Selected buildings

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Bredovský dvůr
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Bredov Court
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Administrativní komplex Bredovský Dvůr nabízí téměř 12.000 m2 kvalitních kancelářských prostor třídy A. Hlavní částí projektu je novostavba umístěná mezi dvě rekonstruované historické budovy. V přízemí je restaurace a klidné relaxační atrium. Dispozice jednotlivých pater umožňuje využít prostor jak pro otevřené tak i dělené kanceláře. Komplex poskytuje 24/7 recepci, garážové stání, kolárnu, Rohlík boxy, restauraci, opravnu výpočetní techniky apod.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Bredovský Dvůr office complex offers almost 12,000 m2 of quality class A office space. The main part of the project is a new building located between two reconstructed historical buildings. On the ground floor there is a restaurant and a quiet relaxing atrium. The layout of the individual floors allows the space to be used for both open and divided offices. The complex provides 24/7 reception, garage parking, bike room, corner boxes, restaurant, computer repair, etc.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 15.5
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 16.8
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 322
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 1577
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Bredovský dvůr
Olivova – Prague 1
15,50 - 16,80 EURAvailable areas 322 - 1577 m2
The Bredovský Dvůr office complex offers almost 12,000 m2 of quality class A office space. The main part of the project is a new building located between two reconstructed historical buildings. On the ground floor there is a restaurant and a quiet relaxing atrium. The layout of the individual floors allows the space to be used for both open and divided offices. The complex provides 24/7 reception, garage parking, bike room, corner boxes, restaurant, computer repair, etc.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => HAGIBOR 02
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => HAGIBOR 02
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Projekt Hagibor reaguje na aktuální situaci i trendy na trhu kancelářských prostor. Svým nájemcům nabídne flexibilní kancelářské prostory v zeleni s dostatkem prostoru pro relaxaci a skvělou dopravní dostupností. Budovy jsou vybaveny nejmodernějšími technologiemi pro vhodné pracovní prostředí. Celkem 6 kancelářských budov nabídne až 95000 m2 kancelářských ploch budovách a až 11000 m2 pro obchody a služby. Všechny kancelářské budovy jsou soustředěné kolem centrálního pěšího bulváru. Tato městská tepna vede od metra Želivského srdcem Hagiboru a poskytuje kolemjdoucím bezpočet možností, kam si zajít na kávu, nebo na dobré jídlo. Skvělou dopravní dostupnost MHD zajišťuje zastávka metra A Želivského a množství tramvajových a autobusových spojů. Díky dopravnímu uzlu ulic Vinohradská a Jana Želivského jsou budovy snadno dostupné z centra metropole i z periferií.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Hagibor project responds to the current situation and trends in the office space market. It will offer its tenants flexible office space in a green area with plenty of space for relaxation and excellent transport accessibility. The buildings are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies for a suitable working environment. A total of 6 office buildings will offer up to 95,000 sqm of office space in the buildings and up to 11,000 sqm for shops and services. All office buildings are clustered around a central pedestrian boulevard. This urban artery leads from Želivský metro station through the heart of Hagibor and provides passers-by with countless options for a coffee or a good meal. Excellent public transport accessibility is provided by the Želivského A metro stop and numerous tram and bus connections. Thanks to the traffic junction of Vinohradská and Jana Želivského streets, the buildings are easily accessible from the centre of the metropolis as well as from the periphery.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 17.5
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 19.5
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 214
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 17922
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Vinohradská 294/212 – Prague 10
17,50 - 19,50 EURAvailable areas 214 - 17922 m2
The Hagibor project responds to the current situation and trends in the office space market. It will offer its tenants flexible office space in a green area with plenty of space for relaxation and excellent transport accessibility. The buildings are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies for a suitable working environment. A total of 6 office buildings will offer up to 95,000 sqm of office space in the buildings and up to 11,000 sqm for shops and services. All office buildings are clustered around a central pedestrian boulevard. This urban artery leads from Želivský metro station through the heart of Hagibor and provides passers-by with countless options for a coffee or a good meal. Excellent public transport accessibility is provided by the Želivského A metro stop and numerous tram and bus connections. Thanks to the traffic junction of Vinohradská and Jana Želivského streets, the buildings are easily accessible from the centre of the metropolis as well as from the periphery.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Krakovská 7
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Krakovská 7 se nachází v klidné ulici v centru Prahy a nabízí všechny přednosti této městské lokality. V 90. letech prošla budova rekonstrukcí a nyní nabízí pohodlí moderního kancelářského objektu. Modulové členění prostor umožňuje flexibilní využití nájemních ploch, které se pohybují v rozmezí 100 - 600 m². Pro nájemce jsou k dispozici parkovací stání.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Krakovská 7 is located in a quiet street in the centre of Prague and offers all the advantages of this urban location. The building was renovated in the 1990s and now offers the comfort of a modern office building. The modular layout of the space allows for flexible use of the lease areas, which range from 100 - 600 m². Parking spaces are available for tenants.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 300
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => Kč
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Krakovská 7
Krakovská 1392/7 – Prague 1
Krakovská 7 is located in a quiet street in the centre of Prague and offers all the advantages of this urban location. The building was renovated in the 1990s and now offers the comfort of a modern office building. The modular layout of the space allows for flexible use of the lease areas, which range from 100 - 600 m². Parking spaces are available for tenants.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Dětský dům
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Children's House
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Dětský dům je reprezentativní budova ve funkcionalistickém stylu postavena 1927-29, která disponuje centrální recepcí s ostrahou (vstup z ulice Na příkopě) a parkingem v podzemním garážovém systému. Díky svému praktickému umístění přímo v centru města jsou kanceláře skvěle dostupné autem i veřejnou dopravou – v pěším dosahu se nachází stanice metra Můstek (trasa A, B), Muzeum (trasa A, C), tramvajové spoje i vlaková nádraží.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Children's House is a representative building in functionalist style built 1927-29, which has a central reception with security (entrance from Na příkopě Street) and parking in an underground garage system. Thanks to its convenient location right in the city centre, the offices are perfectly accessible by car and public transport - within walking distance of the Můstek metro station (line A, B), the Museum (line A, C), tram connections and train stations.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 16.9
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 16.9
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 240
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 240
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Dětský dům
Na příkopě 583/15 – Prague 1
The Children's House is a representative building in functionalist style built 1927-29, which has a central reception with security (entrance from Na příkopě Street) and parking in an underground garage system. Thanks to its convenient location right in the city centre, the offices are perfectly accessible by car and public transport - within walking distance of the Můstek metro station (line A, B), the Museum (line A, C), tram connections and train stations.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => BLOCK Karlín
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => BLOCK Karlín
