné světelné vlastnosti jako sluneční svit. Zajišťuje tak příjemné pracovní prostředí a přispívá k produktivitě práce. Chytrá tepelná čerpadla a stínění udržují v Danube House příjemné klima za všech okolností a s minimální spotřebou energií. Danube House pozná, že je zasedačka po dlouhé schůzi vydýchaná, a automaticky ji vyvětrá. Souběžně automaticky upraví teplotu pomocí radiačních panelů na stropě. Karlín nabízí kompletní občanskou vybavenost s mnoha restauracemi, kavárnami a pekárnami. Budova se nachází na dosah zastávky metra B, C - Florenc, která společně s mnoha tramvajovým a autobusovým spoji zajišťuje výbornou dopravní dostupnost MHD. Cestování automobilem je rovněž snadné díky přímému napojení na vnitřní pražský okruh. V podzemních garážích se nachází 253 parkovacích stání. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Danube House has undergone a complete renovation of technology, interior and exterior and is now greener than ever. The building is located within easy reach of the metropolitan centre, but also offers a much-needed connection to nature. Thanks to the adjacent avenue of trees lining the banks of the Vltava River with a bike path, it offers a wide range of activities for runners, walkers, cyclists and other athletes. The Danube House now has a green terrace on every floor, and a large green terrace on the roof of the building for all tenants. A two-storey green walking platform runs through the completely redesigned glass atrium, offering the opportunity to sit, relax or have an informal business meeting among the trees and greenery. Danube House is water efficient, uses maximum renewable energy and has a minimal carbon footprint as a result. For this reason, it continues to hold LEED Platinum certification. Smart LED lighting has been newly installed, which has the same lighting properties as sunlight. This ensures a pleasant working environment and contributes to work productivity. Smart heat pumps and shading keep Danube House's climate comfortable at all times and with minimal energy consumption. Danube House recognises when a meeting room is stuffy after a long meeting and automatically ventilates it. At the same time, it automatically adjusts the temperature using radiation panels on the ceiling. Karlín offers complete amenities with many restaurants, cafés and bakeries. The building is located within easy reach of the metro stop B, C - Florenc, which together with many tram and bus connections provides excellent public transport accessibility. Travelling by car is also easy thanks to the direct connection to Prague's inner ring road. There are 253 parking spaces in the underground garages. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 23 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 23 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 540 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 12017 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Danube House

Karolinská – Prague 8

23 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 540 - 12017 m2

Danube House has undergone a complete renovation of technology, interior and exterior and is now greener than ever. The building is located within easy reach of the metropolitan centre, but also offers a much-needed connection to nature. Thanks to the adjacent avenue of trees lining the banks of the Vltava River with a bike path, it offers a wide range of activities for runners, walkers, cyclists and other athletes. The Danube House now has a green terrace on every floor, and a large green terrace on the roof of the building for all tenants. A two-storey green walking platform runs through the completely redesigned glass atrium, offering the opportunity to sit, relax or have an informal business meeting among the trees and greenery. Danube House is water efficient, uses maximum renewable energy and has a minimal carbon footprint as a result. For this reason, it continues to hold LEED Platinum certification. Smart LED lighting has been newly installed, which has the same lighting properties as sunlight. This ensures a pleasant working environment and contributes to work productivity. Smart heat pumps and shading keep Danube House's climate comfortable at all times and with minimal energy consumption. Danube House recognises when a meeting room is stuffy after a long meeting and automatically ventilates it. At the same time, it automatically adjusts the temperature using radiation panels on the ceiling. Karlín offers complete amenities with many restaurants, cafés and bakeries. The building is located within easy reach of the metro stop B, C - Florenc, which together with many tram and bus connections provides excellent public transport accessibility. Travelling by car is also easy thanks to the direct connection to Prague's inner ring road. There are 253 parking spaces in the underground garages.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Palác Koruna [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Crown Palace [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Palác Koruna se nachází na prestižní adrese v centru metropole, na tzv. ‘Zlatém kříži’, na rohu Václavského náměstí a ulice Na Příkopě. Poloha budovy je zárukou výborného spojení jak městkou hromadnou dopravou, tak pěšky. Vestibul stanice Metra Můstek (trasa A a B) se nachází přímo v budově, stanice metra trasy C = Muzeum a zastávky tramvají ve Vodičkově ulici nebo Národní třídě jsou vzdáleny několik minut chůze. Svým umístěním nabízí budova nejlepší a nejznámější obchodní adresu v české metropoli - Václavské nám. 1. Budova byla postavena v roce 1914 a patří mezi významné kulturní památky. V roce 1996 byl objekt rekonstruován a dnes splňuje všechny požadavky na moderní kancelářské prostory. Palác Koruna nabízí svým uživatelům mimo jiné i několik restaurací, kaváren a obchodů na svém přízemí. Administrativní část budovy disponuje samostatným vchodem přes representativní recepci s 24-hodinovou ostrahou. Parkování je možné v přilehlých lokalitách. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Koruna Palace is located at a prestigious address in the centre of the metropolis, at the so-called 'Golden Cross', on the corner of Wenceslas Square and Na Příkopě Street. The location of the building guarantees excellent connections both by public transport and on foot. The lobby of the Můstek metro station (lines A and B) is located directly in the building, the metro station of line C = Muzeum and tram stops in Vodičkova Street or Národní třída are a few minutes walk away. Its location offers the best and most famous business address in the Czech capital - Wenceslas Square 1. The building was built in 1914 and is one of the most important cultural monuments. In 1996 the building was renovated and today it meets all the requirements for modern office space. The Koruna Palace offers its users, among other things, several restaurants, cafes and shops on its ground floor. The administrative part of the building has a separate entrance through a representative reception with 24-hour security. Parking is available in adjacent locations. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 350 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 350 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 31 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 83 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Palác Koruna

