Selected buildings

2 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Palác Broadway [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Broadway Palace [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Palác Broadway se skládá ze tří šestipatrových budov, které jsou propojeny pasáží vedoucí mezi ulicemi Na Příkopě a Celetná. Nově zrekonstruované kanceláře jsou plně klimatizované a mají původní dřevěné podlahy. Samozřejmostí je ostraha 24/7 a kamerový systém. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Broadway Palace consists of three six-storey buildings connected by a passage leading between Na Příkopě and Celetná streets. The newly renovated offices are fully air-conditioned and have original wooden floors. Of course, there is 24/7 security and a camera system. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 13 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 13 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 130 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 648 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Palác Broadway

Na příkopě 988/31 – Prague 1

13 EUR
Available areas 130 - 648 m2

The Broadway Palace consists of three six-storey buildings connected by a passage leading between Na Příkopě and Celetná streets. The newly renovated offices are fully air-conditioned and have original wooden floors. Of course, there is 24/7 security and a camera system.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Slovanský Dům [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Slavic House [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Slovanský dům je moderní multifunkční komplex v historickém centru Prahy s celkovou pronajímatelnou plochou 22 574 m2. Polovinu této plochy tvoří výjimečné kancelářské prostory na jedné z nejprestižnějších pražských adres – Na Příkopě 22. Navzdory rušné lokalitě nabízí Slovanský dům klidné pracovní prostředí s moderním zázemím a výhledem do jedinečné zahrady se vzrostlými platany a sochou od renomovaného umělce Federica Díaze. Kanceláře Slovanského domu prošly v roce 2013 důkladnou a nákladnou rekonstrukcí. Chytrý modul dělení umožňuje přizpůsobit interiér osobnosti firmy od otevřených kanceláří ve stylu open-space po oddělené menší prostory nebo kombinace obojího. Rekonstrukce byla provedena v souladu s trendem udržitelnosti a nákladové efektivity. Spotřebu energií monitoruje systém správy budov, který umožňuje nájemcům optimalizovat spotřebu. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Slovanský dům is a modern multifunctional complex in the historical centre of Prague with a total leasable area of 22 574 m2. Half of this area consists of exceptional office space at one of Prague's most prestigious addresses - Na Příkopě 22. Despite the busy location, Slovanský dům offers a quiet working environment with modern facilities and a view of the unique garden with mature plane trees and a sculpture by renowned artist Federico Díaz. The offices of Slovanský Dom underwent a thorough and costly renovation in 2013. A clever subdivision module allows the interior to be tailored to the personality of the company, from open-space style offices to separate smaller spaces or a combination of both. The renovation was carried out in line with the trend towards sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Energy consumption is monitored by a building management system that allows tenants to optimise consumption. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 19.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 23.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 188 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1347 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Slovanský Dům

Na příkopě 859/22 – Prague 1

19,50 - 23,50 EUR
Available areas 188 - 1347 m2

Slovanský dům is a modern multifunctional complex in the historical centre of Prague with a total leasable area of 22 574 m2. Half of this area consists of exceptional office space at one of Prague's most prestigious addresses - Na Příkopě 22. Despite the busy location, Slovanský dům offers a quiet working environment with modern facilities and a view of the unique garden with mature plane trees and a sculpture by renowned artist Federico Díaz. The offices of Slovanský Dom underwent a thorough and costly renovation in 2013. A clever subdivision module allows the interior to be tailored to the personality of the company, from open-space style offices to separate smaller spaces or a combination of both. The renovation was carried out in line with the trend towards sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Energy consumption is monitored by a building management system that allows tenants to optimise consumption.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Florentinum [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Florentinum [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Florentinum se řadí mezi prémiové kancelářské projekty, které nabízejí nejvyšší možný standard kancelářských prostor z hlediska použitých materiálů, interiérových prvků a technologií s dopadem na úspornost a ekologičnost provozu. Budova je nositelem zelené certifikace ve stupni LEED Platinum. Budova je situována mezi ulicemi Na Poříčí a Na Florenci a nabízí tak plnou občanskou vybavenost i skvělou dopravní dostupnost MHD. V bezprostřední blízkosti se nacházejí zastávky tramvaje Bílá Labuť a Masarykovo nádraží a stanice metra B - Náměstí Republiky. Součástí budovy je nákupní pasáž s širokým spektrem obchodů, služeb a food court s kavárnami a restauracemi. Pro nájemce jsou k dispozici parkovací stání v podzemních garážích. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Florentinum ranks among premium office projects that offer the highest possible standard of office space in terms of materials, interior elements and technologies with an impact on the economy and environmental friendliness of operation. The building is LEED Platinum green certified. The building is situated between Na Poříčí and Na Florenci streets and offers full civic amenities and excellent public transport accessibility. In the immediate vicinity there are tram stops Bílá Labut' and Masarykovo nádraží and metro station B - Náměstí Republiky. The building includes a shopping arcade with a wide range of shops, services and a food court with cafes and restaurants. Parking spaces in the underground garages are available for tenants. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 24 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 24 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 235 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 235 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Na Florenci 2116/15 – Prague 1

Florentinum ranks among premium office projects that offer the highest possible standard of office space in terms of materials, interior elements and technologies with an impact on the economy and environmental friendliness of operation. The building is LEED Platinum green certified. The building is situated between Na Poříčí and Na Florenci streets and offers full civic amenities and excellent public transport accessibility. In the immediate vicinity there are tram stops Bílá Labut' and Masarykovo nádraží and metro station B - Náměstí Republiky. The building includes a shopping arcade with a wide range of shops, services and a food court with cafes and restaurants. Parking spaces in the underground garages are available for tenants.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Palladium [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Palladium nabízí moderní kancelářské prostory v historickém centru Prahy a disponuje až 19 500 m² plochy. Prosklená fasáda nabízí dostatek světla a výhledy na Staré Město a Letenský park. V kancelářích jsou umístěny detektory kouře a sprinklery, zdvojené podlahy, čtyřtrubkový systém klimatizace s individuálně nastavitelnou teplotou. Kanceláře mají otevíratelná okna, na kterých jsou pro slunné letní dny instalovány automatické venkovní rolety. Dispozici kanceláře lze měnit dle potřeb budoucích nájemců. K dispozici vám bude recepční služba, profesionální správa komplexu přímo v budově či 24 hodinová ostraha. Díky přímému vstupu do nákupního centra PALLADIUM budete mít po ruce řadu restaurací, obchodů i služby jako banky, kadeřnictví, čistírnu oděvů či fitness. Zaparkovat můžete v největších podzemních garáží na Praze 1 s 24 hodinovým přístupem a 900 místy. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Palladium offers modern office space in the historic centre of Prague and has up to 19,500 m² of space. The glass facade offers plenty of light and views of the Old Town and Letná Park. The offices are equipped with smoke detectors and sprinklers, double floors, four-pipe air conditioning system with individually adjustable temperature. The offices have openable windows with automatic outdoor blinds installed for sunny summer days. The office layout can be changed according to the needs of future tenants. There will be a concierge service, professional on-site management of the complex or 24-hour security. With direct access to the PALLADIUM shopping centre, you will be close to a number of restaurants, shops and services such as banks, hairdressers, dry cleaners and fitness facilities. You can park in the largest underground parking garage in Prague 1 with 24-hour access and 900 spaces. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 23 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 23 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 316 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 5066 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

náměstí Republiky – Prague 1

23 EUR
Available areas 316 - 5066 m2

Palladium offers modern office space in the historic centre of Prague and has up to 19,500 m² of space. The glass facade offers plenty of light and views of the Old Town and Letná Park. The offices are equipped with smoke detectors and sprinklers, double floors, four-pipe air conditioning system with individually adjustable temperature. The offices have openable windows with automatic outdoor blinds installed for sunny summer days. The office layout can be changed according to the needs of future tenants. There will be a concierge service, professional on-site management of the complex or 24-hour security. With direct access to the PALLADIUM shopping centre, you will be close to a number of restaurants, shops and services such as banks, hairdressers, dry cleaners and fitness facilities. You can park in the largest underground parking garage in Prague 1 with 24-hour access and 900 spaces.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Revoluční 7 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Revolutionary 7 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova Revoluční 7 se nachází v historickém centru na rohu ulic Revoluční a Dlouhé, jen pár kroků od náměstí Republiky. Výborná centrální poloha budovy Revoluční 7 zaručuje bezprostřední blízkost úřadů, notářů, advokátních kanceláří, bank, pošty, obchodů, restaurací, luxusních hotelů a mnohých dalších. Za zmínku stojí i vynikající dopravní dostupnost všemi dopravními prostředky – jak osobním automobilem, tak městskou i meziměstskou hromadnou dopravou. Zastávka autobusu a tramvaje (stanice Dlouhá třída) se nalézá přímo před budovou, ke stanovišti taxi služby (na rohu ulic Revoluční a Truhlářská) dojdete do 1 minuty a ke stanici metra Náměstí Republiky (trasa B) se dostanete za 2 minuty. Za 5 minut rovněž dorazíte na vlakové nádraží Praha – Střed (Masarykovo nádraží) a za 10 minut na hlavní autobusové nádraží Florenc. Spojení s Letištěm Václava Havla je rovněž dobré – můžete využít kyvadlové dopravy Airport Express a na letiště tak dojet do půl hodiny. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Revoluční 7 building is located in the historic centre at the corner of Revoluční and Dlouhá streets, just a few steps from the Republic Square. The excellent central location of the Revoluční 7 building guarantees immediate proximity to offices, notaries, law offices, banks, post office, shops, restaurants, luxury hotels and many others. It is also worth mentioning the excellent accessibility by all means of transport - both by car and by public and intercity public transport. The bus and tram stop (Dlouha třída station) is located right in front of the building, the taxi rank (at the corner of Revoluční and Truhlářská streets) is 1 minute away and the metro station Náměstí Republiky (line B) can be reached in 2 minutes. It also takes 5 minutes to get to the train station Prague - Střed (Masaryk Railway Station) and 10 minutes to the main bus station Florenc. Connections to Václav Havel Airport are also good - you can use the Airport Express shuttle service to get to the airport in half an hour. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 14 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 14 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 187 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 187 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Revoluční 7

