Selected buildings

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Muchova [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Muchova [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Muchova 9 je administrativní budova, která si zachovala historickou podobu venkovní fasády. Vnitřní prostory prošly rozsáhlou rekonstrukcí a jako kontrast k fasádě je plně modernizovaný. Veškeré prostory mají otevíratelná okna a bezpečností služba funguje 24/7. Pro nájemce jsou také k dispozici sprchy v rámci budovy. Budova je umístěna v blízkosti metra A - Hradčanská (minuta chůze) a stejnojmenné tramvajové zastávky. V blízkosti je také dostatek občanské vybavenosti. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Muchova 9 is an administrative building that has preserved the historical appearance of the exterior facade. The interior has been extensively renovated and, in contrast to the facade, is fully modernized. All areas have openable windows and security service operates 24/7. Showers are also available within the building for tenants. The building is located near the metro station A - Hradčanská (one-minute walk) and the tram stop of the same name. There are also plenty of civic amenities nearby. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 480 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => Servisní poplatky 50 Kč/m2/měsíc + DPH [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Muchova 223/9 – Prague 6

Price from 480 CZK

Muchova 9 is an administrative building that has preserved the historical appearance of the exterior facade. The interior has been extensively renovated and, in contrast to the facade, is fully modernized. All areas have openable windows and security service operates 24/7. Showers are also available within the building for tenants. The building is located near the metro station A - Hradčanská (one-minute walk) and the tram stop of the same name. There are also plenty of civic amenities nearby.

8 offices
1 retail space

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Paramount Building [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Paramount Building [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Paramount Building je administrativní budova o 7 nadzemních podlažích, která nabízí až 6000 m2 kancelářské plochy a 70 parkovacích stání v podzemních garážích. Běžné podlaží o velikosti 1044 m2 je možné dělit od plochy 512 m2. V budově funguje centrální recepce a ostraha, kanceláře jsou klimatizované a mají otevíratelná okna. Budova je situována poblíž zastávky tramvaje Maniny, 10 min. od zastávky metra C - Holešovice a 5 min od zastávky metra B - Palmovka. Snadná dostupnost automobilem díky napojení na městský okruh a tunel Blanka. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Paramount Building is an administrative building with 7 floors, which offers up to 6000 m2 of office space and 70 parking spaces in underground garages. The regular floor of 1044 m2 can be divided into 512 m2. The building has a central reception and security, the offices are air-conditioned and have opening windows. The building is located near the Maniny tram stop, 10 min. from the C - Holešovice metro stop and 5 min. from the B - Palmovka metro stop. Easy access by car thanks to the connection to the city ring road and the Blanka tunnel. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 330 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 470 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 208 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 6314 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Paramount Building

Na Maninách 1040/14 – Prague 7

330 - 470 CZK
Available areas 208 - 6314 m2

Paramount Building is an administrative building with 7 floors, which offers up to 6000 m2 of office space and 70 parking spaces in underground garages. The regular floor of 1044 m2 can be divided into 512 m2. The building has a central reception and security, the offices are air-conditioned and have opening windows. The building is located near the Maniny tram stop, 10 min. from the C - Holešovice metro stop and 5 min. from the B - Palmovka metro stop. Easy access by car thanks to the connection to the city ring road and the Blanka tunnel.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Revoluční 8 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Revoluční 8 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Revoluční 8 je administrativní budova, která si zachovala historickou podobu venkovní fasády. Vnitřní prostory prošly rozsáhlou rekonstrukcí a jako kontrast k fasádě je plně modernizovaný. Veškeré prostory jsou klimatizovány a bezpečností služba funguje 24/7. Kancelářský objekt budov A a B v Revoluční 8 se nachází ve známe pražské ulici Revoluční, která ústí na frekventovaném náměstí Republiky se stejnojmennou stanicí metra trasy B. Hned pod budovou je tramvajová stanice Dlouhá třída. Celkově lokace disponuje skvělou dopravní dostupností jak pomocí městské hromadné dopravy, tak automobilem. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Revoluční 8 is an office building that has retained the historic appearance of its exterior facade. The interior has been extensively renovated and as a contrast to the façade is fully modernized. All areas are air-conditioned and security operates 24/7. The office building of buildings A and B in Revoluční 8 is located in Prague's famous Revoluční Street, which opens onto the busy náměstí Republiky Square with the eponymous metro station of the B line. Just in front of the building is the Dlouhá třída tram station. Overall, the location has excellent transport accessibility both by public transport and by car. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 350 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => Servisní poplatky 120 Kč/m2/měsíc + DPH [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Revoluční 8