Václavské náměstí – Prague 1

350 CZK per sqm/month
Available areas 31 - 83 m2

Koruna Palace is located at a prestigious address in the centre of the metropolis, at the so-called 'Golden Cross', on the corner of Wenceslas Square and Na Příkopě Street. The location of the building guarantees excellent connections both by public transport and on foot. The lobby of the Můstek metro station (lines A and B) is located directly in the building, the metro station of line C = Muzeum and tram stops in Vodičkova Street or Národní třída are a few minutes walk away. Its location offers the best and most famous business address in the Czech capital - Wenceslas Square 1. The building was built in 1914 and is one of the most important cultural monuments. In 1996 the building was renovated and today it meets all the requirements for modern office space. The Koruna Palace offers its users, among other things, several restaurants, cafes and shops on its ground floor. The administrative part of the building has a separate entrance through a representative reception with 24-hour security. Parking is available in adjacent locations.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => I.P. Pavlova - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => I.P. Pavlova - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum Praha I. P. Pavlova se nachází na zavedené adrese v druhém pražském obvodu, který je oblíbeným působištěm realitních a právnických firem. Náměstí I. P. Pavlova je důležitým dopravním uzlem pro automobilovou přepravu i pro MHD. Stanice metra C se nachází přímo naproti vstupu do budovy, stanice metra A – Náměstí Míru je vzdálena pár minut chůze. V bezprostředním okolí se rovněž nachází zastávky několika tramvajových a autobusových linek. Historická budova business centra je součástí původní zástavby; její interiér byl nedávno renovován na úroveň kategorie A. Díky vynikající poloze budete jen několik kroků od celé řady skvělých restaurací, kaváren i dalších služeb. V docházkové vzdálenosti je také Václavské náměstí. Možnost parkingu. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Prague I. P. Pavlova Business Centre is located at an established address in Prague's second district, which is a popular location for real estate and law firms. I. P. Pavlova Square is an important transport hub for car traffic and public transport. Metro station C is located directly opposite the entrance to the building, metro station A - Náměstí Míru is a few minutes walk away. There are also several tram and bus stops in the immediate vicinity. The historic business centre building is part of the original development; its interior has recently been refurbished to category A level. Thanks to its excellent location, you'll be just steps away from a variety of great restaurants, cafes and other services. Wenceslas Square is also within walking distance. Parking is available. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 9530 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 51890 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 2 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 50 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 295 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
I.P. Pavlova - Equipped offices

náměstí I. P. Pavlova – Prague 2

9 530 - 51 890 CZK per month
Available areas 50 - 295 m2

The Prague I. P. Pavlova Business Centre is located at an established address in Prague's second district, which is a popular location for real estate and law firms. I. P. Pavlova Square is an important transport hub for car traffic and public transport. Metro station C is located directly opposite the entrance to the building, metro station A - Náměstí Míru is a few minutes walk away. There are also several tram and bus stops in the immediate vicinity. The historic business centre building is part of the original development; its interior has recently been refurbished to category A level. Thanks to its excellent location, you'll be just steps away from a variety of great restaurants, cafes and other services. Wenceslas Square is also within walking distance. Parking is available.