Revoluční 724/7 – Prague 1

The Revoluční 7 building is located in the historic centre at the corner of Revoluční and Dlouhá streets, just a few steps from the Republic Square. The excellent central location of the Revoluční 7 building guarantees immediate proximity to offices, notaries, law offices, banks, post office, shops, restaurants, luxury hotels and many others. It is also worth mentioning the excellent accessibility by all means of transport - both by car and by public and intercity public transport. The bus and tram stop (Dlouha třída station) is located right in front of the building, the taxi rank (at the corner of Revoluční and Truhlářská streets) is 1 minute away and the metro station Náměstí Republiky (line B) can be reached in 2 minutes. It also takes 5 minutes to get to the train station Prague - Střed (Masaryk Railway Station) and 10 minutes to the main bus station Florenc. Connections to Václav Havel Airport are also good - you can use the Airport Express shuttle service to get to the airport in half an hour.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Betlémský Palác [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Bethlehem Palace [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Betlémský palác se nachází v Husově ulici, v oblíbené komerční lokalitě na Praze 1. Budova je vzdálená jen několik minut chůze od Staroměstského náměstí a Karlova mostu. Betlémský palác je kvalitně zrekonstruovaná budova v historické části Prahy 1. Budova má celkovou plochu cca 5000 m2 ve 4 patrech, které obklopují zasklené atrium. Betlémský palác je vysoce reprezentativní budova nabízející flexibilní dispoziční řešení kanceláří včetně kvalitních skleněných příček (nově instalovaných). V zadní části budovy je omezený počet parkovacích míst plus další v Konviktské ul. Další stání lze zajistit na Palachově náměstí. Výhodou je blízkost stanice metra B a tramvajové zastávky Národní třída, které zajišťují snadné spojení s ostatními částmi města. V budově sídlí některé významné společnosti jako např. AK Glatzová apod. V přízemí a ve sklepení budovy se nachází příjemná restaurace a kavárna. V okolí je k dispozici množství služeb včetně obchodů, restaurací a dalších. Parking je možný v nedaleké Konviktské ulici, která je vzdálená cca 200 m2, nebo na Palachově náměstí. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Bethlehem Palace is located in Husova Street, a popular commercial area in Prague 1. The building is just a few minutes walk from Old Town Square and Charles Bridge. Bethlehem Palace is a well renovated building in the historical part of Prague 1. The building has a total area of about 5000 m2 on 4 floors, which surround a glass atrium. Bethlehem Palace is a highly representative building offering a flexible office layout including high quality glass partitions (newly installed). There are a limited number of parking spaces at the rear of the building plus additional parking spaces in Konviktská Street. Additional parking can be provided on Palach Square. The advantage is the proximity of the metro station B and tram stop Národní třída, which provide easy connections to other parts of the city. The building houses some important companies such as AK Glatzová, etc. On the ground floor and in the basement of the building there is a nice restaurant and café. There are many services available in the surroundings including shops, restaurants and others. Parking is possible in the nearby Konviktská Street, which is about 200 m2 away, or on Palach Square. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 17 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 167 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 167 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Betlémský Palác

Husova 240/5 – Prague 1

17 EUR
Available areas 167 m2

Bethlehem Palace is located in Husova Street, a popular commercial area in Prague 1. The building is just a few minutes walk from Old Town Square and Charles Bridge. Bethlehem Palace is a well renovated building in the historical part of Prague 1. The building has a total area of about 5000 m2 on 4 floors, which surround a glass atrium. Bethlehem Palace is a highly representative building offering a flexible office layout including high quality glass partitions (newly installed). There are a limited number of parking spaces at the rear of the building plus additional parking spaces in Konviktská Street. Additional parking can be provided on Palach Square. The advantage is the proximity of the metro station B and tram stop Národní třída, which provide easy connections to other parts of the city. The building houses some important companies such as AK Glatzová, etc. On the ground floor and in the basement of the building there is a nice restaurant and café. There are many services available in the surroundings including shops, restaurants and others. Parking is possible in the nearby Konviktská Street, which is about 200 m2 away, or on Palach Square.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Opletalova 25 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní areál Opletalova 25 se skládá ze dvou pětipodlažních budov a parkovacích ploch ve vnitrobloku a nabízí příjemné propojení historické architektury s moderními prvky. Budovy poskytují široké využití prostor od jednotlivých menších kanceláří až po velké samostatné kancelářské celky. Prestižní poloha v centru města zajišťuje výhody rozvinuté infrastruktury kulturního centra města s okamžitou dostupností finančních, obchodních, administrativních i hotelových služeb včetně blízkých úřadů státní správy. Kancelářské prostory jsou vybavené čipovým vstupním systémem, optickou internetovou kabeláží, kódovacím systémem a napojením na centrální recepci a obsluhu areálu. V budově jsou nová okna, klimatizační jednotky a sociální zázemí na každém podlaží. Přístup do areálu je zajištěn 24/7. Vjezd do areálu zabezpečuje automatická brána ovládaná pomocí mobilního telefonu nebo čipy. Opletalova 25 poskytuje celkem 14 parkovacích stání a skladovací prostory v rámci suterénních prostor. V rámci každého podlaží je k dispozici kuchyňská linka a oddělené sociální zázemí. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Opletalova 25 office complex consists of two five-storey buildings and parking areas in the courtyard and offers a pleasant combination of historical architecture with modern elements. The buildings provide a wide range of space from individual small offices to large independent office units. The prestigious downtown location provides the benefits of a well-developed cultural downtown infrastructure with immediate access to financial, commercial, administrative and hotel services including nearby government offices. The office space is equipped with a chip entry system, fibre optic internet cabling, coding system and connection to the central reception and servicing area. The building has new windows, air conditioning units and sanitary facilities on each floor. Access to the premises is provided 24/7. The entrance to the premises is secured by an automatic gate controlled by mobile phone or chips. Opletalova 25 provides a total of 14 parking spaces and storage space within the basement area. Within each floor there is a kitchen and separate sanitary facilities. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 283 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 65 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 142 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Opletalova 25

Opletalova 1417/25 – Prague 1

The Opletalova 25 office complex consists of two five-storey buildings and parking areas in the courtyard and offers a pleasant combination of historical architecture with modern elements. The buildings provide a wide range of space from individual small offices to large independent office units. The prestigious downtown location provides the benefits of a well-developed cultural downtown infrastructure with immediate access to financial, commercial, administrative and hotel services including nearby government offices. The office space is equipped with a chip entry system, fibre optic internet cabling, coding system and connection to the central reception and servicing area. The building has new windows, air conditioning units and sanitary facilities on each floor. Access to the premises is provided 24/7. The entrance to the premises is secured by an automatic gate controlled by mobile phone or chips. Opletalova 25 provides a total of 14 parking spaces and storage space within the basement area. Within each floor there is a kitchen and separate sanitary facilities.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Politických vězňů 19 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Political Prisoners 19 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Politických vězňů 19 je historická budova, která nabízí nově zrekonstruované kancelářské prostory a parking v zakladačích ve dvoře. Budova se nachází jen pár kroků od Václavského náměstí i Hlavního nádraží, nabízí tak skvělou dopravní dostupnost v rámci Prahy, i ze vzdálenějšího okolí. Dopravní dostupnost automobilem je díky napojení na magistrálu v obou směrech rovněž snadná. Lokalita nabízí plnou občanskou vybavenost včetně mnoha restaurací, kaváren a dalších nezbytných služeb. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Politických vězňů 19 is a historic building that offers newly renovated office space and parking in stackers in the courtyard. The building is located just a few steps away from Wenceslas Square and the Main Railway Station, offering excellent transport accessibility within Prague, and from further afield. Transport accessibility by car is also easy thanks to the connection to the main road in both directions. The location offers full civic amenities including many restaurants, cafes and other essential services. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 252 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 393 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 396 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Politických vězňů 19