Revoluční 1082/8 – Prague 1

Price from 350 CZK

Revoluční 8 is an office building that has retained the historic appearance of its exterior facade. The interior has been extensively renovated and as a contrast to the façade is fully modernized. All areas are air-conditioned and security operates 24/7. The office building of buildings A and B in Revoluční 8 is located in Prague's famous Revoluční Street, which opens onto the busy náměstí Republiky Square with the eponymous metro station of the B line. Just in front of the building is the Dlouhá třída tram station. Overall, the location has excellent transport accessibility both by public transport and by car.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Oxyma Malešice [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Oxyma Malešice [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Současná průmyslová oblast Malešice se díky společné snaze městské části Praha 10, Institutu plánování a rozvoje hl. m. Prahy a v místě působících technologických firem postupně mění v Technologický park Malešice – místo pro moderní a udržitelný život. Nebude jen dalším komerčním centrem, stane se srdcem inovací. Spojí se zde podnikající subjekty, univerzity, talentovaní jedinci nebo start-upy do jednoho živého ekosystému. Nová oblast zasvěcená moderním technologiím získá na významu nejenom pro městskou část, ale i pro celé hlavní město. A OXYMA je vlajkovou lodí této proměny. Kromě možnosti dlouhodobého pronájmu různých typů prostor podle potřeb vašeho podnikání – kanceláře, vývoj nebo lehká výroba, můžete využívat moderní restauraci, Smart recepci s 24hodinovým provozem a virtuální recepční, zapojení do systému Smart Space inteligentního řízení budov, predikce a reakce na spotový trh pro snížení spotřeby energií nebo identifikační a stravovací systém DIMENSO. Díky vývojové podpoře skupiny TTC získáte přístup k nejmodernějším technologiím pro své podnikání, optické připojení do NIX a 24/7 zabezpečení dat v našem vlastním moderním datacentru DC2 v Sazečské ulici. V rámci projektu dokážeme nabídnout tisíce metrů moderních kanceláří a prostor pro lehkou výrobu nebo sklady, restauraci a kavárnu pro firemní stravování a 200 parkovacích míst včetně míst pro elektromobily. Budova A nabízí na 4 podlažích 5 500 m2 plochy k variabilnímu uspořádání na kanceláře i lehkou výrobu včetně 1 000 m2 zelené střechy k práci i odpočinku. Pronájem prostor možný od plochy 250 m2. Výšková budova B nabízí na 14 podlažích 5 500 m2 kancelářské plochy včetně střechy jako součást služeb OXYMA+. Pronájem prostor možný od plochy 250 m2. Nová budova S nabízí na 5 podlažích 3 500 m2 plochy k variabilnímu uspořádání na kanceláře i lehkou výrobu, parter budovy s prosklenou fasádou. Střecha budovy je pokryta fotovoltaickými panely. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The current industrial area of ​​Malešice is gradually transforming into the Malešice Technology Park – a place for modern and sustainable living, thanks to the joint efforts of the Prague 10 district, the Institute of Planning and Development of the City of Prague and technology companies operating in the area. It will not be just another commercial center, it will become the heart of innovation. Entrepreneurs, universities, talented individuals or start-ups will unite here into one living ecosystem. The new area dedicated to modern technologies will gain in importance not only for the district, but also for the entire capital. And OXYMA is the flagship of this transformation. In addition to the possibility of long-term rental of various types of space according to the needs of your business – offices, development or light production, you can use a modern restaurant, a Smart reception with 24-hour operation and a virtual receptionist, connection to the Smart Space intelligent building management system, prediction and response to the spot market to reduce energy consumption or the DIMENSO identification and catering system. Thanks to the development support of the TTC group, you will gain access to the most modern technologies for your business, optical connection to NIX and 24/7 data security in our own modern DC2 data center in Sazečská Street. As part of the project, we can offer thousands of meters of modern offices and space for light production or warehouses, a restaurant and café for corporate catering and 200 parking spaces including spaces for electric cars. Building A offers 5,500 m2 of space on 4 floors for variable arrangement for offices and light production including 1,000 m2 of green roof for work and relaxation. Space rental possible from 250 m2. High-rise building B offers 5,500 m2 of office space including roof on 14 floors as part of OXYMA+ services. Space rental possible from 250 m2. The new building S offers 3,500 m2 of space on 5 floors for variable layout for offices and light production, the ground floor of the building with a glass facade. The roof of the building is covered with photovoltaic panels. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 13 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 800 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 15300 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Oxyma Malešice

Sazečská – Prague 10

13 - 15 EUR
Available areas 800 - 15300 m2

The current industrial area of ​​Malešice is gradually transforming into the Malešice Technology Park – a place for modern and sustainable living, thanks to the joint efforts of the Prague 10 district, the Institute of Planning and Development of the City of Prague and technology companies operating in the area. It will not be just another commercial center, it will become the heart of innovation. Entrepreneurs, universities, talented individuals or start-ups will unite here into one living ecosystem. The new area dedicated to modern technologies will gain in importance not only for the district, but also for the entire capital. And OXYMA is the flagship of this transformation. In addition to the possibility of long-term rental of various types of space according to the needs of your business – offices, development or light production, you can use a modern restaurant, a Smart reception with 24-hour operation and a virtual receptionist, connection to the Smart Space intelligent building management system, prediction and response to the spot market to reduce energy consumption or the DIMENSO identification and catering system. Thanks to the development support of the TTC group, you will gain access to the most modern technologies for your business, optical connection to NIX and 24/7 data security in our own modern DC2 data center in Sazečská Street. As part of the project, we can offer thousands of meters of modern offices and space for light production or warehouses, a restaurant and café for corporate catering and 200 parking spaces including spaces for electric cars.

Building A offers 5,500 m2 of space on 4 floors for variable arrangement for offices and light production including 1,000 m2 of green roof for work and relaxation. Space rental possible from 250 m2.

High-rise building B offers 5,500 m2 of office space including roof on 14 floors as part of OXYMA+ services. Space rental possible from 250 m2.