6 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Rohan City A1 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Rohan City A1 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Kancelářská budova Rohan City A1 se nachází v dynamicky se rozvíjející lokalitě v Praze 8 Karlíně a na první pohled vyniká úžasným vzhledem. Budovu o 8 nadzemních a 1 podzemním podlaží navrhla světově proslulá architektka Eva Jiřičná. Kromě atraktivního designu bylo dbáno na efektivní a flexibilní využití prostor a ekonomický provoz. Jako bonus pro nájemce vznikla velkoryse pojatá sdílená terasa s krásným výhledem na město. Budova se nachází na Rohanském nábřeží, přímo naproti Kaizlovým sadům v bezprostřední blízkosti stanice tramvaje a metra B - Invalidovna. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Rohan City A1 office building is located in a dynamically developing location in Prague 8 Karlín and at first glance stands out with its stunning appearance. The building with 8 above-ground and 1 underground floor was designed by world famous architect Eva Jiřičná. In addition to attractive design, care was taken to ensure efficient and flexible use of space and economical operation. As a bonus for the tenants, a generous shared terrace with a beautiful view of the city was created. The building is located on Rohanské nábřeží, directly opposite the Kaizl orchards in the immediate vicinity of the tram and metro station B - Invalidovna. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17.2 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 17.2 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 400 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 5369 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Rohan City A1

Rohanské nábřeží – Prague 8

17,20 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 400 - 5369 m2

The Rohan City A1 office building is located in a dynamically developing location in Prague 8 Karlín and at first glance stands out with its stunning appearance. The building with 8 above-ground and 1 underground floor was designed by world famous architect Eva Jiřičná. In addition to attractive design, care was taken to ensure efficient and flexible use of space and economical operation. As a bonus for the tenants, a generous shared terrace with a beautiful view of the city was created. The building is located on Rohanské nábřeží, directly opposite the Kaizl orchards in the immediate vicinity of the tram and metro station B - Invalidovna.

2 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => May House [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní projekt MAYHOUSE ve vyhledávané lokalitě Pankrác nabízí v 6 nadzemních patrech celkem 7 800 m2 moderních kanceláří, zázemí pro maloobchod a 69 parkovacích míst. Poloha u magistrály, snadná dostupnost a skvělá viditelnost budovy poskytují reprezentativní prostor malým i velkým firmám. Díky své poloze na nejfrekventovanější ulici (5. května 1746/22) v České republice umožňuje budova maximální viditelnost Vašeho loga umístěného na objektu. Příjemné pracovní prostředí zajistí vhodné členění ploch, vysoký přísun denního světla i střešní terasa pro chvíle odpočinku. Pro nájemce je k dispozici fitness centrum i kolárna se zázemím pro cyklisty. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The MAYHOUSE office project in the sought-after location of Pankrác offers a total of 7,800 sqm of modern offices, retail facilities and 69 parking spaces on 6 floors. The building's location on the main thoroughfare, easy accessibility and excellent visibility provide a representative space for small and large companies. Thanks to its location on the busiest street (5. května 1746/22) in the Czech Republic, the building allows maximum visibility of your logo placed on the building. A pleasant working environment is ensured by a suitable zoning of the areas, a high supply of daylight and a roof terrace for moments of relaxation. A fitness centre and a bike room with facilities for cyclists are available for tenants. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 14.9 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 14.9 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 523 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2144 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
May House

5. května – Prague 4

14,90 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 523 - 2144 m2

The MAYHOUSE office project in the sought-after location of Pankrác offers a total of 7,800 sqm of modern offices, retail facilities and 69 parking spaces on 6 floors. The building's location on the main thoroughfare, easy accessibility and excellent visibility provide a representative space for small and large companies. Thanks to its location on the busiest street (5. května 1746/22) in the Czech Republic, the building allows maximum visibility of your logo placed on the building. A pleasant working environment is ensured by a suitable zoning of the areas, a high supply of daylight and a roof terrace for moments of relaxation. A fitness centre and a bike room with facilities for cyclists are available for tenants.