Politických vězňů 1597/19 – Prague 1

Politických vězňů 19 is a historic building that offers newly renovated office space and parking in stackers in the courtyard. The building is located just a few steps away from Wenceslas Square and the Main Railway Station, offering excellent transport accessibility within Prague, and from further afield. Transport accessibility by car is also easy thanks to the connection to the main road in both directions. The location offers full civic amenities including many restaurants, cafes and other essential services.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Van Graaf [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova Van Graaf (VN17) je polyfunkční novostavbou, v níž se nacházejí moderní obchodní, bytové a kancelářské prostory. Kancelářské prostory kategorie A nabízejí flexibilní využití formou open space a/nebo uzavřených kanceláří. Kanceláře mají různou velikost od 25 m² až do 112 m². Každá jednotka má vlastní kuchyňku a WC. Užití společných chodeb, toalet a sprch není zpoplatněno. Vybavení a vzhled prostor je reprezentativní a zajišťuje nájemcům vysoký komfort. Lokalita je centrální, dostupná všemi linkami metra, několika tramvajovými linkami a také automobilem. Tato lokalita nabízí bohatou občanskou vybavenost. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Van Graaf building (VN17) is a multifunctional new building with modern retail, residential and office space. Category A office space offers flexible use in the form of open space and/or enclosed offices. The offices vary in size from 25 m² to 112 m². Each unit has its own kitchenette and toilet. There is no charge for the use of common corridors, toilets and showers. The furnishing and appearance of the premises is representative and ensures a high level of comfort for the tenants. The location is central, accessible by all metro lines, several tram lines and also by car. The location offers a wealth of amenities. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 15.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 15.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 50 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 466 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Van Graaf

Václavské náměstí 834/17 – Prague 1

15,50 EUR
Available areas 50 - 466 m2

The Van Graaf building (VN17) is a multifunctional new building with modern retail, residential and office space. Category A office space offers flexible use in the form of open space and/or enclosed offices. The offices vary in size from 25 m² to 112 m². Each unit has its own kitchenette and toilet. There is no charge for the use of common corridors, toilets and showers. The furnishing and appearance of the premises is representative and ensures a high level of comfort for the tenants. The location is central, accessible by all metro lines, several tram lines and also by car. The location offers a wealth of amenities.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Palác Koruna [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Crown Palace [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Palác Koruna se nachází na prestižní adrese v centru metropole, na tzv. ‘Zlatém kříži’, na rohu Václavského náměstí a ulice Na Příkopě. Poloha budovy je zárukou výborného spojení jak městkou hromadnou dopravou, tak pěšky. Vestibul stanice Metra Můstek (trasa A a B) se nachází přímo v budově, stanice metra trasy C = Muzeum a zastávky tramvají ve Vodičkově ulici nebo Národní třídě jsou vzdáleny několik minut chůze. Svým umístěním nabízí budova nejlepší a nejznámější obchodní adresu v české metropoli - Václavské nám. 1. Budova byla postavena v roce 1914 a patří mezi významné kulturní památky. V roce 1996 byl objekt rekonstruován a dnes splňuje všechny požadavky na moderní kancelářské prostory. Palác Koruna nabízí svým uživatelům mimo jiné i několik restaurací, kaváren a obchodů na svém přízemí. Administrativní část budovy disponuje samostatným vchodem přes representativní recepci s 24-hodinovou ostrahou. Parkování je možné v přilehlých lokalitách. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Koruna Palace is located at a prestigious address in the centre of the metropolis, at the so-called 'Golden Cross', on the corner of Wenceslas Square and Na Příkopě Street. The location of the building guarantees excellent connections both by public transport and on foot. The lobby of the Můstek metro station (lines A and B) is located directly in the building, the metro station of line C = Muzeum and tram stops in Vodičkova Street or Národní třída are a few minutes walk away. Its location offers the best and most famous business address in the Czech capital - Wenceslas Square 1. The building was built in 1914 and is one of the most important cultural monuments. In 1996 the building was renovated and today it meets all the requirements for modern office space. The Koruna Palace offers its users, among other things, several restaurants, cafes and shops on its ground floor. The administrative part of the building has a separate entrance through a representative reception with 24-hour security. Parking is available in adjacent locations. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 350 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 350 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 31 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 83 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Palác Koruna

Václavské náměstí 846/1 – Prague 1

350 CZK
Available areas 31 - 83 m2

Koruna Palace is located at a prestigious address in the centre of the metropolis, at the so-called 'Golden Cross', on the corner of Wenceslas Square and Na Příkopě Street. The location of the building guarantees excellent connections both by public transport and on foot. The lobby of the Můstek metro station (lines A and B) is located directly in the building, the metro station of line C = Muzeum and tram stops in Vodičkova Street or Národní třída are a few minutes walk away. Its location offers the best and most famous business address in the Czech capital - Wenceslas Square 1. The building was built in 1914 and is one of the most important cultural monuments. In 1996 the building was renovated and today it meets all the requirements for modern office space. The Koruna Palace offers its users, among other things, several restaurants, cafes and shops on its ground floor. The administrative part of the building has a separate entrance through a representative reception with 24-hour security. Parking is available in adjacent locations.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Palác Euro - Astra [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Euro Palace - Astra [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Palác Astra byl postaven v roce 1925 a stal se první funkcionalistická budovou v Praze. Pro velkoobchodníka a průmyslníka Augusta Lindta ji navrhl architekt Ludvík Kysela. Inspirací pro něj byly dvě tabulky čokolády – jedna tmavá, druhá bílá – spojené zadními stranami k sobě. V roce 2011 byl Palác Astra kompletně, avšak velmi citlivě zrekonstruován. Krásným architektonickým prvkem budovy je elegantní vnitřní schodiště, které nájemníkům umožňuje pohybovat se mezi jednotlivými patry budovy a při tom se potkávat s ostatními zaměstnanci. Velká okna nejen že zaručují přístup denního světla, ale také nabízejí krásný výhled na Jungmannovo a Václavské náměstí. Některá patra je současně možno propojit se sousedním Palácem Euro. Palác Astra je situován do nejrušnější části pražského centra, jinak známé také jako Zlatý kříž. Toto místo, kde se kříží ulice Na Příkopě a 28. října, je považováno za prvotřídní a prestižní obchodní lokalitu. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Astra Palace was built in 1925 and became the first functionalist building in Prague. It was designed by architect Ludvík Kysela for the wholesaler and industrialist August Lindt. He was inspired by two slabs of chocolate - one dark, the other white - joined back to back. In 2011, the Astra Palace was completely but very sensitively renovated. A beautiful architectural feature of the building is the elegant internal staircase, which allows tenants to move between the different floors of the building, meeting other employees in the process. The large windows not only guarantee access to daylight, but also offer a beautiful view of Jungmannovo and Wenceslas Square. Some floors can also be connected to the neighbouring Euro Palace. Astra Palace is situated in the busiest part of Prague's city centre, otherwise known as the Golden Cross. This location, where Na Příkopě and 28 October Streets cross, is considered a prime and prestigious business location. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 22.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 22.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 335 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 335 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Palác Euro - Astra

Václavské náměstí 773/4 – Prague 1

The Astra Palace was built in 1925 and became the first functionalist building in Prague. It was designed by architect Ludvík Kysela for the wholesaler and industrialist August Lindt. He was inspired by two slabs of chocolate - one dark, the other white - joined back to back. In 2011, the Astra Palace was completely but very sensitively renovated. A beautiful architectural feature of the building is the elegant internal staircase, which allows tenants to move between the different floors of the building, meeting other employees in the process. The large windows not only guarantee access to daylight, but also offer a beautiful view of Jungmannovo and Wenceslas Square. Some floors can also be connected to the neighbouring Euro Palace. Astra Palace is situated in the busiest part of Prague's city centre, otherwise known as the Golden Cross. This location, where Na Příkopě and 28 October Streets cross, is considered a prime and prestigious business location.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Jindřišská 16 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Jindřišská 16 nabízí 6.000 m2 prvotřídních kancelářských prostor rozprostřených v historické a nové části budovy, které jsou vzájemně propojeny a obklopeny elegantním atriem. Podlaží jsou propojena stylovými výtahy, nájemníci ale mohou použít také dvě reprezentativní historická schodiště. Jednotlivá podlaží poskytují kancelářské prostory o rozloze až 1000 m2. Všechna podlaží nabízejí jak uzavřené, tak inteligentní velkoprostorové členění s plně vybavenými kuchyňskými kouty. Kanceláře v historické části budovy navazují na původní strukturu budovy, mezistěny ale mohou být kompletně nebo částečně odstraněny. Výsledkem pak jsou vysoce flexibilní a žádoucí kanceláře. Budova je LEED GOLD certifikována. Exkluzivní kancelářské prostory se 100% čerstvým vzduchem z dech beroucí vertikální zahrady obsahující více jak 5 000 živých rostlin. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Jindřišská 16 offers 6,000 m2 of first-class office space spread across the historic and new parts of the building, which are interconnected and surrounded by an elegant atrium. The floors are connected by stylish elevators, but tenants can also use two representative historic staircases. The individual floors provide office space of up to 1000 m2. All floors offer both enclosed and intelligent large space layouts with fully equipped kitchenettes. The offices in the historic part of the building follow the original structure of the building, but the intermediate walls can be completely or partially removed. The result is highly flexible and desirable offices. The building is LEED GOLD certified. Exclusive office space with 100% fresh air from a breathtaking vertical garden containing over 5,000 living plants. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 16 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 17.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 189 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1005 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Jindřišská 16