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Block Karlín je moderní kancelářská budova, která s nachází v dynamicky se rozvíjející čtvrti Praha 8 - Karlín. Kanceláře jsou flexibilní a poskytují vysokou míru variability. Současná dispozice prostor je ve stavu open plan s možností úpravy dle zadání a potřeb nových nájemců. Každé patro je možné dělit až na 5 samostatných jednotek. Budova má otevíratelná okna s venkovními roletami na jižní a západní fasádě. Pro nájemce je k dispozici až 72 parkovacích stání v podzemních garážích a kolárna se sprchami. Budova je situována mezi ulicemi Rohanské nábřeží, Sokolovská, Urxova. Lokalita je dobře přístupná metrem B ze stanice Křižíkova. V těsné blízkosti se nachází zastávka tramvaje Urxova. V bezprostřední blízkosti budovy je k dispozici veškerá občanská vybavenost, množství kaváren a restaurací, cyklostezka i golfové hřiště.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Block Karlín is a modern office building located in the dynamically developing district of Prague 8 - Karlín. The offices are flexible and provide a high level of variability. The current layout of the space is open plan with the possibility of modification according to the specifications and needs of new tenants. Each floor can be divided into up to 5 separate units. The building has operable windows with external roller shutters on the south and west elevations. Up to 72 parking spaces in the underground garage and a bike room with showers are available for tenants. The building is situated between Rohanské nábřeží, Sokolovská, Urxova streets. The location is easily accessible by metro B from Křižíkova station. In close proximity there is a tram stop Urxova. In the immediate vicinity of the building there are all civic amenities, a number of cafes and restaurants, a bike path and a golf course.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
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[hint] =>
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[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 17.2
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[flags] =>
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[name] => Cena do
[value] => 17.5
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 710
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 2245
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
BLOCK Karlín
Rohanské nábřeží 717/4 – Prague 8
17,20 - 17,50 EURAvailable areas 710 - 2245 m2
Block Karlín is a modern office building located in the dynamically developing district of Prague 8 - Karlín. The offices are flexible and provide a high level of variability. The current layout of the space is open plan with the possibility of modification according to the specifications and needs of new tenants. Each floor can be divided into up to 5 separate units. The building has operable windows with external roller shutters on the south and west elevations. Up to 72 parking spaces in the underground garage and a bike room with showers are available for tenants. The building is situated between Rohanské nábřeží, Sokolovská, Urxova streets. The location is easily accessible by metro B from Křižíkova station. In close proximity there is a tram stop Urxova. In the immediate vicinity of the building there are all civic amenities, a number of cafes and restaurants, a bike path and a golf course.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => River Corner
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => River Corner je situován v atraktivní lokalitě Prahy 5 - Smíchov, která se stala jednou z nejvyhledávanějších komerčních destinací v Praze. Budova se nachází v krátké docházkové vzdálenosti od stanice metra B "Smíchovské nádraží", několika tramvajových a autobusových zastávek, ale taktéž u Smíchovského vlakového a autobusového nádraží. Tato strategická poloha nabízí velmi rychlou dostupnost automobilem nejen do centra, ale i snadné napojení na dálnici D1 a D5. Letiště Václava Havla je vzdáleno cca 20 minut autem. Budova o celkové rozloze 7.620 m2 nabízí moderní kancelářské prostory splňující nejvyšší mezinárodní standardy a poskytuje krásný výhled na řeku a Vyšehrad. Velký důraz byl kladen na flexibilní a efektivní uspořádání prostor dle požadavků nájemce s použitím nejnovějších technologií. Součástí projektu je podzemní parkoviště.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => River Corner is situated in an attractive location in Prague 5 - Smíchov, which has become one of the most sought-after commercial destinations in Prague. The building is located within a short walking distance from the metro station B "Smíchovské nádraží", several tram and bus stops, as well as the Smíchov train and bus station. This strategic location offers very quick access by car not only to the city centre, but also easy connection to the D1 and D5 motorways. Václav Havel Airport is about 20 minutes away by car. The building with a total area of 7,620 m2 offers modern office space meeting the highest international standards and provides a beautiful view of the river and Vyšehrad. Great emphasis has been placed on flexible and efficient arrangement of the space according to the tenant's requirements using the latest technology. The project includes an underground car park.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 17.5
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 18.5
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 274
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 1466
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
River Corner
Moulíkova 2238/1 – Prague 5
17,50 - 18,50 EURAvailable areas 274 - 1466 m2
River Corner is situated in an attractive location in Prague 5 - Smíchov, which has become one of the most sought-after commercial destinations in Prague. The building is located within a short walking distance from the metro station B "Smíchovské nádraží", several tram and bus stops, as well as the Smíchov train and bus station. This strategic location offers very quick access by car not only to the city centre, but also easy connection to the D1 and D5 motorways. Václav Havel Airport is about 20 minutes away by car. The building with a total area of 7,620 m2 offers modern office space meeting the highest international standards and provides a beautiful view of the river and Vyšehrad. Great emphasis has been placed on flexible and efficient arrangement of the space according to the tenant's requirements using the latest technology. The project includes an underground car park.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Palác Schiller
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Schiller Palace
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Palác Shiller je osmi podlažní budova, která nabízí až 3.000m² prvotřídních maloobchodních a kancelářských prostor. Po působivé rekonstrukci, navržené studiem Šafer Hájek architekti, získala nemovitost v roce 1997 ocenění „Interiér roku“. Svým nájemcům tak nyní nabízí poutavý kontrast mezi architekturou 19. století a moderním designem, jehož součástí je velkolepé atrium se šesti galeriemi, prosklenými výtahy a historickým schodištěm.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Shiller Palace is an eight-storey building offering up to 3,000m² of prime retail and office space. After an impressive renovation designed by Šafer Hájek architects, the property won the "Interior of the Year" award in 1997. It now offers its tenants an eye-catching contrast between 19th century architecture and modern design, featuring a spectacular atrium with six galleries, glass elevators and a historic staircase.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 23
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 23
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 49
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 681
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Palác Schiller
Na příkopě 393/11 – Prague 1
23 EURAvailable areas 49 - 681 m2
Shiller Palace is an eight-storey building offering up to 3,000m² of prime retail and office space. After an impressive renovation designed by Šafer Hájek architects, the property won the "Interior of the Year" award in 1997. It now offers its tenants an eye-catching contrast between 19th century architecture and modern design, featuring a spectacular atrium with six galleries, glass elevators and a historic staircase.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Košířská brána
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Košířská Gate
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Projekt Košířská brána nabízí vysoce variabilní prostory, které jsou vhodné pro menší i střední firmy. Budova se nachází na pomezí Smíchova a Košířů. Flexibilně navržené moduly lze využít pro kanceláře ve formě open space, nebo je rozdělit na samostatné místnosti. V přízemí budovy se nacházejí obchodní prostory vhodné pro retail nebo showroom.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Košířská brána project offers highly variable spaces that are suitable for smaller and medium-sized companies. The building is located on the border of Smíchov and Košíře. The flexibly designed modules can be used for offices in the form of open space or divided into separate rooms. On the ground floor there are commercial spaces suitable for retail or showroom.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 17.5
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 17.5
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 255
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 1044
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Obchodní
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 2
Košířská brána
Plzeňská – Prague 5
The Košířská brána project offers highly variable spaces that are suitable for smaller and medium-sized companies. The building is located on the border of Smíchov and Košíře. The flexibly designed modules can be used for offices in the form of open space or divided into separate rooms. On the ground floor there are commercial spaces suitable for retail or showroom.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Na Příkopě 14