The new building S offers 3,500 m2 of space on 5 floors for variable layout for offices and light production, the ground floor of the building with a glass facade. The roof of the building is covered with photovoltaic panels.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => THE GREENLINE - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => THE GREENLINE - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova The Greenline nyní nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami a vybavenou kuchyňku s kávovarem a kávou zdarma. Možnost pronájmu kancelářských prostor od 20 do 120 m2. V budově je kolárna se sprchami a locker roomy. Výborná dopravní dostupnost MHD je zajištěna blízkostí metra C - Kačerov a Budějovická, stejně tak jako množstvím autobusových spojů. Strategická poloha rovněž nabízí skvělou dostupnost automobilem, ať už do centra města, nebo na dálnici D1. V rámci budovy je pro nájemce k dispozici restaurace a samoobslužná kavárna. Parking je možný v podzemních garážích nebo přímo před budovou (na modré zóně). Pronájem pro jednotlivce i pro společnosti s více zaměstnanci. Měsíční členství od 25 tis. Kč, v závislosti na velikosti pronajatých prostor. Pro aktuální nabídku nebo pro větší prostory nás prosím kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Greenline building now offers fully furnished office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can enjoy shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths and a fully equipped kitchen with free coffee and coffee. Office space from 20 to 120 sqm is available for rent. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the proximity of metro C - Kačerov and Budějovická, as well as a number of bus connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1 motorway. Within the building, a restaurant and a self-service café are available for tenants. Parking is available in the underground garage or directly in front of the building (in the blue zone). Rental for individuals and companies with multiple employees. Monthly membership from 25k. Depending on the size of the rented space. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 25000 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 25000 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 20 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 20 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
THE GREENLINE - Equipped offices

Jihlavská 1558/21 – Prague 4

25 000 CZK per month
Available areas 20 m2

The Greenline building now offers fully furnished office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can enjoy shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths and a fully equipped kitchen with free coffee and coffee. Office space from 20 to 120 sqm is available for rent. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the proximity of metro C - Kačerov and Budějovická, as well as a number of bus connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1 motorway. Within the building, a restaurant and a self-service café are available for tenants. Parking is available in the underground garage or directly in front of the building (in the blue zone). Rental for individuals and companies with multiple employees. Monthly membership from 25k. Depending on the size of the rented space. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Palác I.P. Pavlova 5 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Palác I.P. Pavlova 5 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => I.P.Pavlova 5 je budova z roku 1896 s důstojnou novobarokní fasádou a foyer ve stylu art-nouveau , která za svými historickými zdmi skrývá moderní světlé kanceláře s vysokými stropy a zároveň splňuje všechny současné požadavky na flexibilní a příjemné pracovní prostředí. Budova disponuje flexibilními kancelářskými a obchodními prostory, možností sdílených kanceláří, vybavenou střešní terasou se zahradou a Wi-Fi přístupem, reprezentativní vstupní halou s Wi-Fi přístupem, parkovištěm pro jízdní kola, sprchami a dalšími výhodami, které jsou základem kvalitního, moderního pracovního prostředí. Lokalita nabízí kompletní vybavenost. V blízkosti se nachází široká nabídka restaurací, kaváren, hotelů i ostatních služeb. Budova se nachází v centru Prahy, v blízkosti největšího uzlu městské hromadné dopravy I.P.Pavlova a v docházkové vzdálenosti od Václavského náměstí. Vynikající lokalita zajišťuje jak skvělý přístaup, tak viditelnost budovy a komerčních prostor. Budova disponuje moderními technologiemi, jako např. úroveň udržitelnosti BREEAM Very Good, vyvýšené podlahy, inženýrské sítě, klimatizace, bezpečnostní systém 24/7, otevíratelná okna. K dispozici jsou také podzemní garáže, které mají kapacitu 71 parkovacích míst. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => I.P.Pavlova 5 is a building from 1896 with a dignified neo-Baroque façade and an art-nouveau foyer, which hides modern, bright offices with high ceilings behind its historic walls and at the same time meets all current requirements for a flexible and pleasant working environment. The building features flexible office and retail space, shared office options, a furnished roof terrace with garden and Wi-Fi access, a representative lobby with Wi-Fi access, bicycle parking, showers and other amenities that are the foundation of a high-quality, modern working environment. The location offers complete amenities. There is a wide range of restaurants, cafes, hotels and other services nearby. The building is located in the centre of Prague, close to the largest public transport hub I.P.Pavlova and within walking distance from Wenceslas Square. The excellent location provides both excellent access and visibility of the building and commercial space. The building has modern technologies such as BREEAM Very Good sustainability level, raised floors, utilities, air conditioning, 24/7 security system, opening windows. There is also an underground garage which has a capacity of 71 parking spaces. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 13.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 13.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => Servisní poplatky 145 Kč/m2/měsíc + DPH [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 219 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 219 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Palác I.P. Pavlova 5

náměstí I. P. Pavlova 1789/5 – Prague 2

13,50 EUR
Available areas 219 m2

I.P.Pavlova 5 is a building from 1896 with a dignified neo-Baroque façade and an art-nouveau foyer, which hides modern, bright offices with high ceilings behind its historic walls and at the same time meets all current requirements for a flexible and pleasant working environment. The building features flexible office and retail space, shared office options, a furnished roof terrace with garden and Wi-Fi access, a representative lobby with Wi-Fi access, bicycle parking, showers and other amenities that are the foundation of a high-quality, modern working environment. The location offers complete amenities. There is a wide range of restaurants, cafes, hotels and other services nearby. The building is located in the centre of Prague, close to the largest public transport hub I.P.Pavlova and within walking distance from Wenceslas Square. The excellent location provides both excellent access and visibility of the building and commercial space. The building has modern technologies such as BREEAM Very Good sustainability level, raised floors, utilities, air conditioning, 24/7 security system, opening windows. There is also an underground garage which has a capacity of 71 parking spaces.