Jindřišská 937/16 – Prague 1

16 - 17,50 EUR
Available areas 189 - 1005 m2

Jindřišská 16 offers 6,000 m2 of first-class office space spread across the historic and new parts of the building, which are interconnected and surrounded by an elegant atrium. The floors are connected by stylish elevators, but tenants can also use two representative historic staircases. The individual floors provide office space of up to 1000 m2. All floors offer both enclosed and intelligent large space layouts with fully equipped kitchenettes. The offices in the historic part of the building follow the original structure of the building, but the intermediate walls can be completely or partially removed. The result is highly flexible and desirable offices. The building is LEED GOLD certified. Exclusive office space with 100% fresh air from a breathtaking vertical garden containing over 5,000 living plants.

1 office
1 retail space

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Jungmannova 15 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Jungmannova 15 je moderní kancelářská budova se ​​secesní fasádou, která nabízí až 7 000 m2 kancelářských prostor. Exkluzivní kancelářské prostory propojují historický charakter budovy s moderními technologiemi. Prémiová poloha v centru města s vynikající dostupností veřejné dopravy je další výhodou projektu. Nájemníci mohou těžit z jejího strategického umístění, které nabízí skvělou dostupnost, širokou škálu služeb a sídla mnoha úspěšných místních i nadnárodních společností. Všechna patra v Jungmannova 15 nabízejí celulární a efektivní dispozice otevřeného prostoru s vybaveným kuchyňským koutem a toaletami. Každé podlaží může být rozděleno až na tři jednotky, nebo může být plně využito jedním nájemcem. Prostory jsou dělitelné od 190 do více než 1 000 m². Jungmannova 15 získala certifikát LEED Platinum. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Jungmannova 15 is a modern office building with an Art Nouveau facade, offering up to 7,000 m2 of office space. The exclusive office space combines the historic character of the building with modern technology. The premium location in the city centre with excellent public transport accessibility is another advantage of the project. Tenants can benefit from its strategic location, which offers excellent accessibility, a wide range of services and the headquarters of many successful local and multinational companies. All floors at 15 Jungmannova offer a cellular and efficient open plan layout with fitted kitchen and toilets. Each floor can be divided into up to three units or can be fully occupied by a single tenant. Spaces are divisible from 190 to over 1,000 sq ft. 15 Jungmannova has been awarded LEED Platinum certification. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 19.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 19.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 678 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 678 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Jungmannova 15

Jungmannova 26/15 – Prague 1

19,50 EUR
Available areas 678 m2

Jungmannova 15 is a modern office building with an Art Nouveau facade, offering up to 7,000 m2 of office space. The exclusive office space combines the historic character of the building with modern technology. The premium location in the city centre with excellent public transport accessibility is another advantage of the project. Tenants can benefit from its strategic location, which offers excellent accessibility, a wide range of services and the headquarters of many successful local and multinational companies. All floors at 15 Jungmannova offer a cellular and efficient open plan layout with fitted kitchen and toilets. Each floor can be divided into up to three units or can be fully occupied by a single tenant. Spaces are divisible from 190 to over 1,000 sq ft. 15 Jungmannova has been awarded LEED Platinum certification.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => The Flow Building [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => The Flow Builidng je jedinečný administrativní projekt situovaný na rohu Václavského náměstí a Opletalovy ulice, přímo v obchodním epicentru Prahy. Budova nabízí téměř 15 000 m2 kancelářských a 7 000 m2 obchodních prostor. The Flow Building představuje kombinaci jedinečného designu 21. století a nejnovějších technických řešení. Předností projektu jsou rozměrné flexibilní prostory a velké množství přirozeného denního světla. Vstupní recepce s výškou 8 metrů k níž přiléhá výtahové lobby působí díky kombinaci velkoformátového přírodního kamene, teplých tónů dřeva a výrazných prvků zeleně, minimalistickým, přesto však luxusním dojmem. Budova byla navržena tak, aby nabídla pasivní metody ke snížení spotřeby energie nájemců. Projekt usiluje o získání hodnocení BREEAM EXCELLENT. Budova nabízí svým nájemcům 129 parkovacích míst ve 2 zabezpečených podzemních podlažích, 50 míst je vyhrazeno pro nabíjení elektromobilů. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Flow Builidng is a unique office project located on the corner of Wenceslas Square and Opletalova Street, right in the commercial epicentre of Prague. The building offers nearly 15,000 sqm of office and 7,000 sqm of retail space. The Flow Building represents a combination of unique 21st century design and the latest technical solutions. The strengths of the project are the large flexible spaces and the large amount of natural daylight. The 8 metre high entrance reception adjacent to the lift lobby has a minimalist yet luxurious feel thanks to the combination of large format natural stone, warm wood tones and strong green elements. The building was designed to offer passive methods to reduce tenants' energy consumption. The project is aiming for a BREEAM EXCELLENT rating. The building offers its tenants 129 parking spaces on 2 secure underground levels, with 50 spaces reserved for electric vehicle charging. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 21 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 24 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 300 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2820 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
The Flow Building

Václavské náměstí 2132/47 – Prague 1

The Flow Builidng is a unique office project located on the corner of Wenceslas Square and Opletalova Street, right in the commercial epicentre of Prague. The building offers nearly 15,000 sqm of office and 7,000 sqm of retail space. The Flow Building represents a combination of unique 21st century design and the latest technical solutions. The strengths of the project are the large flexible spaces and the large amount of natural daylight. The 8 metre high entrance reception adjacent to the lift lobby has a minimalist yet luxurious feel thanks to the combination of large format natural stone, warm wood tones and strong green elements. The building was designed to offer passive methods to reduce tenants' energy consumption. The project is aiming for a BREEAM EXCELLENT rating. The building offers its tenants 129 parking spaces on 2 secure underground levels, with 50 spaces reserved for electric vehicle charging.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => The Forum [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => The Forum [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => The Forum je jednou z největších historických budov na Václavském náměstí a je zapsána na seznamu nemovitých kulturních památek hlavního města. Tato prestižní novobarokní stavba byla postavena roku 1896. Dominantou budovy je unikátní císařské schodiště se štukovou výzdobou. V budově původně sídlila pojišťovna Assicurazioni Generali, kde pracoval jeden z nejvlivnějších spisovatelů 20. století Franz Kafka. Společnost Flow East dům zrekonstruovala tak, aby byly zachovány všechny jeho historické prvky a byl obnoven do své původní krásy. The Forum má šest pater, jedno podzemní podlaží a 22 parkovacích míst. Nabízí tak jedinečnou příležitost k pronájmu prvotřídních kancelářských a maloobchodních prostor v samém srdci Prahy. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Forum is one of the largest historic buildings on Wenceslas Square and is listed as a cultural monument of the capital. This prestigious neo-Baroque building was built in 1896. The building is dominated by a unique imperial staircase with stucco decoration. The building originally housed the insurance company Assicurazioni Generali, where one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, Franz Kafka, worked. Flow East restored the house to preserve all of its historic features and restore it to its original beauty. The Forum has six floors, one underground level and 22 parking spaces. It offers a unique opportunity to lease prime office and retail space in the heart of Prague. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 20 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 22 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 211 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2291 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
The Forum

Václavské náměstí 832/19 – Prague 1

20 - 22 EUR
Available areas 211 - 2291 m2

The Forum is one of the largest historic buildings on Wenceslas Square and is listed as a cultural monument of the capital. This prestigious neo-Baroque building was built in 1896. The building is dominated by a unique imperial staircase with stucco decoration. The building originally housed the insurance company Assicurazioni Generali, where one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, Franz Kafka, worked. Flow East restored the house to preserve all of its historic features and restore it to its original beauty. The Forum has six floors, one underground level and 22 parking spaces. It offers a unique opportunity to lease prime office and retail space in the heart of Prague.