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Objekt Na Příkopě 14 se nachází v pěší zóně na rohu pražské prominentní nákupní třídy Na Příkopě a ulice Panská. Kompletní rekonstrukcí a dostavbou bývalého sídla banky vznikly prémiové obchodní plochy a kanceláře třídy A. V osmipodlažní budově je pro nájemníky k dispozici atrium plné zeleně. V nejvyšším patře budovy se nachází terasa s obdivuhodným panoramatickým výhledem na centrum města a Pražský hrad. Nájemci mohou využít až 150 parkovacích stání umístěných v podzemí budovy.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The building Na Příkopě 14 is located in a pedestrian zone on the corner of Prague's prominent shopping street Na Příkopě and Panská Street. The complete reconstruction and extension of the former bank headquarters has created premium retail space and class A offices. The eight-storey building offers an atrium full of greenery for tenants. On the top floor of the building there is a terrace with an admirable panoramic view of the city centre and Prague Castle. Tenants can use up to 150 parking spaces located in the underground of the building.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 0
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 0
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 578
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 578
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Na Příkopě 14
Na příkopě 854/14 – Prague 1
The building Na Příkopě 14 is located in a pedestrian zone on the corner of Prague's prominent shopping street Na Příkopě and Panská Street. The complete reconstruction and extension of the former bank headquarters has created premium retail space and class A offices. The eight-storey building offers an atrium full of greenery for tenants. On the top floor of the building there is a terrace with an admirable panoramic view of the city centre and Prague Castle. Tenants can use up to 150 parking spaces located in the underground of the building.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => T-Mobile Roztyly
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Budova Tomíčkova 1 je dlouhodobou centrálou společnosti T-Mobile a nabízí kancelářské prostory umožňující vytvoření flexibilní dispozice pro rozličné typy firem a pracovních týmů. Pro nájemce je k dispozici kantýna, bistro či kavárna Costa Coffee a rovněž lze využít stojany na kola a sprchy v suterénu budovy. Budova se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti stanice metra C - Roztyly.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Tomíčkova 1 building is the long-standing headquarters of T-Mobile and offers office space allowing for a flexible layout for different types of companies and work teams. Tenants can use the cafeteria, bistro or Costa Coffee, as well as bike racks and showers in the basement of the building. The building is located in the immediate vicinity of metro station C - Roztyly.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 11
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 11
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 295
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 1395
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
T-Mobile Roztyly
Tomíčkova 2144/1 – Prague 11
11 EURAvailable areas 295 - 1395 m2
The Tomíčkova 1 building is the long-standing headquarters of T-Mobile and offers office space allowing for a flexible layout for different types of companies and work teams. Tenants can use the cafeteria, bistro or Costa Coffee, as well as bike racks and showers in the basement of the building. The building is located in the immediate vicinity of metro station C - Roztyly.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => A7 Office Center
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => A7 Office Center je moderní administrativní a obchodní komplex situovaný v pražské lokalitě Holešovice. Areál nabízí kancelářské i komerční prostory ve 4 objektech na ploše 15.150 m² a 197 komfortních garážových stání pro potřeby nájemců. Dominantou celého areálu je zrekonstruovaná budova bývalého Holešovického pivovaru, známého jako První měšťanský pivovar, která spolu se zrekonstruovanou bývalou správní budovou pivovaru a 2 novými objekty tvoří architektonicky výjimečný komplex spojující moderní administrativní a obchodní prostory s nosnými prvky konce 19. století. Budova nabízí skvělou dopravní dostupnost automobilem i MHD. V blízkosti se nacházejí zastávky tramvaje U Průhonu a Maniny, metra C - Vltavská, Holešovice a metra B - Palmovka. Skvělou dostupnost automobilem zaručuje snadné napojení na Magistrálu a Městský okruh. Pro návštěvníky areálu je vyčleněno 48 venkovních parkovacích míst.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => A7 Office Center is a modern office and business complex located in Prague's Holešovice district. The complex offers office and commercial space in 4 buildings on an area of 15,150 m² and 197 comfortable garage spaces for the needs of tenants. The dominant feature of the entire complex is the reconstructed building of the former Holešovice Brewery, known as the First Bourgeois Brewery, which together with the reconstructed former administrative building of the brewery and 2 new buildings form an architecturally exceptional complex combining modern office and commercial space with the supporting elements of the late 19th century. The building offers excellent transport accessibility by car and public transport. Tram stops U Průhonu and Maniny, metro C - Vltavská, Holešovice and metro B - Palmovka are located nearby. Great accessibility by car is guaranteed by easy connection to the Magistrala and the City Ring Road. There are 48 outdoor parking spaces for visitors.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 14.5
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 16
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 161
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 8539
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
A7 Office Center
U průhonu 800/13 – Prague 7
14,50 - 16 EURAvailable areas 161 - 8539 m2
A7 Office Center is a modern office and business complex located in Prague's Holešovice district. The complex offers office and commercial space in 4 buildings on an area of 15,150 m² and 197 comfortable garage spaces for the needs of tenants. The dominant feature of the entire complex is the reconstructed building of the former Holešovice Brewery, known as the First Bourgeois Brewery, which together with the reconstructed former administrative building of the brewery and 2 new buildings form an architecturally exceptional complex combining modern office and commercial space with the supporting elements of the late 19th century. The building offers excellent transport accessibility by car and public transport. Tram stops U Průhonu and Maniny, metro C - Vltavská, Holešovice and metro B - Palmovka are located nearby. Great accessibility by car is guaranteed by easy connection to the Magistrala and the City Ring Road. There are 48 outdoor parking spaces for visitors.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => New Living Center
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => New Living Center se nachází v oblíbené části Prahy 13 - Stodůlky, ulice Šafránkova. New Living Center je především moderní centrum designu a bydlení, které nabízí reprezentativní kancelářské prostory ve 4. nadzemním podlaží. Budova disponuje výtahem, recepcí a v nočních hodinách ostrahou. Součástí budovy je vlastní restaurace (40 míst / 250 m2), kterou je možné navštěvovat jak v rámci zajištění stravování pro zaměstnance, tak i pro obchodní schůzky. V létě je k dispozici také venkovní posezení v rámci krásné zahrady naší restaurace. Výhodná poloha New Living Center zaručuje veškerou občanskou vybavenost i skvělou dopravní dostupnost. Zastávka autobusu "Šafránkova" přímo před budovou, stanice metra A "Nemocnice Motol" nebo metra B "Nové Butovice" 5 minut autobusem. Přímo u Rozvadovské spojky, 20 minut do centra Prahy, 50 minut do Plzně. Pro nájemce jsou k dispozici zasedací místnosti, které jsou zdarma + možnost pronájmu společenského sálu. V budově je celkem 6 zasedacích místností různých velikostí. Společenský sál s plochou 250 m2 je možné využít na školení nebo pro jinou společenskou akcii, je vybaven počítačem, projektorem, ozvučením a židlemi. Dostatek parkovacích míst pro klienty, pro nájemce možnost pronájmu parkovacího místa za poplatek 550 Kč bez DPH/měsíc. Nájemci mají také možnost využít venkovní terasu s výhledem na zahradu budovy. Výhodná poloha New Living Center zaručuje veškerou občanskou vybavenost i skvělou dopravní dostupnost. Zastávka autobusu "Šafránkova" přímo před budovou, stanice metra A "Nemocnice Motol" nebo metra B "Nové Butovice" 5 minut autobusem. Přímo u Rozvadovské spojky, 20 minut do centra Prahy, 50 minut do Plzně.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => New Living Center is located in the popular part of Prague 13 - Stodůlky, Šafránkova street. New Living Center is primarily a modern design and living center, offering representative office space on the 4th floor. The building has an elevator, reception and security at night. The building includes its own restaurant (40 seats / 250 m2), which can be used for catering for employees as well as for business meetings. In summer, outdoor seating is also available within the beautiful garden of our restaurant. The convenient location of the New Living Center guarantees all amenities as well as excellent transport accessibility. Bus stop "Šafránkova" right in front of the building, metro station A "Nemocnice Motol" or metro station B "Nové Butovice" 5 minutes by bus. Right by Rozvadovská spojka, 20 minutes to the center of Prague, 50 minutes to Pilsen. For tenants are available meeting rooms, which are free of charge + the possibility of renting a ballroom. The building has a total of 6 meeting rooms of different sizes. The meeting room with an area of 250 m2 can be used for training or other social events, it is equipped with a computer, projector, sound system and chairs. Plenty of parking spaces for clients, for tenants the possibility of renting a parking space for a fee of 550 CZK excluding VAT/month. Tenants also have the possibility to use the outdoor terrace overlooking the garden of the building. The convenient location of New Living Center guarantees all amenities and excellent transport accessibility. Bus stop "Šafránkova" right in front of the building, metro station A "Nemocnice Motol" or metro station B "Nové Butovice" 5 minutes by bus. Right by Rozvadovská spojka, 20 minutes to the center of Prague, 50 minutes to Pilsen.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 350