3 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Richtrův dům [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Richtrův dům [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Richtrův dům je jedinečná budova na Malém náměstí, jen několik kroků od Staroměstského náměstí v centru Prahy, která byla nedávno kompletně zrekonstruována dle nejvyšších standardů. Dům patří do seznamu nemovitých kulturních památek hlavního města. Celá stavba prošla velkou barokní renovací, doplněna byla i o klasicistní prvky. Budova se může pochlubit empírovým portálem od J. L. Braunera z roku 1798. Augustýn z Florencie zde otevřel první pražskou lékárnu, konkrétně v jednom z gotických domů, které stály na tomto místě před rokem 1400. Richtrův dům v sobě spojuje prvky umění, kultury a luxusní kancelářské a prodejní prostory. Prostory disponují dvěma výtahy, klimatizací, vstupním kontrolním systémem, otevíratelnými okny a vnějším a vnitřním kamerovým systémem. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Richtrův dům is a unique building on Malé náměstí square, just a few steps from Old Town Square in the centre of Prague, which has recently been completely renovated to the highest standards. The house belongs to the list of immovable cultural monuments of the capital city. The entire building has undergone a major Baroque renovation, with classical elements added. The building boasts an Empire-style portal by J. L. Brauner from 1798. Augustine of Florence opened Prague's first pharmacy here, specifically in one of the Gothic houses that stood on this site before 1400. The Richter House combines elements of art, culture and luxury office and retail space. The space has two elevators, air conditioning, an entry control system, operable windows, and exterior and interior CCTV. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 18 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 18 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => Servisní poplatky 111 Kč/m2/měsíc + DPH [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 541 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2962 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Richtrův dům

Malé náměstí 459/11 – Prague 1

18 EUR
Available areas 541 - 2962 m2

Richtrův dům is a unique building on Malé náměstí square, just a few steps from Old Town Square in the centre of Prague, which has recently been completely renovated to the highest standards. The house belongs to the list of immovable cultural monuments of the capital city. The entire building has undergone a major Baroque renovation, with classical elements added. The building boasts an Empire-style portal by J. L. Brauner from 1798. Augustine of Florence opened Prague's first pharmacy here, specifically in one of the Gothic houses that stood on this site before 1400. The Richter House combines elements of art, culture and luxury office and retail space. The space has two elevators, air conditioning, an entry control system, operable windows, and exterior and interior CCTV.

3 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Corso Court [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova Corso Court je moderní administrativní komplex, který se nachází na Praze 8 - Karlíně. Výstavba byla dokončena v roce 2015 a nájemcům nabízí celkem 17 200 m2 prvotřídních kancelářských prostor. Projekt je dalším dílem architekta Ricardo Bofilla. Objekt byl projektován s důrazem na šetrnost k životnímu prostředí a na sníženou spotřebu provozních nákladů. Díky implementaci nových technologií byl objekt předběžně certifikován na úrovni LEED Gold. Prostory disponují klimatizací, výtahy, centrální recepcí, ostrahou, moderním systémem řízení budovy, datovým připojením, sprinklery a zdvojenými podlahami. Součástí projektu Corso Court je zahrada, kterou mohou využívat jak nájemci, tak veřejnost. Budova jako první v republice zavedla možnost využít mobilní aplikaci, která propojuje všechny služby v projektu a v jeho okolí. Před budovou se nachází stanice sdílených kol a nabíjecích stanic pro elektromobily. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 18 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 18.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 448 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1623 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Corso Court

Křižíkova 682/34a – Prague 8

18 - 18,50 EUR
Available areas 448 - 1623 m2

Budova Corso Court je moderní administrativní komplex, který se nachází na Praze 8 - Karlíně. Výstavba byla dokončena v roce 2015 a nájemcům nabízí celkem 17 200 m2 prvotřídních kancelářských prostor. Projekt je dalším dílem architekta Ricardo Bofilla. Objekt byl projektován s důrazem na šetrnost k životnímu prostředí a na sníženou spotřebu provozních nákladů. Díky implementaci nových technologií byl objekt předběžně certifikován na úrovni LEED Gold. Prostory disponují klimatizací, výtahy, centrální recepcí, ostrahou, moderním systémem řízení budovy, datovým připojením, sprinklery a zdvojenými podlahami. Součástí projektu Corso Court je zahrada, kterou mohou využívat jak nájemci, tak veřejnost. Budova jako první v republice zavedla možnost využít mobilní aplikaci, která propojuje všechny služby v projektu a v jeho okolí. Před budovou se nachází stanice sdílených kol a nabíjecích stanic pro elektromobily.