5 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Zlatý Anděl - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Golden Angel - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum Zlatý Anděl se nachází na levém břehu Vltavy v revitalizované části Smíchova s ultramoderními kancelářemi, nákupními středisky, kiny, gastronomickými a dalšími službami. Centrum nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami nebo plně vybavené kuchyňky. Tato pozoruhodná moderní kancelářská budova navržená francouzským architektem Jeanem Nouvelem má vynikající dostupnost MHD. Je umístěna přímo nad stanicí metra Anděl, místo je zároveň důležitým uzlem několika páteřních tramvajových linek. Bezkonkurenční je i konektivita na Jižní spojku a související pražské výpadovky včetně snadné a rychlé dostupnosti mezinárodního letiště v Ruzyni. V současné době se tato část Prahy stává oblíbeným sídlem poradenských firem, významných bank a subjektů z finančního sektoru, ale také důležitých českých i zahraničních mediálních domů. Kancelářské prostory od 5790 Kč za osobu za měsíc. Pro aktuální nabídku nás kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Zlatý Anděl business centre is located on the left bank of the Vltava River in a revitalised part of Smíchov with ultramodern offices, shopping centres, cinemas, gastronomy and other services. The centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or fully equipped kitchens. This striking modern office building designed by French architect Jean Nouvel has excellent public transport accessibility. Located directly above the Andel metro station, the site is also an important hub for several tram backbone lines. The connectivity to the Jižní spojka and related Prague's exit routes, including easy and fast access to Ruzyně International Airport, is also unbeatable. Currently, this part of Prague is becoming a popular location for consulting firms, major banks and financial sector entities, as well as important Czech and foreign media houses. Office space from 5790 CZK per person per month. Contact us for current offer. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 5790 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 52310 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 2 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 30 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 325 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Zlatý Anděl - Equipped offices

Nádražní – Prague 5

5 790 - 52 310 CZK per month
Available areas 30 - 325 m2

The Zlatý Anděl business centre is located on the left bank of the Vltava River in a revitalised part of Smíchov with ultramodern offices, shopping centres, cinemas, gastronomy and other services. The centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or fully equipped kitchens. This striking modern office building designed by French architect Jean Nouvel has excellent public transport accessibility. Located directly above the Andel metro station, the site is also an important hub for several tram backbone lines. The connectivity to the Jižní spojka and related Prague's exit routes, including easy and fast access to Ruzyně International Airport, is also unbeatable. Currently, this part of Prague is becoming a popular location for consulting firms, major banks and financial sector entities, as well as important Czech and foreign media houses. Office space from 5790 CZK per person per month. Contact us for current offer.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Hadovka Office Park [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Hadovka Office Park je moderní kancelářská budova třídy A/B s celkovou pronajímatelnou plochou 24 900 m². Budova se nachází v renomované lokalitě uprostřed rezidenční čtvrti městské části Prahy 6. Hadovka je umístěná přímo na ulici Evropská, v těsné blízkosti tramvajových zastávek a 5 minut chůze od stanice metra Dejvická, což zaručuje výborné spojení do centra města i na pražské letiště Václava Havla. Budova disponuje velmi dobrým poměrem parkovacích míst k pronajímatelné ploše, nabízí kvalitní zázemí a široký rozsah služeb. Nájemníci mají k dispozici restauraci, kavárnu, nově vybavené fitness centrum, taneční studio a společnou terasu pro relaxaci. Hadovka byla ohodnocena ratingem BREEAM Very Good. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Hadovka Office Park is a modern A/B class office building with a total leasable area of 24,900 m². The building is located in a renowned location in the middle of a residential area of Prague 6. Hadovka is located directly on Evropská Street, in close proximity to tram stops and a 5-minute walk from Dejvická metro station, which guarantees excellent connections to the city centre and Prague Václav Havel Airport. The building has a very good ratio of parking spaces to rentable area, offers quality facilities and a wide range of services. Tenants have at their disposal a restaurant, a café, a newly equipped fitness centre, a dance studio and a common terrace for relaxation. The serpentine building has been rated BREEAM Very Good. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 15.25 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 15.25 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 129 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2051 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Hadovka Office Park

Evropská – Prague 6

15,25 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 129 - 2051 m2

Hadovka Office Park is a modern A/B class office building with a total leasable area of 24,900 m². The building is located in a renowned location in the middle of a residential area of Prague 6. Hadovka is located directly on Evropská Street, in close proximity to tram stops and a 5-minute walk from Dejvická metro station, which guarantees excellent connections to the city centre and Prague Václav Havel Airport. The building has a very good ratio of parking spaces to rentable area, offers quality facilities and a wide range of services. Tenants have at their disposal a restaurant, a café, a newly equipped fitness centre, a dance studio and a common terrace for relaxation. The serpentine building has been rated BREEAM Very Good.