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 350
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 240
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 240
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
New Living Center
Šafránkova 1238/1 – Prague 13
350 EURAvailable areas 240 m2
New Living Center is located in the popular part of Prague 13 - Stodůlky, Šafránkova street. New Living Center is primarily a modern design and living center, offering representative office space on the 4th floor. The building has an elevator, reception and security at night. The building includes its own restaurant (40 seats / 250 m2), which can be used for catering for employees as well as for business meetings. In summer, outdoor seating is also available within the beautiful garden of our restaurant. The convenient location of the New Living Center guarantees all amenities as well as excellent transport accessibility. Bus stop "Šafránkova" right in front of the building, metro station A "Nemocnice Motol" or metro station B "Nové Butovice" 5 minutes by bus. Right by Rozvadovská spojka, 20 minutes to the center of Prague, 50 minutes to Pilsen. For tenants are available meeting rooms, which are free of charge + the possibility of renting a ballroom. The building has a total of 6 meeting rooms of different sizes. The meeting room with an area of 250 m2 can be used for training or other social events, it is equipped with a computer, projector, sound system and chairs. Plenty of parking spaces for clients, for tenants the possibility of renting a parking space for a fee of 550 CZK excluding VAT/month. Tenants also have the possibility to use the outdoor terrace overlooking the garden of the building. The convenient location of New Living Center guarantees all amenities and excellent transport accessibility. Bus stop "Šafránkova" right in front of the building, metro station A "Nemocnice Motol" or metro station B "Nové Butovice" 5 minutes by bus. Right by Rozvadovská spojka, 20 minutes to the center of Prague, 50 minutes to Pilsen.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Office P-9
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Office P-9
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Objekt Office P-9 se nachází v areálu komerčních objektů na Praze 9.
Budova nedávno prošla částečnou rekonstrukcí včetně nové fasády.
Objekt má otevíratelná okna, klimatizaci, možnost více parkovaích stání.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Office P-9 building is located in a commercial complex in Prague 9.
The building has recently undergone a partial reconstruction including a new facade.
The building has opening windows, air conditioning, possibility of more parking spaces.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 230
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 230
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => Kč
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 221
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 221
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Office P-9
U Elektry – Prague 9
230 CZKAvailable areas 221 m2
The Office P-9 building is located in a commercial complex in Prague 9.
The building has recently undergone a partial reconstruction including a new facade.
The building has opening windows, air conditioning, possibility of more parking spaces.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Bělehradská 132
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Belgrade 132
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Bělehradská 132 je moderní administrativní budova nacházející se na rohu ulic Bělehradská a Anglická. Její poloha zajišťuje vynikající dostupnost a veškerou občanskou vybavenost. Celý objekt prošel v roce 2017 celkovou rekonstrukcí.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
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[max_length] => 3000
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[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Bělehradská 132 is a modern office building located on the corner of Bělehradská and Anglická streets. Its location provides excellent accessibility and all civic amenities. The entire building was completely renovated in 2017.
[type] => text
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[name] => Cena od
[value] => 15.5
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[id] => 764
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[hint] =>
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
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[name] => Cena do
[value] => 15.5
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
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[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
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[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 268
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 638
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Bělehradská 132
Bělehradská 299/132 – Prague 2
15,50 EURAvailable areas 268 - 638 m2
Bělehradská 132 is a modern office building located on the corner of Bělehradská and Anglická streets. Its location provides excellent accessibility and all civic amenities. The entire building was completely renovated in 2017.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => River Business Centre
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Areál River Business Centre se skládá ze dvou budov, které se nacházejí na vysoce exponovaném místě, přímo naproti nově vznikajícímu projektu Fragment na Smíchově. Budovy River Business Centre a River Office House propojují nabídku špičkových kanceláří se zázemím pro odpočinek a volný čas. To vše u samého břehu řeky Vltavy s nádherným výhledem. Atraktivní lokalita na hlavním dopravním uzlu, moderní architektura a vysoká kvalita služeb splňují současné nároky na pracovní prostředí i životní styl.
Budova se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti všech potřebných služeb a je skvěle dostupná autem i MHD. Přímo u budovy se nachází zastávka přívozu, která vás odveze na protější břeh - do Podolí (zastávka na Veslařském ostrově). Ulice Strakonická s denní fluktuací 70 tisíc automobilů předurčuje River Business Center k naplnění požadavků i těch nejnáročnějších nájemců. V areálu budovy je dostatek parkovacích míst a parking pro hosty.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The River Business Centre consists of two buildings located in a highly exposed location, directly opposite the newly developed Fragment project in Smíchov. The River Business Centre and River Office House buildings combine a range of high-end offices with facilities for relaxation and leisure. All this on the banks of the Vltava River with a magnificent view. The attractive location at a major transport hub, modern architecture and high quality of services meet the current demands on the working environment and lifestyle.
The building is located in the immediate vicinity of all necessary services and is perfectly accessible by car and public transport. There is a ferry stop right next to the building, which will take you to the opposite bank - to Podolí (stop on Veslařský ostrov). Strakonická Street with a daily turnover of 70 thousand cars predestines River Business Center to meet the requirements of even the most demanding tenants. There are plenty of parking spaces and guest parking on the premises.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 12.9
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 100
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 300
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
River Business Centre
Strakonická 3309/2e – Prague 5
The River Business Centre consists of two buildings located in a highly exposed location, directly opposite the newly developed Fragment project in Smíchov. The River Business Centre and River Office House buildings combine a range of high-end offices with facilities for relaxation and leisure. All this on the banks of the Vltava River with a magnificent view. The attractive location at a major transport hub, modern architecture and high quality of services meet the current demands on the working environment and lifestyle.