3 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Mezi Vodami [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Mezi Vodami [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova Mezi Vodami je moderní administrativní komplex, který nachází na okraji kancelářské lokality Prahy 4 s idylickým výhledem na břeh Vltavy a protější stráně Chuchelského háje. Prosklená budova ve tvaru písmene U s pěti nadzemními a dvěma podzemními podlažími čítá kolem 8 500 m2 pronajímatelné plochy. Byla postavena v roce 2006 v bývalém průmyslovém areálu modřanské čokoládovny Orion. Dominantou celého prostoru je krásné atrium s bohatou zelení, které přirozeně ústí v prostornou terasu. V atriu si můžete vychutnat lahodný šálek kávy z kavárny Nestlé Coffee House, kterou jsme vybudovali v roce 2023 ve spolupráci s majoritním nájemcem Nestlé. K vysokému pracovnímu komfortu přispívá také vynikající jídelna přístupná všem nájemcům, kolárna nebo AlzaBox. Díky efektivnímu půdorysu můžete využít stávající dispozice prostor, nebo si je flexibilně přizpůsobíte svým představám. Aktuálně nabízené prostory k pronájmu nabízíme ve vysokém standardu včetně zdvojených podlah a LED světel. Budovu navíc neustále modernizujeme, aby splnila i ty nejnáročnější požadavky. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Mezi Vodami building is a modern office complex located on the outskirts of Prague 4 with an idyllic view of the Vltava river bank and the opposite slopes of the Chuchelský háj. The glass U-shaped building with five above-ground and two underground floors has around 8,500 m2 of leasable area. It was built in 2006 on the former industrial site of the Modřany Orion chocolate factory. The dominant feature of the whole space is a beautiful atrium with rich greenery, which naturally flows into a spacious terrace. In the atrium you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee from the Nestlé Coffee House, which was built in 2023 in cooperation with the majority tenant Nestlé. The excellent dining room accessible to all tenants, the bike room or the AlzaBox also contribute to the high working comfort. Thanks to the efficient floor plan, you can make use of the existing layout of the space or flexibly adapt it to suit your needs. The space currently available for lease is offered to a high standard, including double floors and LED lights. In addition, we are constantly upgrading the building to meet the most demanding requirements. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 500 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 3623 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Mezi Vodami

Mezi vodami 2035/31 – Prague 12

15 EUR
Available areas 500 - 3623 m2

The Mezi Vodami building is a modern office complex located on the outskirts of Prague 4 with an idyllic view of the Vltava river bank and the opposite slopes of the Chuchelský háj. The glass U-shaped building with five above-ground and two underground floors has around 8,500 m2 of leasable area. It was built in 2006 on the former industrial site of the Modřany Orion chocolate factory. The dominant feature of the whole space is a beautiful atrium with rich greenery, which naturally flows into a spacious terrace. In the atrium you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee from the Nestlé Coffee House, which was built in 2023 in cooperation with the majority tenant Nestlé. The excellent dining room accessible to all tenants, the bike room or the AlzaBox also contribute to the high working comfort. Thanks to the efficient floor plan, you can make use of the existing layout of the space or flexibly adapt it to suit your needs. The space currently available for lease is offered to a high standard, including double floors and LED lights. In addition, we are constantly upgrading the building to meet the most demanding requirements.

3 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => 100 Yards [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => 100 Yards [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => 100 Yards je komplex tří budov situovaných na jedné z nejprestižnějších nákupních tříd ve střední a východní Evropě. Celý objekt nyní prochází rozsáhlou rekonstrukcí, který po dokončení nabídne až 3500 m2 prémiových kancelářských ploch a 300 m2 unikátních teras, společně s 3600 m2 maloobchodních ploch. Cílem je zachovat klasicistní historickou fasádu s kontrastem nejnovějších trendů. Samotné kancelářské prostory budou laděny do butikové multifunkčního designu od renomovaného studia Acht. Budova splňuje podmínky certifikace udržitelnosti LEED GOLD. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => 100 Yards is a complex of three buildings located on one of the most prestigious shopping streets in Central and Eastern Europe. The entire building is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment, which when completed will offer up to 3,500 sqm of premium office space and 300 sqm of unique terraces, along with 3,600 sqm of retail space. The aim is to preserve the classical historical façade with a contrast of the latest trends. The office space itself will be styled in a boutique mixed-use design by renowned studio Acht. The building meets the requirements of LEED GOLD sustainability certification. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 25 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 25 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => Servisní poplatky 137 Kč/m2/měsíc [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 330 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2633 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
100 Yards

Na příkopě 957/23 – Prague 1

25 EUR
Available areas 330 - 2633 m2

100 Yards is a complex of three buildings located on one of the most prestigious shopping streets in Central and Eastern Europe. The entire building is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment, which when completed will offer up to 3,500 sqm of premium office space and 300 sqm of unique terraces, along with 3,600 sqm of retail space. The aim is to preserve the classical historical façade with a contrast of the latest trends. The office space itself will be styled in a boutique mixed-use design by renowned studio Acht. The building meets the requirements of LEED GOLD sustainability certification.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Kateřinská 40 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Kateřinská 40 je moderně pojatý objekt s obloukovitou prosklenou čelní fasádou a půdorysem ve tvaru písmena „T“ má dvě podzemní a osm nadzemních podlaží. Poslední dvě patra mají k dispozici terasu s výhledem na panorama Prahy. Kateřinská 40 má velmi příjemnou atmosféru s dostatkem denního světla. Celková pronajímatelná plocha činí 8 184 m2 + 111 dedikovaných parkovacích stání v podzemních garážích. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 15.95 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 15.95 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 278 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 278 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Kateřinská 40