7 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => City Tower [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova City Tower nabízí exkluzivní kancelářské prostory s nezaměnitelným výhledem na Prahu. Moderní dominanta pražské Pankráce byla navržená architektem Richarem Meierem a splňuje ty nejvyšší technické a designové standardy. Budova na 27 nadzemních a 3 podzemních podlažích nabízí až 49000 m2 kancelářských ploch a 800 parkovacích stání v podzemních garážích. City Tower nabízí skvělou dopravní dostupnost MHD, v blízkosti jsou zastávky autobusu, tramvaje a metra C - Pankrác. Snadná dopravní dostupnost automobilem je zajištěna severojižní magistrálou a pražským okruhem. Okolí budovy disponuje plnou občanskou vybaveností vč. hotelů, obchodního centra Arkády pankrác, mnoha restaurací a kaváren. V budově jsou k dispozici konferenční prostory, kavárna, kantýna, i michelinská restaurace s výhledem na panorama Prahy. Budova City Tower získala prestižní certifikát BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => City Tower offers exclusive office space with an unmistakable view of Prague. The modern landmark in Prague's Pankrác district was designed by architect Richard Meier and meets the highest technical and design standards. The building offers up to 49,000 m2 of office space on 27 above-ground and 3 underground floors and 800 parking spaces in underground garages. City Tower offers excellent public transport accessibility, with bus, tram and metro stops C - Pankrác nearby. Easy accessibility by car is provided by the North-South motorway and the Prague ring road. The surrounding area has full civic amenities, including hotels, the Arkády Pankrác shopping centre, many restaurants and cafes. The building offers conference facilities, a café, a canteen, and a Michelin restaurant with a view of the Prague skyline. The City Tower has been awarded the prestigious BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certificate. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 15.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 30 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => Servisní poplatky 130 Kč/m2/měsíc + DPH [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 98 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 5698 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
City Tower

Hvězdova – Prague 4

15,50 - 30 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 98 - 5698 m2

City Tower offers exclusive office space with an unmistakable view of Prague. The modern landmark in Prague's Pankrác district was designed by architect Richard Meier and meets the highest technical and design standards. The building offers up to 49,000 m2 of office space on 27 above-ground and 3 underground floors and 800 parking spaces in underground garages. City Tower offers excellent public transport accessibility, with bus, tram and metro stops C - Pankrác nearby. Easy accessibility by car is provided by the North-South motorway and the Prague ring road. The surrounding area has full civic amenities, including hotels, the Arkády Pankrác shopping centre, many restaurants and cafes. The building offers conference facilities, a café, a canteen, and a Michelin restaurant with a view of the Prague skyline. The City Tower has been awarded the prestigious BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certificate.

2 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Harfa Office Park [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Harp Office Park [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní budova Harfa Office Park je součástí obchodního a administrativního komplexu Galerie Harfa. Tento komplex se nachází v ulici Českomoravská hned vedle známé O2 Arény a stanice metra Českomoravská. Budova vyniká výhledem na centrum Prahy, parkovací kapacitou a výbornou dostupností městskou hromadnou dopravou. Harfa Office Park je oblíbeným pracovním místem, neboť vedlejší nákupní centrum Galerie Harfa nabízí svým zaměstnancům široké spektrum služeb (160 nejrůznějších obchodů). V roce 2016 získala budova v rámci celého obchodního a administrativního centra Galerie Harfa prestižní ocenění LEED Gold. Budova na 12ti podlažích nabízí 20.500m2 kancelářských ploch. Mezi nájemce administrativní budovy patří například ING, LG, Český svaz ledního hokeje, CCC Boty, myQ a další. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Harfa Office Park office building is part of the Galerie Harfa commercial and administrative complex. This complex is located in Českomoravská Street, next to the famous O2 Arena and Českomoravská metro station. The building has an excellent view of the centre of Prague, parking capacity and excellent accessibility by public transport. Harfa Office Park is a popular place to work, as the adjacent shopping centre Galerie Harfa offers its employees a wide range of services (160 different shops). In 2016, the building was awarded the prestigious LEED Gold rating for the entire Galerie Harfa retail and office centre. The 12-storey building offers 20,500m2 of office space. Tenants of the office building include ING, LG, Czech Ice Hockey Association, CCC Shoes, myQ and others. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 14.95 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 16.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_unit] => Array ( [name] => Jednotka [value] => za m2/měsíc [type] => selectbox [id] => 589 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 4 ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 324 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1269 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Harfa Office Park

Českomoravská – Prague 9

14,95 - 16,50 EUR per sqm/month
Available areas 324 - 1269 m2

The Harfa Office Park office building is part of the Galerie Harfa commercial and administrative complex. This complex is located in Českomoravská Street, next to the famous O2 Arena and Českomoravská metro station. The building has an excellent view of the centre of Prague, parking capacity and excellent accessibility by public transport. Harfa Office Park is a popular place to work, as the adjacent shopping centre Galerie Harfa offers its employees a wide range of services (160 different shops). In 2016, the building was awarded the prestigious LEED Gold rating for the entire Galerie Harfa retail and office centre. The 12-storey building offers 20,500m2 of office space. Tenants of the office building include ING, LG, Czech Ice Hockey Association, CCC Shoes, myQ and others.