The building is located in the immediate vicinity of all necessary services and is perfectly accessible by car and public transport. There is a ferry stop right next to the building, which will take you to the opposite bank - to Podolí (stop on Veslařský ostrov). Strakonická Street with a daily turnover of 70 thousand cars predestines River Business Center to meet the requirements of even the most demanding tenants. There are plenty of parking spaces and guest parking on the premises.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Palác Dunaj
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Danube Palace
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Palác Dunaj podstupuje kompletní rekonstrukci a nabídne nájemcům exkluzivní kancelářské prostory. Budova si zachová svůj historický ráz a zároveň bude disponovat nejmodernějšími technologiemi standardu A. Projekt nabízí jak soukromé terasy, tak společnou terasu pro všechny nájemce s výhledem na celou Prahu. Palác Dunaj, který na rohu Národní a Voršilské ulice stojí od roku 1930. Výborná dostupnost MHD – stanice metra Národní třída, pár minut chůze od Národního divadla a Václavského náměstí.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Palác Dunaj is undergoing a complete reconstruction and will offer tenants exclusive office space. The building will retain its historical character and at the same time will have the latest A-standard technologies. The project offers private terraces as well as a common terrace for all tenants with a view of the entire Prague. Palace Dunaj, which has been standing on the corner of Národní and Voršilská Street since 1930. Excellent public transport accessibility - metro station Národní třída, a few minutes walk from the National Theatre and Wenceslas Square.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 29
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 33
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 216
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 1784
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Palác Dunaj
Národní 138/10 – Prague 1
29 - 33 EURAvailable areas 216 - 1784 m2
Palác Dunaj is undergoing a complete reconstruction and will offer tenants exclusive office space. The building will retain its historical character and at the same time will have the latest A-standard technologies. The project offers private terraces as well as a common terrace for all tenants with a view of the entire Prague. Palace Dunaj, which has been standing on the corner of Národní and Voršilská Street since 1930. Excellent public transport accessibility - metro station Národní třída, a few minutes walk from the National Theatre and Wenceslas Square.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Stará Celnice
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Old Customs House
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Stará Celnice je atypická budova, která se nachází na rohu ulice V Celnici a Náměstí Republiky. Budova nabízí přibližně 6.350 m2 kancelářské plochy a vyniká především tím, že každé patro má svůj osobitý charakter. Pro nájemce je k dispozici restaurace, kavárna, obchody a lékárna. Lokalita nabízí plnou občanskou vybavenost – obchodní centrum Kotva a Palladium se nacházejí v těsné blízkosti budovy.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Stará Celnice is an atypical building located on the corner of V Celnici and Náměstí Republiky. The building offers approximately 6,350 m2 of office space and stands out especially because each floor has its own distinctive character. For tenants there is a restaurant, café, shops and a pharmacy. The location offers full civic amenities - Kotva and Palladium shopping centre are located in close proximity to the building.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 19
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 823
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Stará Celnice
V celnici 1031/4 – Prague 1
Stará Celnice is an atypical building located on the corner of V Celnici and Náměstí Republiky. The building offers approximately 6,350 m2 of office space and stands out especially because each floor has its own distinctive character. For tenants there is a restaurant, café, shops and a pharmacy. The location offers full civic amenities - Kotva and Palladium shopping centre are located in close proximity to the building.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Bastion
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Bastion
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Bastion Florenc je první budovou společnosti ČSAD Praha holding, která vznikla v rámci revitalizace území Florence. Nabízí dvě patra obchodních prostor, čtyři patra prvotřídních kanceláří a perfektní dostupnost v rámci Prahy i okolní metropolitní oblasti. Projekt nabízí až 4.310 m2 komerčních prostor na 6 podlažích, z čehož 3.378 m2 činí kancelářské prostory. Standardní kancelářské podlaží nabízí 846 m2 a lze jej dělit na 2 jednotky o velikosti 420 m2. Budova díky své dvojité prosklené fasádě a antivibračním ložiskům zaručuje veškerý komfort a příjemné prostředí pro práci. V blízkém okolí se nachází velký počet skvělých restaurací a kaváren. Celá budova je maximálně hospodárná, disponuje tepelnými čerpadly, moderními technologiemi a průkazem energetické náročnosti třídy typu A. V podzemních garážích se nachází 24 parkovacích míst. Vchod do budovy se nachází přímo u výstupu ze stanice metra B a C - Florenc. Před budovou je konečná zastávka 8 autobusových spojů, v blízkosti je tramvajová zastávka, kudy projíždí 12 tramvajových linek. Ústřední autobusové nádraží Florenc je 50 metrů od budovy a přijíždějí sem autobusové spoje z České republiky i zahraničí.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Bastion Florenc is the first building of the ČSAD Praha holding company, which was built as part of the revitalisation of the Florence area. It offers two floors of retail space, four floors of first-class offices and perfect accessibility within Prague and the surrounding metropolitan area. The project offers up to 4,310 sqm of commercial space on 6 floors, of which 3,378 sqm is office space. The standard office floor offers 846 m2 and can be divided into 2 units of 420 m2. The building, thanks to its double glazed facade and anti-vibration bearings, guarantees every comfort and a pleasant working environment. There are a large number of great restaurants and cafes in the vicinity. The entire building is as economical as possible, with heat pumps, modern technology and a Class A energy performance certificate. There are 24 parking spaces in the underground garage. The entrance to the building is located directly at the exit of the metro station B and C - Florenc. In front of the building is the final stop of 8 bus lines, nearby is a tram stop where 12 tram lines pass. The central bus station Florenc is 50 metres from the building and buses from the Czech Republic and abroad arrive here.
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[max_length] => 3000
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[name] => Cena od
[value] => 25
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[id] => 764
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[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[name] => Cena do
[value] => 35
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[id] => 763
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[max_length] => 9999
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[id] => 539
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[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
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[max_length] => 100
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[security] => 0
[flags] =>
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[hint] =>
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 247
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[security] => 0
[flags] =>
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[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 3266
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
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[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
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[hint] =>
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Křižíkova 2136/2a – Prague 8
25 - 35 EURAvailable areas 247 - 3266 m2
Bastion Florenc is the first building of the ČSAD Praha holding company, which was built as part of the revitalisation of the Florence area. It offers two floors of retail space, four floors of first-class offices and perfect accessibility within Prague and the surrounding metropolitan area. The project offers up to 4,310 sqm of commercial space on 6 floors, of which 3,378 sqm is office space. The standard office floor offers 846 m2 and can be divided into 2 units of 420 m2. The building, thanks to its double glazed facade and anti-vibration bearings, guarantees every comfort and a pleasant working environment. There are a large number of great restaurants and cafes in the vicinity. The entire building is as economical as possible, with heat pumps, modern technology and a Class A energy performance certificate. There are 24 parking spaces in the underground garage. The entrance to the building is located directly at the exit of the metro station B and C - Florenc. In front of the building is the final stop of 8 bus lines, nearby is a tram stop where 12 tram lines pass. The central bus station Florenc is 50 metres from the building and buses from the Czech Republic and abroad arrive here.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Burzovní Palác
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Exchange Palace
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Budova Burzovního paláce je moderní administrativní komplex, který nabízí celkem 8.000 m² prestižních kancelářských a 1.500 m² obchodních prostor. Jedná se moderní prostory umístěné v centru města, v pěší dostupnosti od stanice metra Náměstí Republiky. Veškeré prostory odpovídají nejnáročnějším požadavkům nájemců a standardem je elektronická registrace návštěvníků, 24-hodinová ostraha, klimatizace, koncepce otevřeného prostoru s možností dělení vstup na magnetické karty, otevíratelná okna, nové akustické podhledy s LED svítidly a nové okenní parapety, optimalizace systému topení, chlazení a vzduchotechniky. V budově je pro nájemce k dispozici restaurační zařízení, kavárna, obchody a také celkem 190 podzemních parkovacích míst