Kateřinská 466/40 – Prague 2

15,95 EUR
Available areas 278 m2

Kateřinská 40 je moderně pojatý objekt s obloukovitou prosklenou čelní fasádou a půdorysem ve tvaru písmena „T“ má dvě podzemní a osm nadzemních podlaží.
Poslední dvě patra mají k dispozici terasu s výhledem na panorama Prahy. Kateřinská 40 má velmi příjemnou atmosféru s dostatkem denního světla. Celková pronajímatelná plocha činí 8 184 m2 + 111 dedikovaných parkovacích stání v podzemních garážích.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Millenium Plaza [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Millenium Plaza [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Millennium Plaza je moderní administrativní budova, která kombinuje jak historické prvky staré Prahy, tak i moderní design. Nová část fasády je orientována do ulice V Celnici, zatímco historická část budovy má okna do Masarykova nádraží. Na svých 9 podlažích nabízí budova celkem 12 000 m2 kancelářských prostor, běžné jedno podlaží umožňuje pronájem plochy až 2 000 m2. Dostatek přirozeného denního světla je poskytnuto díky střešnímu atriovému osvětlení. Dále jsou také k dispozici 4 podzemní podlaží, které nájemcům nabízí až 440 parkovacích míst. V prvních dvou podlažích je nákupní pasáž s kasinem a bohatou nabídkou zdravotních a rekreačních služeb, včetně prémiového fitness centra World Class. Součástí Millennium Plaza je také luxusní hotel Marriott s 300 pokoji, exkluzivními apartmány, konferenčními prostory a velkým plesovým sálem. Budova je vybavena nejmodernějšími digitálními telekomunikačními sítěmi, stropním chlazením a topením, nepřetržitou dodávkou elektrické energie a flexibilním rozvodným systémem. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Millennium Plaza is a modern office building that combines both historical elements of old Prague and modern design. The new part of the façade is oriented to V Celnici Street, while the historic part of the building has windows facing Masaryk Station. On its 9 floors, the building offers a total of 12,000 sqm of office space, with one floor allowing up to 2,000 sqm of space for lease. Plenty of natural daylight is provided by the rooftop atrium lighting. In addition, there are also 4 underground floors offering tenants up to 440 parking spaces. On the first two floors is a shopping arcade with a casino and a wide range of health and leisure services, including a premium World Class fitness centre. Millennium Plaza also includes a luxury Marriott hotel with 300 guest rooms, exclusive suites, conference facilities and a grand ballroom. The building is equipped with state-of-the-art digital telecommunications networks, ceiling cooling and heating, uninterrupted power supply and a flexible power distribution system. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 19.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 19.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 800 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2950 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Millenium Plaza

V celnici 1028/10 – Prague 1

19,50 EUR
Available areas 800 - 2950 m2

Millennium Plaza is a modern office building that combines both historical elements of old Prague and modern design. The new part of the façade is oriented to V Celnici Street, while the historic part of the building has windows facing Masaryk Station. On its 9 floors, the building offers a total of 12,000 sqm of office space, with one floor allowing up to 2,000 sqm of space for lease. Plenty of natural daylight is provided by the rooftop atrium lighting. In addition, there are also 4 underground floors offering tenants up to 440 parking spaces. On the first two floors is a shopping arcade with a casino and a wide range of health and leisure services, including a premium World Class fitness centre. Millennium Plaza also includes a luxury Marriott hotel with 300 guest rooms, exclusive suites, conference facilities and a grand ballroom. The building is equipped with state-of-the-art digital telecommunications networks, ceiling cooling and heating, uninterrupted power supply and a flexible power distribution system.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Newton House [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Newton House [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova Newton House v ulici Politických vězňů na Praze 1 je administrativní objekt, který je umístěn v těsné blízkosti Václavského náměstí a který díky nedávné rekonstrukci poskytuje standardní kancelářské plochy zdobené historickým exteriérem a interiérem. Velkou výhodou je možnost využití parkovacích míst v garáži. V rámci budovy lze využívat sdílenou zasedací místnost o velikosti 60 m2, která je plně vybavena. K dispozici je recepce, kamerový a bezpečnostní systém, možnost pronájmu úložných prostor v 1.PP a optický internet. Budova těží ze své lokace, jelikož v se v docházkové vzdálenosti nachází stanice metra Muzeum (linka A a C) a zároveň nabízí bohatou občanská vybavenost. Kavárny, restaurace a mnohé další jsou v pěší dostupnosti. Pár set metrů od objektu je také silniční spojnice magistrála, což značně usnadňuje přístup vozidlem. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Newton House building on Politických vězňů Street in Prague 1 is an office building located in close proximity to Wenceslas Square which, thanks to recent reconstruction, provides standard office space decorated with historical exterior and interior. A great advantage is the possibility of using parking spaces in the garage. A shared meeting room of 60 m2, which is fully equipped, can be used within the building. There is a reception, CCTV and security system, storage space for rent in the 1st floor and fibre optic internet. The building benefits from its location, as it is within walking distance of Muzeum metro station (lines A and C) and also offers a wealth of amenities. Cafes, restaurants and many more are within walking distance. There is also an arterial road a few hundred metres from the property, making access by vehicle much easier. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 390 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 390 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 133 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 133 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Newton House

Politických vězňů 912/10 – Prague 1

390 CZK
Available areas 133 m2

The Newton House building on Politických vězňů Street in Prague 1 is an office building located in close proximity to Wenceslas Square which, thanks to recent reconstruction, provides standard office space decorated with historical exterior and interior. A great advantage is the possibility of using parking spaces in the garage. A shared meeting room of 60 m2, which is fully equipped, can be used within the building. There is a reception, CCTV and security system, storage space for rent in the 1st floor and fibre optic internet. The building benefits from its location, as it is within walking distance of Muzeum metro station (lines A and C) and also offers a wealth of amenities. Cafes, restaurants and many more are within walking distance. There is also an arterial road a few hundred metres from the property, making access by vehicle much easier.