2 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Rosmarin Business Center [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Rosmarin je zavedené administrativní centrum situované v rámci rychle se rozvíjející oblasti Prahy 7 – Holešovic, s celkovou kapacitou 23 500 m2. Poskytuje Veškeré výhody spojené s možností pracovat jen pár minut od historického centra Prahy. Rosmarin nabízí moderní kancelářské prostory i zázemí se skvělou dostupností a službami. Kromě kanceláří nabízí také volnočasové aktivity a další zázemí pro zaměstnance (kantýna, fitness, tančírna, odpočinkové terasy, obchod). Administrativní budova prochází průběžnou rekonstrukcí tak, aby pronajímané kancelářské plochy splňovaly nejvyšší možné standardy. Komfort nájemců doplňují také zmodernizovaná restaurační zařízení, společné prostory, odpočinkové zóny, konferenční sály a zasedací místnosti. Pro nájemce je k dispozici až 370 parkovacích míst v podzemních garážích. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Rosmarin is a well-established administrative centre located within the rapidly developing area of Prague 7 - Holešovice, with a total capacity of 23,500 m2. It provides all the benefits associated with the opportunity to work just minutes from the historic centre of Prague. Rosmarin offers modern office space and facilities with excellent accessibility and services. In addition to offices, it also offers leisure activities and other facilities for employees (canteen, fitness room, dance hall, relaxation terraces, shop). The office building is undergoing continuous renovation to ensure that the leased office space meets the highest possible standards. Tenant comfort is also complemented by upgraded restaurant facilities, common areas, relaxation zones, conference rooms and meeting rooms. Up to 370 parking spaces are available for tenants in underground garages. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 348 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 368 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 258 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 655 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Rosmarin Business Center

Dělnická 213/12 – Prague 7

348 - 368 CZK
Available areas 258 - 655 m2

Rosmarin is a well-established administrative centre located within the rapidly developing area of Prague 7 - Holešovice, with a total capacity of 23,500 m2. It provides all the benefits associated with the opportunity to work just minutes from the historic centre of Prague. Rosmarin offers modern office space and facilities with excellent accessibility and services. In addition to offices, it also offers leisure activities and other facilities for employees (canteen, fitness room, dance hall, relaxation terraces, shop). The office building is undergoing continuous renovation to ensure that the leased office space meets the highest possible standards. Tenant comfort is also complemented by upgraded restaurant facilities, common areas, relaxation zones, conference rooms and meeting rooms. Up to 370 parking spaces are available for tenants in underground garages.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Jankovcova 53 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Jankovcova 53 je komplex pěti administrativních budov, který se nachází v oblíbené business lokalitě Prahy 7 - Holešovice a svým nájemců nabízí až 25.000 m2 kancelářské a skladové plochy. Parking je možný v rámci areálu na venkovním parkovišti s elektronickým systémem. V bezprostřední blízkosti je veškerá občanská vybavenost včetně mnoha restaurací, kaváren a supermarketu. Budova se nachází v oblasti s výbornou dopravní dostupností MHD (tramvajová zastávka Ortenovo náměstí v dochozí vzdálenosti 5 min., metro C + vlak /Nádraží Holešovice – 5 min., metro B/Palmovka – 10 min.), v blízkosti je také napojení na městské okruhy. Je zde skvělá občanská vybavenost. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Jankovcova 53 is a complex of five office buildings located in the popular business locality of Prague 7 - Holešovice and offers its tenants up to 25,000 m2 of office and warehouse space. Parking is available within the complex in an outdoor car park with an electronic system. In the immediate vicinity there are all civic amenities including many restaurants, cafes and a supermarket. The building is located in an area with excellent public transport accessibility (tram stop Ortenovo náměstí in the walking distance of 5 min., metro C + train /Nádraží Holešovice - 5 min., metro B/Palmovka - 10 min.), there is also a connection to the city circuits. There are great civic amenities. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 0 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 13 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 293 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1281 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Jankovcova 53

Jankovcova 1522/53 – Prague 7

Jankovcova 53 is a complex of five office buildings located in the popular business locality of Prague 7 - Holešovice and offers its tenants up to 25,000 m2 of office and warehouse space. Parking is available within the complex in an outdoor car park with an electronic system. In the immediate vicinity there are all civic amenities including many restaurants, cafes and a supermarket. The building is located in an area with excellent public transport accessibility (tram stop Ortenovo náměstí in the walking distance of 5 min., metro C + train /Nádraží Holešovice - 5 min., metro B/Palmovka - 10 min.), there is also a connection to the city circuits. There are great civic amenities.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Praga Office & Garden [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Ve stále populárnějším Karlíně, ze kterého se v posledních letech stalo centrum mladých, inovativních společností, vznikly moderní kancelářské prostory PRAGA Office & Garden. Kanceláře PRAGA Office & Garden jsou naprosto flexibilní a lze je zařídit podle požadavků nových nájemců, buď jako atraktivní open space, nebo jako uzavřené kanceláře s menším sdíleným prostorem a zasedacími místnostmi. Díky velkoformátovým oknům má celý prostor nadstandardní přísun denního světla, který je umocněn výhledem do zahrady ve vnitrobloku. Vstup do budovy je propojen se vzdušnou lobby s recepcí. Prostory nabízejí zdvojené podlahy, liniová stropní svítidla, klimatizaci i topení, vstup na karty, elektrickou požární signalizaci a osobní výtah. Jižní fasáda má navíc venkovní žaluzie, které oceníte zejména v letních měsících. Každé patro má své vlastní sociální zařízení. Za industriálním průčelím se skrývá oáza v podobě privátní zahrady. Díky svému umístění ve vnitrobloku představuje zahrada ideální prostředí pro odpočinek a načerpání energie. Pro nájemce jsou k dispozici terasy v přízemí a ve druhém patře a kolárna se zázemím v suterénu. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => In the increasingly popular Karlín, which in recent years has become a centre for young, innovative companies, modern office space PRAGA Office & Garden has been built. The PRAGA Office & Garden offices are completely flexible and can be arranged according to the requirements of new tenants, either as attractive open space or as closed offices with smaller shared space and meeting rooms. Thanks to the large-format windows, the entire space enjoys a superior supply of daylight, which is enhanced by the view of the courtyard garden. The entrance to the building is connected to an airy lobby with a reception area. The space offers double flooring, linear ceiling lights, air conditioning and heating, card access, electric fire alarm and a passenger lift. The south façade also has exterior blinds, which will be appreciated especially during the summer months. Each floor has its own sanitary facilities. Behind the industrial façade lies an oasis in the form of a private garden. Thanks to its location in the courtyard, the garden is an ideal environment for relaxation and recharging your energy. For the tenants there are terraces on the ground floor and on the second floor and a bike room with facilities in the basement. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Praga Office & Garden

Pernerova 39/3 – Prague 8

In the increasingly popular Karlín, which in recent years has become a centre for young, innovative companies, modern office space PRAGA Office & Garden has been built. The PRAGA Office & Garden offices are completely flexible and can be arranged according to the requirements of new tenants, either as attractive open space or as closed offices with smaller shared space and meeting rooms. Thanks to the large-format windows, the entire space enjoys a superior supply of daylight, which is enhanced by the view of the courtyard garden. The entrance to the building is connected to an airy lobby with a reception area. The space offers double flooring, linear ceiling lights, air conditioning and heating, card access, electric fire alarm and a passenger lift. The south façade also has exterior blinds, which will be appreciated especially during the summer months. Each floor has its own sanitary facilities. Behind the industrial façade lies an oasis in the form of a private garden. Thanks to its location in the courtyard, the garden is an ideal environment for relaxation and recharging your energy. For the tenants there are terraces on the ground floor and on the second floor and a bike room with facilities in the basement.

2 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Rohan Business Center [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova Rohan Business Center je 8 patrová administrativní budova s celkovou pronajímatelnou plochou 9700 m2. Budova má vynikající dopravní dostupnost MHD i automobilem. V blízkosti se nachází zastávka metra B Křižíkova, B a C Florenc a mnoho tramvajových spojů. Lokalita umožňuje snadnou dostupnost do centra metropole, napojení na Magistrálu nebo Městský okruh. Budova má otevíratelná okna s vnějšími roletami. Pro nájemce je k dispozici až 100 parkovacích míst v podzemních garážích, kolárna a zahrada do s grilem a posezením. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Rohan Business Center is an 8-storey office building with a total leasable area of 9700 m2. The building has excellent public transport and car accessibility. There is a metro stop B Křižíkova, B and C Florenc and many tram connections nearby. The location allows easy access to the city centre, connection to the Magistrala or the City Ring Road. The building has opening windows with external roller shutters. For tenants there are up to 100 parking spaces in underground garages, a bike shed and a garden with barbecue and seating. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17.8 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 18.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 370 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 744 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Rohan Business Center

Rohanské nábřeží 671/15 – Prague 8

17,80 - 18,50 EUR
Available areas 370 - 744 m2

Rohan Business Center is an 8-storey office building with a total leasable area of 9700 m2. The building has excellent public transport and car accessibility. There is a metro stop B Křižíkova, B and C Florenc and many tram connections nearby. The location allows easy access to the city centre, connection to the Magistrala or the City Ring Road. The building has opening windows with external roller shutters. For tenants there are up to 100 parking spaces in underground garages, a bike shed and a garden with barbecue and seating.