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
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[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Burzovní palác building is a modern office complex offering a total of 8,000 m² of prestigious office space and 1,500 m² of retail space. It is a modern space located in the city centre, within walking distance from the Náměstí Republiky metro station. All spaces meet the most demanding requirements of the tenants and the standard features include electronic registration of visitors, 24-hour security, air conditioning, open space concept with the possibility of dividing the entrance by magnetic cards, opening windows, new acoustic ceilings with LED lights and new window sills, optimization of the heating, cooling and air conditioning system. The building offers tenants a restaurant, café, shops and a total of 190 underground parking spaces
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
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[max_length] => 3000
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[flags] =>
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[name] => Cena od
[value] => 14
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 83
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 288
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Burzovní Palác
Rybná 682/14 – Prague 1
Price from 14 EURAvailable areas 83 - 288 m2
The Burzovní palác building is a modern office complex offering a total of 8,000 m² of prestigious office space and 1,500 m² of retail space. It is a modern space located in the city centre, within walking distance from the Náměstí Republiky metro station. All spaces meet the most demanding requirements of the tenants and the standard features include electronic registration of visitors, 24-hour security, air conditioning, open space concept with the possibility of dividing the entrance by magnetic cards, opening windows, new acoustic ceilings with LED lights and new window sills, optimization of the heating, cooling and air conditioning system. The building offers tenants a restaurant, café, shops and a total of 190 underground parking spaces

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => METALICA
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => METALICA
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Projekt navazuje na úspěšné dokončení první a druhé fáze Waltrovky a nabízí 24.000 m² nových, moderních kancelářských prostor a 4.300 m² retailových prostor k pronájmu. Nový development zahrnuje rovněž rezidenční část se 460 byty a hotel se 166 pokoji. Budovy s názvem METALICA a LEGATICA nabízí svým budoucím nájemcům nejen vysoký standard, ale také mnoho dalšího - komunitní zahradu na střechách, velkolepé terasy s panoramatickými výhledy a přívětivé zázemí pro sportovce v podobě koláren a sprch. Projekt se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti zastávek tramvaje a metra B - Radlická.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The project builds on the successful completion of the first and second phases of Walter and offers 24,000 m² of new, modern office space and 4,300 m² of retail space for lease. The new development also includes a residential area with 460 apartments and a 166-room hotel. The buildings, named METALICA and LEGATICA, offer their future tenants not only a high standard but also much more - a community garden on the rooftops, spectacular terraces with panoramic views and sports-friendly facilities in the form of wheelchairs and showers. The project is located in the immediate vicinity of tram and metro stops B - Radlická.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 17
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 17
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 191
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 8548
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Radlická 365/154 – Prague 5
17 EURAvailable areas 191 - 8548 m2
The project builds on the successful completion of the first and second phases of Walter and offers 24,000 m² of new, modern office space and 4,300 m² of retail space for lease. The new development also includes a residential area with 460 apartments and a 166-room hotel. The buildings, named METALICA and LEGATICA, offer their future tenants not only a high standard but also much more - a community garden on the rooftops, spectacular terraces with panoramic views and sports-friendly facilities in the form of wheelchairs and showers. The project is located in the immediate vicinity of tram and metro stops B - Radlická.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => LEGATICA
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Projekt navazuje na úspěšné dokončení první a druhé fáze Waltrovky a nabízí 24.000 m² nových, moderních kancelářských prostor a 4.300 m² retailových prostor k pronájmu. Nový development zahrnuje rovněž rezidenční část se 460 byty a hotel se 166 pokoji. Budovy s názvem METALICA a LEGATICA nabízí svým budoucím nájemcům nejen vysoký standard, ale také mnoho dalšího - komunitní zahradu na střechách, velkolepé terasy s panoramatickými výhledy a přívětivé zázemí pro sportovce v podobě koláren a sprch. Projekt se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti zastávek tramvaje a metra B - Radlická.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The project builds on the successful completion of the first and second phases of Walter and offers 24,000 m² of new, modern office space and 4,300 m² of retail space for lease. The new development also includes a residential area with 460 apartments and a 166-room hotel. The buildings, named METALICA and LEGATICA, offer their future tenants not only a high standard but also much more - a community garden on the rooftops, spectacular terraces with panoramic views and sports-friendly facilities in the form of wheelchairs and showers. The project is located in the immediate vicinity of tram and metro stops B - Radlická.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 14.5
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 15
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 3
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 403
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 5024
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[security] => 0
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[num_value] => 1
Radlická – Prague 5
The project builds on the successful completion of the first and second phases of Walter and offers 24,000 m² of new, modern office space and 4,300 m² of retail space for lease. The new development also includes a residential area with 460 apartments and a 166-room hotel. The buildings, named METALICA and LEGATICA, offer their future tenants not only a high standard but also much more - a community garden on the rooftops, spectacular terraces with panoramic views and sports-friendly facilities in the form of wheelchairs and showers. The project is located in the immediate vicinity of tram and metro stops B - Radlická.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Port 7
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
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[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Port 7
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
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[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Port 7 je unikátní developerský projekt, který v sobě snoubí aktuální trendy v oblasti moderního pracovního prostředí a energetické úspornosti, zasazený v přírodě na břehu řeky Vltavy v Praze - Holešovicích. Díky této poloze budova nabízí skvělou dopravní dostupnost autem, metrem, tramvají, vlakem a na své si přijdou i cyklisté, pro které je tu hned několik páteřních cyklostezek. Okolí nabízí krásné prostředí vhodné pro procházky podél řeky, ale i v novém parku. Port 7 svým nájemcům nabídne plné spektrum služeb: restaurace, kavárny, vinárnu, ale i lékárnu a obchod s potravinami. Návštěvníci budou moci využít také služby fitness a wellness centra, školy a školky. Nájemcům je k dispozici až 35000 m2 kancelářských ploch ve 3 budovách se střešními terasami. Ty poskytují krásné výhledy na Pražský hrad Tróju nebo unikátní Trojský most. Součástí Port 7 je i přístav pro menší lodě. Všechny objekty jsou propojeny podzemním parkovištěm s kapacitou 261 parkovacích míst. Pro cyklisty je k dispozici 100 stojánků na kolo s přístupem ke sprchám.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
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[hint] =>
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
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[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => Port 7 is a unique development project that combines current trends in modern working environment and energy efficiency, set in the countryside on the banks of the Vltava River in Prague - Holešovice. Thanks to this location, the building offers excellent transport accessibility by car, metro, tram, train and cyclists will also enjoy the building, for whom there are several backbone cycle paths. The surrounding area offers a beautiful setting suitable for walks along the river, but also in the new park. Port 7 offers its tenants a full range of services: restaurants, cafes, wine bar, as well as a pharmacy and grocery store. Visitors will also be able to use the services of a fitness and wellness centre, a school and a kindergarten. Up to 35,000 sqm of office space is available to tenants in 3 buildings with roof terraces. These provide beautiful views of Prague's Troja Castle or the unique Troja Bridge. Port 7 also includes a marina for smaller ships. All buildings are connected by an underground car park with a capacity of 261 parking spaces. For cyclists there are 100 bike racks with access to showers.