1 office

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Palác Arbes [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Palác Arbes [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Administrativní budova Arbes se nachází mezi Malou Stranou a obchodní lokalitou Anděl a nabízí flexibilní kancelářské prostory. Budova disponuje sedmi podlažími s terasami, 24/7 ostrahou, centrální recepcí a klimatizací. K dispozici jsou také otevíratelná okna a možnost pronájmu skladových prostor. V budově je možnost podzemní garážová stání. Objekt je nedaleko obchodního centra Nový Smíchov a v okolí se nachází velké množství restaurací obchodů a služeb. Vynikající dopravní spojení zajišťuje stanice metra Anděl (trasa B) a tramvajová zastávka přímo před budovou. Lokalita je bohatá na občanskou vybavenost. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Arbes office building is located between Mala Strana and the Anděl business district and offers flexible office space. The building has seven floors with terraces, 24/7 security, central reception and air conditioning. There are also opening windows and the possibility of renting warehouse space. The building has the option of underground garage parking. The building is close to the Nový Smíchov shopping centre and there are a large number of restaurants shops and services in the vicinity. Excellent transport links are provided by the Anděl metro station (line B) and a tram stop directly in front of the building. The location is rich in civic amenities. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 16 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 16 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 226 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 226 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Palác Arbes

Štefánikova 248/32 – Prague 5

16 EUR
Available areas 226 m2

The Arbes office building is located between Mala Strana and the Anděl business district and offers flexible office space. The building has seven floors with terraces, 24/7 security, central reception and air conditioning. There are also opening windows and the possibility of renting warehouse space. The building has the option of underground garage parking. The building is close to the Nový Smíchov shopping centre and there are a large number of restaurants shops and services in the vicinity. Excellent transport links are provided by the Anděl metro station (line B) and a tram stop directly in front of the building. The location is rich in civic amenities.

3 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Agel Tower [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Agel Tower [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => AGEL Tower je moderní kancelářská budova v širším centru Prahy. Nabízí celkem osm pater kancelářských ploch s charakteristickým rysem prosklené prohnuté fasády se zaoblenými nárožími. Tvar byl přímo inspirován vinoucí se Plzeňskou ulicí a také Motolského potoka. Objekt má tři podzemní a osm nadzemních podlaží, přičemž sedmé a osmé podlaží je ustoupené. V přízemí budovy je nájemcům k dispozici jak recepce, tak i restaurace s kuchyní. Jedná se o velmi dobře dostupnou lokalitu Prahy 5 - Košíře, ležící mezi ulicemi Plzeňská a Vrchlického. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => AGEL Tower is a modern office building in the wider centre of Prague. It offers a total of eight floors of office space with a characteristic feature of a glass curved facade with rounded corners. The shape was directly inspired by the winding Plzeňská Street as well as the Motolský Brook. The building has three underground and eight above-ground floors, with the seventh and eighth floors set back. On the ground floor, the tenants have access to both a reception area and a restaurant with a kitchen. It is a very accessible location of Prague 5 - Košíře, situated between Plzeňská and Vrchlického streets. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 16 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 16 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 300 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1820 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Agel Tower

Vrchlického 1350/102 – Prague 5

16 EUR
Available areas 300 - 1820 m2

AGEL Tower is a modern office building in the wider centre of Prague. It offers a total of eight floors of office space with a characteristic feature of a glass curved facade with rounded corners. The shape was directly inspired by the winding Plzeňská Street as well as the Motolský Brook. The building has three underground and eight above-ground floors, with the seventh and eighth floors set back. On the ground floor, the tenants have access to both a reception area and a restaurant with a kitchen. It is a very accessible location of Prague 5 - Košíře, situated between Plzeňská and Vrchlického streets.

5 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Harfa Business Center B [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Harfa Business Center B [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova Harfa Business Center B je moderní kancelářská budova, která nabízí celkem 27 015 m2 pronajímatelné plochy na 10 nadzemních a 2 podzemních podlažích určené pro parkování. Podzemní garáže nabízejí celkem 292 parkovacích míst. V rámci budovy je pro nájemce k dispozici restaurace, kavárna a atrium se zelení. K využití je také kolárna se sprchami, 6 výtahů a společná terasa. HBC je umístěna v blízkosti tramvajové zastávky a stanice metra B - Českomoravská a je tak výborně dostupná i MHD. HBC disponuje oceněním LEED Silver, což je prestižní mezinárodně uznávaná značka kvality v oblasti navrhování a výstavby environmentálně šetrných a udržitelných budov. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Harfa Business Center B is a modern office building offering a total of 27,015 m2 of leasable area on 10 above-ground and 2 underground floors for parking. The underground garages offer a total of 292 parking spaces. Within the building there is a restaurant, café and atrium with greenery for tenants. There is also a bike room with showers, 6 elevators and a common terrace. HBC is located close to the tram stop and the B - Českomoravská metro station and is thus also very accessible by public transport. The HBC has a LEED Silver award, which is a prestigious internationally recognised quality mark in the design and construction of environmentally friendly and sustainable buildings. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 16.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 24352 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Harfa Business Center B

Českomoravská 2532/19b – Prague 9

15 - 16,50 EUR

Harfa Business Center B is a modern office building offering a total of 27,015 m2 of leasable area on 10 above-ground and 2 underground floors for parking. The underground garages offer a total of 292 parking spaces. Within the building there is a restaurant, café and atrium with greenery for tenants. There is also a bike room with showers, 6 elevators and a common terrace. HBC is located close to the tram stop and the B - Českomoravská metro station and is thus also very accessible by public transport. The HBC has a LEED Silver award, which is a prestigious internationally recognised quality mark in the design and construction of environmentally friendly and sustainable buildings.