4 retail spaces

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Bubenská 1 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Bubenská 1 patří k nejdůležitějším modernistickým stavbám v Praze. Prostorná funkcionalistická budova, dokončená roku 1935, prošla citlivou rekonstrukcí tak, aby odpovídala nejvyšším současným nárokům na kvalitu kanceláří, ale zároveň si uchovala svůj unikátní genius loci. Díky velkorysému architektonickému řešení budovy nabízejí kanceláře Bubenská 1 mimořádný zážitek z prostoru a maximální pracovní komfort. Zázemí budovy splňuje nejvyšší nároky velkých společností a podpoří rozlet těch menších. Samozřejmostí je centrální recepce s nepřetržitým provozem, stejně jako alternativní pracovní prostory i odpočinkové zóny. Bubenská 1 odpovídá vysokým technologickým standardům. Rekonstrukce probíhala ve spolupráci s památkáři tak, aby nedošlo k narušení unikátní architektury. Zachována zůstává i řada historických prvků, například dvojice páternosterů. Součástí budovy jsou obchody, restaurace, wellness i kulturní centrum. Řada dalších služeb je dobře dostupná v nejbližším okolí. Díky poloze v blízkosti důležitého dopravního uzlu a jednoho z hlavních silničních tahů Prahou je Bubenská pohodlně dostupná autem i hromadnou dopravou. Kousek je stanice metra C Vltavská, zastávka tramvají i autobusu. Během pár minut se dostanete do historického centra Prahy i na ruzyňské letiště. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Bubenská 1 is one of the most important modernist buildings in Prague. The spacious functionalist building, completed in 1935, has been sensitively reconstructed to meet the highest contemporary demands for office quality, while retaining its unique genius loci. Thanks to the generous architectural design of the building, the Bubenská 1 offices offer an exceptional experience of space and maximum working comfort. The building's facilities meet the highest demands of large companies and support the expansion of smaller ones. Of course, there is a central reception area with 24-hour operation, as well as alternative working spaces and rest areas. Bubenská 1 meets high technological standards. The reconstruction was carried out in cooperation with the conservationists so as not to disturb the unique architecture. A number of historical elements, such as the pair of paternosters, have been preserved. The building includes shops, restaurants, a spa and a cultural centre. Many other services are easily accessible in the immediate area. Due to its location near an important transport hub and one of the main road routes through Prague, Bubenská is conveniently accessible by car and public transport. There is a metro station C Vltavská, tram and bus stop nearby. In a few minutes you can reach the historical centre of Prague and Ruzyně airport. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 383 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 695 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 40 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1982 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Bubenská 1

Bubenská 1477/1a – Prague 7

383 - 695 CZK
Available areas 40 - 1982 m2

Bubenská 1 is one of the most important modernist buildings in Prague. The spacious functionalist building, completed in 1935, has been sensitively reconstructed to meet the highest contemporary demands for office quality, while retaining its unique genius loci. Thanks to the generous architectural design of the building, the Bubenská 1 offices offer an exceptional experience of space and maximum working comfort. The building's facilities meet the highest demands of large companies and support the expansion of smaller ones. Of course, there is a central reception area with 24-hour operation, as well as alternative working spaces and rest areas. Bubenská 1 meets high technological standards. The reconstruction was carried out in cooperation with the conservationists so as not to disturb the unique architecture. A number of historical elements, such as the pair of paternosters, have been preserved. The building includes shops, restaurants, a spa and a cultural centre. Many other services are easily accessible in the immediate area. Due to its location near an important transport hub and one of the main road routes through Prague, Bubenská is conveniently accessible by car and public transport. There is a metro station C Vltavská, tram and bus stop nearby. In a few minutes you can reach the historical centre of Prague and Ruzyně airport.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Praga Studios [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Prague Studios [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Praga Studios je administrativní budova propojující lidi a město. Budova na první pohled zaujme impozantním veřejně přístupným atriem s klavírem. Vdobě dokončení byla Praga Studios oceněna jako “nejzelenější” kancelářská budova ve střední Evropě. Praga Studios má inovativní technologie zabudované od základů až po nejvyšší patro. Nájemci i návštěvníci mají k dispozici nejpokročilejší systém chytrého parkování (včetně kamer na automatické rozpoznání registračních značek). Střešní terasu zdobí několik chytrých úlů, které online monitorují aktivitu včel. Budova se nachází v centru pražské čtvrti Karlín, jež se dynamicky rozvíjí a propojila dvě dříve oddělené ulice a vytvořila nový veřejný prostor. Praga Studios se nachází v těsné blízkosti stanice metra Křižíkova a dalších linek veřejné dopravy. Budova se pyšní komunitní zahradou hned vedle objektu. Budova získala certifikaci LEED Platinum pro Core & Shell (97 bodů) – 3. “nejzelenější” kancelářská budova na světě (v době ocenění), nejlepší v regionu CEE a WELL Gold pro Core & Shell – druhá budova v České republice s touto certifikací. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Praga Studios is an office building connecting people and the city. The building impresses at first sight with its impressive public atrium with a grand piano. At the time of its completion, Praga Studios was awarded as the "greenest" office building in Central Europe. Praga Studios has innovative technologies built in from the ground to the top floor. Tenants and visitors have access to the most advanced smart parking system (including automatic license plate recognition cameras). The roof terrace is adorned with several smart hives that monitor bee activity online. The building is located in the heart of Prague's rapidly developing Karlín district, which has connected two previously separate streets to create a new public space. Praga Studios is located in close proximity to Křižíkova metro station and other public transport lines. The building boasts a community garden next to the building. The building has been certified LEED Platinum for Core & Shell (97 points) - the 3rd "greenest" office building in the world (at the time of the award), the best in the CEE region and WELL Gold for Core & Shell - the second building in the Czech Republic with this certification. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Praga Studios

Pernerova – Prague 8

Praga Studios is an office building connecting people and the city. The building impresses at first sight with its impressive public atrium with a grand piano. At the time of its completion, Praga Studios was awarded as the "greenest" office building in Central Europe. Praga Studios has innovative technologies built in from the ground to the top floor. Tenants and visitors have access to the most advanced smart parking system (including automatic license plate recognition cameras). The roof terrace is adorned with several smart hives that monitor bee activity online. The building is located in the heart of Prague's rapidly developing Karlín district, which has connected two previously separate streets to create a new public space. Praga Studios is located in close proximity to Křižíkova metro station and other public transport lines. The building boasts a community garden next to the building. The building has been certified LEED Platinum for Core & Shell (97 points) - the 3rd "greenest" office building in the world (at the time of the award), the best in the CEE region and WELL Gold for Core & Shell - the second building in the Czech Republic with this certification.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Oasis Florenc [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Oasis Florenc [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Oasis Florenc je moderní kancelářská budova, která v sobě snoubí design, funkčnost a atraktivní umístění v samém srdci města. Budova Oasis Florenc byla navržena tak, aby splňovala požadavky zaměstnanců na moderní kancelářské prostory. Velká pozornost byla věnována efektivnosti prostor a vytvoření příjemného pracovního prostředí, k čemuž přispívá i sdílená terasa pro nájemce plná zeleně a s krásným výhledem na Vítkov. Obchodní pasáž nabízí širokou nabídku obchodů a služeb v příjemném komorním prostředí. Oasis Florenc těží ze všech předností lokality v centru města. Budova stojí na rozhraní Prahy 1 a Prahy 8 přímo u stanice metra Florenc, linek B a C. Přímo před budovou je také zastávka tramvajových linek směr Náměstí republiky a Karlín. Doslova pár kroků od budovy se nachází autobusové nádraží Praha – Florenc. V docházkové vzdálenosti také leží Masarykovo nádraží a jen o něco dále leží Hlavní nádraží. Budova je umístěna blízko magistrály, a je tedy skvěle dostupná pro Pražany i pro návštěvníky přijíždějící z jiných koutů České republiky. V lokalitě se nachází množství restaurací a kaváren, přičemž náměstí Republiky, Václavské náměstí či Staré Město jsou vzdálené necelých 10 minut chůze. V podzemí je parking s 141 parkovacími stáními. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Oasis Florenc is a modern office building that combines design, functionality and an attractive location in the heart of the city. Oasis Florenc has been designed to meet the requirements of employees for modern office space. Great attention has been paid to space efficiency and creating a pleasant working environment, which is enhanced by a shared terrace for tenants full of greenery and with a beautiful view of Vítkov. The commercial arcade offers a wide range of shops and services in a pleasant intimate environment. Oasis Florenc benefits from all the advantages of the city centre location. The building is located on the border of Prague 1 and Prague 8 right next to the Florenc metro station, lines B and C. There is also a tram stop directly in front of the building in the direction of Náměstí republiky and Karlín. Literally a few steps from the building is the Prague - Florenc bus station. The Masaryk Railway Station is also within walking distance and the Main Railway Station is just a little further away. The building is located close to the motorway and is therefore perfectly accessible for Prague residents and visitors coming from other parts of the Czech Republic. There are a number of restaurants and cafes in the area, with the Republic Square, Wenceslas Square and Old Town less than 10 minutes' walk away. Underground parking with 141 parking spaces. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 18.95 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 18.95 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 268 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 268 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Oasis Florenc