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[name] => Cena od
[value] => 16.5
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[id] => 764
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[max_length] => 9999
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[name] => Cena do
[value] => 17
[type] => number
[id] => 763
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[max_length] => 9999
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[name] => Poznámka k ceně
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[id] => 539
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
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[name] => Měna
[value] => EUR
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[security] => 0
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[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 230
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 6814
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
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[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[security] => 0
[flags] =>
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[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
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[unit] =>
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[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
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[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Port 7
Partyzánská 18/23 – Prague 7
16,50 - 17 EURAvailable areas 230 - 6814 m2
Port 7 is a unique development project that combines current trends in modern working environment and energy efficiency, set in the countryside on the banks of the Vltava River in Prague - Holešovice. Thanks to this location, the building offers excellent transport accessibility by car, metro, tram, train and cyclists will also enjoy the building, for whom there are several backbone cycle paths. The surrounding area offers a beautiful setting suitable for walks along the river, but also in the new park. Port 7 offers its tenants a full range of services: restaurants, cafes, wine bar, as well as a pharmacy and grocery store. Visitors will also be able to use the services of a fitness and wellness centre, a school and a kindergarten. Up to 35,000 sqm of office space is available to tenants in 3 buildings with roof terraces. These provide beautiful views of Prague's Troja Castle or the unique Troja Bridge. Port 7 also includes a marina for smaller ships. All buildings are connected by an underground car park with a capacity of 261 parking spaces. For cyclists there are 100 bike racks with access to showers.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Thámova 16 - vybavené kanceláře
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Thámova 16 - equipped offices
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Business centrum se nachází na 6. patře administrativní budovy ve vyhledávané lokalitě starého Karlína. Nacházejí se zde vybavené kanceláře s flexibilní dobou nájmu. Představují ideální řešení pro start-upy i menší týmy, které se nechtějí vázat dlouhodobou nájemní smlouvou. Na patře jsou k pronájmu čtyři oddělené, plně vybavené kanceláře, nájemcům jsou k dispozici sdílené prostory tvořené kuchyňkou a toaletou. Součástí vybavení kanceláří je klimatizace, přímo v budově se nachází centrální recepce, 24hodinová ostraha a sdílená zasedací místnost. Kanceláře Thámova 16 jsou snadno dostupné autem i veřejnou dopravou – v pěším dosahu stanice metra Křižíkova (trasa B), tramvajové spoje, nedaleko i autobusové nádraží ÚAN Florenc. Nájemci ocení i blízkost Karlínského náměstí a zeleně Vítkova. Praktické spojení žádané byznys lokality, flexibility a moderního pracovního zázemí.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The business centre is located on the 6th floor of an office building in the sought-after location of the old Karlín district. There are equipped offices with flexible lease terms. They represent an ideal solution for start-ups and smaller teams that do not want to be bound by a long-term lease agreement. Four separate, fully equipped offices are available for rent on the first floor, while tenants can share a kitchenette and toilet. The offices are equipped with air conditioning, there is a central reception, 24-hour security and a shared meeting room. The offices at Thámova 16 are easily accessible by car and public transport - within walking distance of the Křižíkova metro station (line B), tram connections, and the ÚAN Florenc bus station nearby. Tenants will also appreciate the proximity of Karlín Square and the green area of Vítkov. Practical combination of desirable business location, flexibility and modern working facilities.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 47432
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 47432
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => Kč
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 77
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 77
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Thámova 16 - Equipped offices
Thámova 137/16 – Prague 8
47 432 CZK per monthAvailable areas 77 m2
The business centre is located on the 6th floor of an office building in the sought-after location of the old Karlín district. There are equipped offices with flexible lease terms. They represent an ideal solution for start-ups and smaller teams that do not want to be bound by a long-term lease agreement. Four separate, fully equipped offices are available for rent on the first floor, while tenants can share a kitchenette and toilet. The offices are equipped with air conditioning, there is a central reception, 24-hour security and a shared meeting room. The offices at Thámova 16 are easily accessible by car and public transport - within walking distance of the Křižíkova metro station (line B), tram connections, and the ÚAN Florenc bus station nearby. Tenants will also appreciate the proximity of Karlín Square and the green area of Vítkov. Practical combination of desirable business location, flexibility and modern working facilities.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => Na Příkopě 15 - vybavené kanceláře
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Na Příkopě 15 - equipped offices
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Vybavené kanceláře situované v Dětském domě na populární byznysové adrese Na Příkopě 15 představují ideální řešení pro všechny, kdo hledají pronájem stylových, plně vybavených kancelářských prostor s flexibilní dobou nájmu. Projekt nabízí samostatné kanceláře, pronajmout si můžete i zařízené zasedací místnosti. Přímo na patře se nachází recepce, kuchyňky, toalety, prostorný koridor a technické zázemí. Samozřejmostí je i pestrá nabídka služeb pro vaši maximální efektivitu: vysokorychlostní WiFi, chytré tiskárny, podpora denní recepce, IT servis či právní poradenství. Nájemci mají možnost využít parkování v podzemních garážích přímo v Dětském domě, v budově navíc funguje nepřetržitá ostraha. Díky svému praktickému umístění přímo v centru města jsou kanceláře svkěle dostupné autem i veřejnou dopravou – v pěším dosahu se nachází stanice metra Můstek (trasa A, B), Muzeum (trasa A, C), tramvajové spoje i vlaková nádraží.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The equipped offices located in the Children's House at the popular business address Na Příkopě 15 are an ideal solution for those looking for a stylish, fully equipped office space with a flexible lease term. The project offers self-contained offices, and furnished meeting rooms can also be rented. Directly on the first floor there is a reception area, kitchenettes, toilets, a spacious corridor and technical facilities. Of course, there is also a wide range of services for your maximum efficiency: high-speed WiFi, smart printers, daily reception support, IT service or legal advice. Tenants have the option of parking in underground garages directly in the Children's House, and there is 24-hour security in the building. Thanks to its convenient location right in the city centre, the offices are easily accessible by car and public transport - within walking distance of the Můstek metro station (line A, B), Muzeum (line A, C), tram connections and train stations.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 33343
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 54140
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => Kč
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 35
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 135
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
Na Příkopě 15 - Equipped offices
Na příkopě 583/15 – Prague 1
33 343 - 54 140 CZK per monthAvailable areas 35 - 135 m2
The equipped offices located in the Children's House at the popular business address Na Příkopě 15 are an ideal solution for those looking for a stylish, fully equipped office space with a flexible lease term. The project offers self-contained offices, and furnished meeting rooms can also be rented. Directly on the first floor there is a reception area, kitchenettes, toilets, a spacious corridor and technical facilities. Of course, there is also a wide range of services for your maximum efficiency: high-speed WiFi, smart printers, daily reception support, IT service or legal advice. Tenants have the option of parking in underground garages directly in the Children's House, and there is 24-hour security in the building. Thanks to its convenient location right in the city centre, the offices are easily accessible by car and public transport - within walking distance of the Můstek metro station (line A, B), Muzeum (line A, C), tram connections and train stations.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => City West - vybavené kanceláře
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[title_en] => Array
[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => City West - equipped offices
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description] => Array
[name] => Popis
[value] => Vybavené kanceláře West Flexi Offices představují ideální řešení pro všechny, kdo hledají pronájem stylových, plně vybavených kancelářských prostor s flexibilní dobou nájmu. Vybírat můžete ze 39 kanceláří (od 9 m2 do 74 m2) – soukromých i sdílených. Součástí West Flexi Offices je i coworking, lounge, pronajmout si můžete rovněž zařízené zasedací místnosti a Focus Rooms. V budově je fitness centrum a kolárna v areálu pak venkovní posilovna. K dispozici jsou restaurace a kavárny. Prostory West Flexi Offices se nacházejí v moderním polyfunkčním komplexu City West B1, přímo u stanice metra Stodůlky (trasa B) v rezidenční a business čtvrti Západní Město. Ideální spojení s centrem města je díky MHD a napojení na Pražský okruh. Díky tomu jsou kanceláře snadno dostupné i z dálnice D5 a z letiště Václava Havla.
[type] => text
[id] => 536
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[description_en] => Array
[name] => Popis EN
[value] => West Flexi Offices' furnished offices are the ideal solution for anyone looking to rent stylish, fully equipped office space with flexible lease terms. Choose from 39 offices (from 9 sqm to 74 sqm) - private and shared. West Flexi Offices includes a co-working space, a lounge, and you can also rent furnished meeting rooms and Focus Rooms. There is a fitness centre in the building and a bike room on site then an outdoor gym. Restaurants and cafes are available. The West Flexi Offices are located in the modern mixed-use complex City West B1, right next to the Stodůlky metro station (line B) in the residential and business district of Západní Město. The ideal connection to the city centre is thanks to public transport and connection to the Prague ring road. Thanks to this, the offices are easily accessible from the D5 motorway and Václav Havel Airport.
[type] => text
[id] => 1133
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] => 3000
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_from] => Array
[name] => Cena od
[value] => 6953
[type] => number
[id] => 764
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_to] => Array
[name] => Cena do
[value] => 62024
[type] => number
[id] => 763
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_note] => Array
[name] => Poznámka k ceně
[value] =>
[type] => varchar
[id] => 539
[multiple] => 0
[hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[advert_price_currency] => Array
[name] => Měna
[value] => Kč
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 525
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
[total_area_from] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha od
[value] => 10
[type] => number
[id] => 973
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[total_area_to] => Array
[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 520
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[commercial_person_count] => Array
[name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře)
[value] =>
[type] => number
[id] => 1381
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] =>
[max_length] =>
[required] => 0
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[office_kind] => Array
[name] => Druh prostor
[value] => Kancelář
[type] => selectbox
[id] => 786
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
[required] => 1
[security] => 0
[flags] =>
[num_value] => 1
City West - Equipped offices
Siemensova 2717/4 – Prague 13
6 953 - 62 024 CZK per monthAvailable areas 10 - 520 m2
West Flexi Offices' furnished offices are the ideal solution for anyone looking to rent stylish, fully equipped office space with flexible lease terms. Choose from 39 offices (from 9 sqm to 74 sqm) - private and shared. West Flexi Offices includes a co-working space, a lounge, and you can also rent furnished meeting rooms and Focus Rooms. There is a fitness centre in the building and a bike room on site then an outdoor gym. Restaurants and cafes are available. The West Flexi Offices are located in the modern mixed-use complex City West B1, right next to the Stodůlky metro station (line B) in the residential and business district of Západní Město. The ideal connection to the city centre is thanks to public transport and connection to the Prague ring road. Thanks to this, the offices are easily accessible from the D5 motorway and Václav Havel Airport.

[title] => Array
[name] => Titulek
[value] => myhive Pankrác House - vybavené kanceláře
[type] => varchar
[id] => 530
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] =>
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 100
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[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => myhive Pankrác House - equipped offices
[type] => varchar
[id] => 1137
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[max_length] => 100
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[flags] =>
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[name] => Popis
[value] => Vybavené kanceláře myhive Flexi Offices představují ideální řešení pro všechny, kdo hledají pronájem stylových, plně vybavených kancelářských prostor s flexibilní dobou nájmu. Vybírat můžete ze 36 kanceláří (od 11 m2 do 50 m2) – soukromých i sdílených. Součástí myhive Flexi Offices je i coworking, lounge, pronajmout si můžete rovněž zařízené zasedací místnosti. Samozřejmostí je i pestrá nabídka služeb pro vaši maximální efektivitu: vysokorychlostní WiFi, chytré tiskárny, podpora recepce, IT servis či právní poradenství. To vše v moderní administrativní budově Pankrác House, jejíž součástí je garážové parkování, restaurace, kavárna, konferenční prostory, cvičební sál pro nájemce, místnosti pro jízdní kola a sprchy. Kanceláře myhive Flexi Offices vynikají také svým praktickým umístěním přímo u stanice metra Pražského povstání – díky tomu jsou skvěle dostupné autem i MHD.
[type] => text
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[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The myhive Flexi Offices are the ideal solution for anyone looking to rent stylish, fully equipped office space with flexible lease terms. You can choose from 36 offices (from 11 m2 to 50 m2) - both private and shared. Myhive Flexi Offices also includes a coworking space, a lounge, and you can also rent furnished meeting rooms. Of course, there is also a wide range of services for your maximum efficiency: high-speed WiFi, smart printers, reception support, IT service or legal advice. All this in the modern Pankrác House office building, which includes garage parking, a restaurant, café, conference facilities, an exercise room for tenants, bicycle rooms and showers. The myhive Flexi Offices also stand out for their convenient location right next to the Pražského povstání metro station - making them perfectly accessible by car and public transport.
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[id] => 1133
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[name] => Cena od
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[id] => 764
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[hint] =>
[unit] =>
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[flags] =>
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[name] => Měna
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[max_length] => 9999
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[name] => Celková plocha od
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[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
[max_length] => 9999
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[security] => 0
[flags] =>
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[name] => Celková plocha do
[value] => 59
[type] => number
[id] => 974
[multiple] => 0
[hint] =>
[unit] => m2
[min_length] => 0
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myhive Pankrác House - Equipped offices
Lomnického 1705/9 – Prague 4
21 912 - 33 521 EUR per monthAvailable areas 23 - 59 m2
The myhive Flexi Offices are the ideal solution for anyone looking to rent stylish, fully equipped office space with flexible lease terms. You can choose from 36 offices (from 11 m2 to 50 m2) - both private and shared. Myhive Flexi Offices also includes a coworking space, a lounge, and you can also rent furnished meeting rooms. Of course, there is also a wide range of services for your maximum efficiency: high-speed WiFi, smart printers, reception support, IT service or legal advice. All this in the modern Pankrác House office building, which includes garage parking, a restaurant, café, conference facilities, an exercise room for tenants, bicycle rooms and showers. The myhive Flexi Offices also stand out for their convenient location right next to the Pražského povstání metro station - making them perfectly accessible by car and public transport.

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[name] => Titulek EN
[value] => Jungmann Square 11
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[name] => Popis
[value] => Palác Astra byl postaven v roce 1925 a stal se první funkcionalistickou budovou v Praze. V roce 2011 byl Palác Astra kompletně, avšak velmi citlivě zrekonstruován. Krásným architektonickým prvkem budovy je elegantní vnitřní schodiště, které nájemníkům umožňuje pohybovat se mezi jednotlivými patry budovy a přitom se potkávat s ostatními zaměstnanci. Velká okna nejen že zaručují přístup denního světla, ale také nabízejí krásný výhled na Jungmannovo a Václavské náměstí. Některá patra je současně možno propojit se sousedním Palácem Euro. Palác Astra je situován do nejrušnější části pražského centra, jinak známé také jako Zlatý kříž. Toto místo, kde se kříží ulice Na Příkopě a 28. října, je považováno za prvotřídní a prestižní obchodní lokalitu.
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[name] => Popis EN
[value] => The Astra Palace was built in 1925 and became the first functionalist building in Prague. In 2011, the Astra Palace was completely but very sensitively renovated. A beautiful architectural feature of the building is the elegant internal staircase, which allows tenants to move between the different floors of the building while meeting other employees. The large windows not only guarantee access to daylight, but also offer a beautiful view of Jungmannovo and Wenceslas Square. Some floors can also be connected to the neighbouring Euro Palace. Astra Palace is situated in the busiest part of Prague's city centre, otherwise known as the Golden Cross. This location, where Na Příkopě and 28 October Streets cross, is considered a prime and prestigious business location.
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[name] => Celková plocha od
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Jungmannovo nám. 11
Jungmannovo náměstí 773/11 – Prague 1
The Astra Palace was built in 1925 and became the first functionalist building in Prague. In 2011, the Astra Palace was completely but very sensitively renovated. A beautiful architectural feature of the building is the elegant internal staircase, which allows tenants to move between the different floors of the building while meeting other employees. The large windows not only guarantee access to daylight, but also offer a beautiful view of Jungmannovo and Wenceslas Square. Some floors can also be connected to the neighbouring Euro Palace. Astra Palace is situated in the busiest part of Prague's city centre, otherwise known as the Golden Cross. This location, where Na Příkopě and 28 October Streets cross, is considered a prime and prestigious business location.