Sokolovská 394/17 – Prague 8

18,95 EUR
Available areas 268 m2

Oasis Florenc is a modern office building that combines design, functionality and an attractive location in the heart of the city. Oasis Florenc has been designed to meet the requirements of employees for modern office space. Great attention has been paid to space efficiency and creating a pleasant working environment, which is enhanced by a shared terrace for tenants full of greenery and with a beautiful view of Vítkov. The commercial arcade offers a wide range of shops and services in a pleasant intimate environment. Oasis Florenc benefits from all the advantages of the city centre location. The building is located on the border of Prague 1 and Prague 8 right next to the Florenc metro station, lines B and C. There is also a tram stop directly in front of the building in the direction of Náměstí republiky and Karlín. Literally a few steps from the building is the Prague - Florenc bus station. The Masaryk Railway Station is also within walking distance and the Main Railway Station is just a little further away. The building is located close to the motorway and is therefore perfectly accessible for Prague residents and visitors coming from other parts of the Czech Republic. There are a number of restaurants and cafes in the area, with the Republic Square, Wenceslas Square and Old Town less than 10 minutes' walk away. Underground parking with 141 parking spaces.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Zirkon Office Center [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Zirkon Office Center [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní budova Zirkon se nachází přímo u stanice metra Křižíkova na Sokolovské ulici, která tvoří hlavní obchodní páteř Karlína. Přímo před objektem se nachází stanice tramvaje a metra B - Křižíkova. Centrum města je vzdáleno 10 minut. Lokalita budovy umožňuje snadné napojení na městský okruh a dálnice. Komplex se skládá ze tří budov. Budova A byla rekonstruována z původní prvorepublikové budovy a skrývá se za fasádou do ulice. Budovy B a C byly postaveny v roce 1997 a jsou velmi dobře propojeny chodbou při výstupu z výtahů. Za prostornou recepcí s lobby se nachází vzdušné a příjemné atrium. Pro nájemce jsou k dispozici zelené zahrady ve vnitrobloku. Kancelářské prostory jsou moderní, světlé a s možností flexibilního uspořádání. V komplexu sídlí správa budovy. Vstup do objektu, garáží a konkrétních kancelářských jednotek je zajištěn přes elektronický kartový systém. Objekt a společné prostory jsou monitorivány kamerami. Fungují zde tři prostorné výtahy. Vysokorychlostní internet je zajištěn připojením k optickému kabelu. Parkovací stání jsou k dispozici v garáži a taktéž sklady. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Zirkon office building is located right next to the Křižíkova metro station on Sokolovská Street, which forms the main commercial backbone of Karlín. Right in front of the building there is a tram and metro station B - Křižíkova. The city centre is 10 minutes away. The location of the building allows easy access to the city ring road and motorways. The complex consists of three buildings. Building A was reconstructed from the original first-republic building and hides behind the facade to the street. Buildings B and C were built in 1997 and are very well connected by a corridor when exiting the elevators. Behind the spacious reception area with lobby there is an airy and welcoming atrium. For the tenants there are green gardens in the courtyard. The office space is modern, bright and flexible in layout. The complex houses the building management. Access to the building, garages and specific office units is secured via an electronic card system. The building and common areas are monitored by cameras. There are three spacious lifts. High-speed internet is provided by a fibre optic cable connection. Parking spaces are available in the garage as well as warehouses. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 12.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 12.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 17 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1555 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Zirkon Office Center

Sokolovská 366/84 – Prague 8

The Zirkon office building is located right next to the Křižíkova metro station on Sokolovská Street, which forms the main commercial backbone of Karlín. Right in front of the building there is a tram and metro station B - Křižíkova. The city centre is 10 minutes away. The location of the building allows easy access to the city ring road and motorways. The complex consists of three buildings. Building A was reconstructed from the original first-republic building and hides behind the facade to the street. Buildings B and C were built in 1997 and are very well connected by a corridor when exiting the elevators. Behind the spacious reception area with lobby there is an airy and welcoming atrium. For the tenants there are green gardens in the courtyard. The office space is modern, bright and flexible in layout. The complex houses the building management. Access to the building, garages and specific office units is secured via an electronic card system. The building and common areas are monitored by cameras. There are three spacious lifts. High-speed internet is provided by a fibre optic cable connection. Parking spaces are available in the garage as well as warehouses.

6 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Lighthouse Towers [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní komplex Lighthouse se skládá ze dvou samostatných budov a celkem nabízí 21.000 m² kancelářských ploch. Od řeky jej dělí pouze zelená plocha s parkovou úpravou. Z budovy jsou krásné výhledy na řeku a Pražský hrad. V budově je dostatek parkovacích stání v podzemních garážích. Pro nájemce je k dispozici kolárna se sprchou a uzamykatelnými skříňkami. Dopravní dostupnost MHD je zajištěna tramvajovou zastávkou Maniny, stanicí metra B - Palmovka (2 zastávky tramvají), metra C - Holešovice (3 zastávky tramvají). Budova nabízí vysoký standard, atraktivní design a krásný výhled, reprezentativní centrální recepci, 24 hodinovou ostrahu, 6 rychlostních výtahů, koncepci otevřeného prostoru s možností dělení, sociální zázemí, jídelnu, lékárnu, kavárnu a obchody v budově. U vchodu do hlavní budovy se rozkládá příjemné loby s recepcí a 6-ti vysokorychlostními výtahy. Moderní světlé klimatizované kanceláře jsou navrženy jako otevřený prostor s možností úprav na míru. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Lighthouse office complex consists of two separate buildings and offers a total of 21,000 m² of office space. It is separated from the river only by a green area with parkland. The building offers beautiful views of the river and Prague Castle. There is ample parking in the building's underground garage. A bike room with shower and lockers is available for tenants. Public transport accessibility is provided by tram stop Maniny, metro station B - Palmovka (2 tram stops), metro station C - Holešovice (3 tram stops). The building offers a high standard, attractive design and beautiful views, representative central reception, 24-hour security, 6 high-speed elevators, open space concept with the possibility of division, social facilities, dining room, pharmacy, café and shops in the building. At the entrance to the main building is a pleasant lobby with a reception and 6 high-speed elevators. The modern, bright air-conditioned offices are designed as open plan space with the option of customisation. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 14.7 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 18.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 118 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2966 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Lighthouse Towers

Jankovcova 1569/2c – Prague 7

14,70 - 18,50 EUR
Available areas 118 - 2966 m2

The Lighthouse office complex consists of two separate buildings and offers a total of 21,000 m² of office space. It is separated from the river only by a green area with parkland. The building offers beautiful views of the river and Prague Castle. There is ample parking in the building's underground garage. A bike room with shower and lockers is available for tenants. Public transport accessibility is provided by tram stop Maniny, metro station B - Palmovka (2 tram stops), metro station C - Holešovice (3 tram stops). The building offers a high standard, attractive design and beautiful views, representative central reception, 24-hour security, 6 high-speed elevators, open space concept with the possibility of division, social facilities, dining room, pharmacy, café and shops in the building. At the entrance to the main building is a pleasant lobby with a reception and 6 high-speed elevators. The modern, bright air-conditioned offices are designed as open plan space with the option of customisation.

4 offices
1 retail space

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => ArtGen [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => ArtGen se skládá ze dvou jedinečných budov propojených náměstím se zelení a galerií pod širým nebem. Společně nabízí téměř 23 000 m2 kancelářských a více než 2 500 m2 obchodních ploch. Umělecké pojetí kanceláří ArtGen Vás zaujme na první pohled. Desetipodlažní budova Art má elegantní oblý tvar a nabízí téměř 14 000 m2 kancelářských ploch. Svým nájemcům poskytuje krásné výhledy Vltavu i centrum Prahy. V suterénu se nacházejí podzemní garáže, plně vybavená kolárna. Sedmipodlažní budova Gen má pravidelný obdélníkový tvar a nabízí kancelářskou plochu 9 000 m2 a několik teras s výhledem na přilehlé okolí. V suterénu se nacházejí podzemní garáže, plně vybavenoá kolárna. V přízemí obou budov se nacházejí obchodní prostory s mnoha službami, restaurací a kavárnou. Holešovice jsou oblíbenou centrální kancelářskou lokalitou s výbornou dostupností – metrem C (stanice Vltavská) a dále četnými tramvajovými linkami. Je zde množství restaurací a kaváren a také zajímavých příležitostí k nákupu. V samotném ArtGenu je k dispozici restaurace Kolkovna a asijské bistro. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => ArtGen consists of two unique buildings connected by a green square and an open-air gallery. Together they offer nearly 23,000 m2 of office space and more than 2,500 m2 of retail space. The artistic concept of the ArtGen offices will catch your eye at first sight. The ten-storey Art building has an elegant rounded shape and offers almost 14,000 m2 of office space. It provides its tenants with beautiful views of the Vltava River and the centre of Prague. In the basement there are underground garages, a fully equipped bike room. The seven-storey Gen building has a regular rectangular shape and offers 9,000 sqm of office space and several terraces overlooking the adjacent surroundings. There are underground garages in the basement, a fully equipped bike room. On the ground floor of both buildings there are commercial spaces with many services, a restaurant and a cafe. Holešovice is a popular central office location with excellent accessibility - metro C (Vltavská station) and numerous tram lines. There are many restaurants and cafes as well as interesting shopping opportunities. In ArtGen itself there is a restaurant Kolkovna and an Asian bistro. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 13.95 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 15.95 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 265 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 3372 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Argentinská 1610/4 – Prague 7

13,95 - 15,95 EUR
Available areas 265 - 3372 m2

ArtGen consists of two unique buildings connected by a green square and an open-air gallery. Together they offer nearly 23,000 m2 of office space and more than 2,500 m2 of retail space. The artistic concept of the ArtGen offices will catch your eye at first sight. The ten-storey Art building has an elegant rounded shape and offers almost 14,000 m2 of office space. It provides its tenants with beautiful views of the Vltava River and the centre of Prague. In the basement there are underground garages, a fully equipped bike room. The seven-storey Gen building has a regular rectangular shape and offers 9,000 sqm of office space and several terraces overlooking the adjacent surroundings. There are underground garages in the basement, a fully equipped bike room. On the ground floor of both buildings there are commercial spaces with many services, a restaurant and a cafe. Holešovice is a popular central office location with excellent accessibility - metro C (Vltavská station) and numerous tram lines. There are many restaurants and cafes as well as interesting shopping opportunities. In ArtGen itself there is a restaurant Kolkovna and an Asian bistro.

7 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Visionary [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Visionary je prvním, nanejvýš moderním kancelářským projektem, který se nachází v bezprostřední blízkosti stanice metra Nádraží Holešovice a má tak přímý přístup ke všem typům hromadné dopravy. Projekt nabízí celou řadu služeb nejen svým nájemcům, ale i místní komunitě. Na veřejně přístupné zahradě za budovou lze najít například multifunkční hřiště a open air kino, k dispozici je i restaurace s kavárnou. Pro své nájemce poskytuje Visionary nepřeberné množství benefitů, mezi něž patří zdravé a flexibilní pracovní prostředí, hravý design s inovativními prvky, dechberoucí výhledy a terasy, vynikající viditelnost nebo třeba neotřelou bežeckou dráhu na střeše budovy. Prvky a technologie, které přispívají k udržitelnému rozvoji, jsou podpořeny certifikací LEED Platinum, nově i certifikací WELL, která monitoruje prvky, jež mají vliv na zdraví a duševní pohodu člověka skrze kvalitu ovzduší, vody a přístup ke zdroji světla. Stejně tak se soustředí na osobní pohodlí, přístup ke zdravé stravě a vliv budov na organismus a duševní zdraví. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Visionary is the first, extremely modern office project located in the immediate vicinity of the Nádraží Holešovice metro station and thus has direct access to all types of public transport. The project offers a range of services not only to its tenants but also to the local community. In the publicly accessible garden behind the building you can find, for example, a multifunctional playground and an open air cinema, there is also a restaurant with a café. Visionary provides a plethora of benefits for its tenants, including a healthy and flexible working environment, playful design with innovative features, breathtaking views and terraces, excellent visibility or even a novel running track on the roof of the building. Elements and technologies that contribute to sustainable development are supported by LEED Platinum certification and, more recently, WELL certification, which monitors elements that impact human health and well-being through air and water quality and access to light. It also focuses on personal comfort, access to healthy food and the impact of buildings on the body and mental health. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 14.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 14.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 171 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 5981 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Plynární 1617/10 – Prague 7

14,50 EUR
Available areas 171 - 5981 m2

Visionary is the first, extremely modern office project located in the immediate vicinity of the Nádraží Holešovice metro station and thus has direct access to all types of public transport. The project offers a range of services not only to its tenants but also to the local community. In the publicly accessible garden behind the building you can find, for example, a multifunctional playground and an open air cinema, there is also a restaurant with a café. Visionary provides a plethora of benefits for its tenants, including a healthy and flexible working environment, playful design with innovative features, breathtaking views and terraces, excellent visibility or even a novel running track on the roof of the building. Elements and technologies that contribute to sustainable development are supported by LEED Platinum certification and, more recently, WELL certification, which monitors elements that impact human health and well-being through air and water quality and access to light. It also focuses on personal comfort, access to healthy food and the impact of buildings on the body and mental health.

Fully occupied

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Argentinská Office Building [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Argentinian Office Building [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní budova Argentinská Office Building (AOB) je moderní kancelářskou budovou splňující ta nejpřísnější kritéria svých nájemníků. V přízemí se nachází obchodní prostory s perfektní dostupností a viditelností. V dalších šesti patrech jsou pak umístěny moderní kanceláře ve stylu smart office. Celkem sedm pater a přes 5.922 m2 kancelářských a komerčních ploch k pronájmu v srdci Holešovic činí z budovy AOB ideální lokalitu právě pro Váš business. Budova disponuje nejmodernějším kancelářským zázemím včetně vlastního Copycentra, nebo třeba kolárny a hygienického zázemí pro milovníky cyklistiky a koloběžek. V budově je možný pronájem sdílených kancelářských prostorů, které jsou vybaveny tou nejmodernější technologií. Budova je konstruována tak, aby splňovala architektonické požadavky doby a zároveň zapadla do rázu Holešovic. Prosklená fasáda krytá elektrickými předokenními roletami zajistí dostatek světla a zároveň dokonalé soukromí. Větší část střechy budovy AOB je provedena ve stylu zelená střecha, která je tvořena variací nejrůznějších rostlin. Takováto střecha nejen výborně izoluje ale je také ideálním prostředím pro hmyz a jiné živočichy. V neposlední řadě je z ní nádherný výhled na celou Prahu. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Argentine Office Building (AOB) is a modern office building that meets the most stringent criteria of its tenants. On the ground floor there is commercial space with perfect accessibility and visibility. The other six floors house modern smart office style offices. A total of seven floors and over 5,922 sqm of office and commercial space for rent in the heart of Holešovice make the AOB building the ideal location for your business. The building has state-of-the-art office facilities including its own Copycentre, or perhaps a bike room and sanitary facilities for cycling and scooter enthusiasts. Shared office space is available for rent in the building, which is equipped with the latest technology. The building is designed to meet the architectural requirements of the time and at the same time fit into the character of Holešovice. The glazed facade covered with electric roller shutters ensures plenty of light and perfect privacy. Most of the roof of the AOB building is made in the green roof style, which is made up of a variation of various plants. Such a roof not only provides excellent insulation but is also an ideal environment for insects and other animals. Last but not least, it offers a wonderful view of the whole of Prague. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 396 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 396 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 133 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 133 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Argentinská Office Building

Argentinská 1621/36 – Prague 7

The Argentine Office Building (AOB) is a modern office building that meets the most stringent criteria of its tenants. On the ground floor there is commercial space with perfect accessibility and visibility. The other six floors house modern smart office style offices. A total of seven floors and over 5,922 sqm of office and commercial space for rent in the heart of Holešovice make the AOB building the ideal location for your business. The building has state-of-the-art office facilities including its own Copycentre, or perhaps a bike room and sanitary facilities for cycling and scooter enthusiasts. Shared office space is available for rent in the building, which is equipped with the latest technology. The building is designed to meet the architectural requirements of the time and at the same time fit into the character of Holešovice. The glazed facade covered with electric roller shutters ensures plenty of light and perfect privacy. Most of the roof of the AOB building is made in the green roof style, which is made up of a variation of various plants. Such a roof not only provides excellent insulation but is also an ideal environment for insects and other animals. Last but not least, it offers a wonderful view of the whole of Prague.