19 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => OFFY - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => OFFY - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum OFFY in nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami a vybavenou kuchyňku s kávovarem a kávou zdarma. Možnost pronájmu kanceláří pro 1 až 20 osob. V budově je kolárna se sprchami a locker roomy. Výborná dopravní dostupnost MHD je zajištěna bezprostřední blízkostí metra C - Pražského povstání a Vyšehrad, stejně tak jako množstvím tramvajových a autobusových spojů. Strategická poloha rovněž nabízí skvělou dostupnost automobilem, ať už do centra města, nebo na dálnici D1, D8 a D11. Okolí budovy poskytuje plnou občanskou vybavenost včetně mnoha kaváren, restaurací a dalších služeb. Parking je možný v podzemních garážích nebo v parkovacím domě za budovou. Pronájem pro jednotlivce i pro společnosti s více zaměstnanci. Měsíční členství pro 1 os. 6000 Kč, 10-denní členství 3500 Kč. Pro aktuální nabídku nebo pro větší prostory nás prosím kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The OFFY in business centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths and a fully equipped kitchen with coffee machine and complimentary coffee. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate proximity of the metro lines C - Pražského povstání and Vyšehrad, as well as a number of tram and bus connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1, D8 and D11 motorways. The surrounding area provides full amenities including many cafes, restaurants and other services. Parking is available in the underground garages or in the car park behind the building. Rental for individuals and companies with multiple employees. Monthly membership for 1 person 6000 CZK, 10-day membership 3500 CZK. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 18200 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 68300 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 13 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 422 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
OFFY - Equipped offices

Lomnického 1742/2a – Prague 4

18 200 - 68 300 CZK per month
Available areas 13 - 422 m2

The OFFY in business centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths and a fully equipped kitchen with coffee machine and complimentary coffee. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate proximity of the metro lines C - Pražského povstání and Vyšehrad, as well as a number of tram and bus connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1, D8 and D11 motorways. The surrounding area provides full amenities including many cafes, restaurants and other services. Parking is available in the underground garages or in the car park behind the building. Rental for individuals and companies with multiple employees. Monthly membership for 1 person 6000 CZK, 10-day membership 3500 CZK. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us.

6 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => VN62 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => VN62 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budova na Václavském náměstí 62 byla postavena v roce 1998 jako jedna z nejmodernějších budov v Praze. Od září 2023 prochází rekonstrukcí, po jejímž dokončení nabídne od ledna 2025 svým klientům moderní kancelářské prostory v nadstandardním provedení. Celkově budova nabídne až 2 693 m2 pronajímatelné plochy. Poslední patra navíc nabídnou terasy s krásnými výhledy. Rekonstrukce je navržena tak, aby budova mohla usilovat o získání certifikace BREEAM - OUTSTANDING. Václavské náměstí je považováno za jednu z nejprestižnějších adres v samotném srdci Prahy. Kromě lukrativní lokality je další velkou výhodou této budovy snadná dopravní dostupnost. Přímo vedle ní se nachází stanice metra Muzeum (A+C), v docházkové vzdálenosti také zastávka tramvaje, stanice metra Můstek (A+B) a hlavní vlakové nádraží. Díky přímému napojení magistrálu a dálniční síť je lokalita snadno přístupná také autem. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The building at 62 Wenceslas Square was built in 1998 as one of the most modern buildings in Prague. Since September 2023 it has been undergoing reconstruction, after which it will offer its clients modern office space in a superior design from January 2025. In total, the building will offer up to 2,693 sqm of leasable area. In addition, the top floors will offer terraces with beautiful views. The renovation is designed so that the building can seek BREEAM - OUTSTANDING certification. Wenceslas Square is considered one of the most prestigious addresses in the very heart of Prague. In addition to its lucrative location, another great advantage of this building is its easy transport accessibility. Right next to it is the Muzeum metro station (A+C), within walking distance also a tram stop, the Můstek metro station (A+B) and the main train station. Thanks to the direct connection to the motorway and motorway network, the location is also easily accessible by car. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 25 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 27 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 326 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2141 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )

Václavské náměstí 806/62 – Prague 1

25 - 27 EUR
Available areas 326 - 2141 m2

The building at 62 Wenceslas Square was built in 1998 as one of the most modern buildings in Prague. Since September 2023 it has been undergoing reconstruction, after which it will offer its clients modern office space in a superior design from January 2025. In total, the building will offer up to 2,693 sqm of leasable area. In addition, the top floors will offer terraces with beautiful views. The renovation is designed so that the building can seek BREEAM - OUTSTANDING certification. Wenceslas Square is considered one of the most prestigious addresses in the very heart of Prague. In addition to its lucrative location, another great advantage of this building is its easy transport accessibility. Right next to it is the Muzeum metro station (A+C), within walking distance also a tram stop, the Můstek metro station (A+B) and the main train station. Thanks to the direct connection to the motorway and motorway network, the location is also easily accessible by car.


Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => The Cloud One Hybernská [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => The Cloud One Hybernská [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Součástí revitalizace oblasti kolem Masarykova nádraží je rovněž výstavba Hotelu Hybernská, kdy provozovatelem hotelových služeb je známý mezinárodní řetězec Cloud One. Spodní část hotelové budovy nabízí retailové jednotky dostupné jak z ulice Hybernská, tak z vnitřního atria. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Part of the revitalization of the area around Masaryk Station is also the construction of the Hybernská Hotel, where the operator of hotel services is the well-known international chain Cloud One. The lower part of the hotel building offers retail units accessible both from Hybernská Street and from the internal atrium. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 25 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 30 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 149 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 813 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Obchodní [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 2 ) )
The Cloud One Hybernská

Hybernská 2140/17 – Prague 1

Part of the revitalization of the area around Masaryk Station is also the construction of the Hybernská Hotel, where the operator of hotel services is the well-known international chain Cloud One. The lower part of the hotel building offers retail units accessible both from Hybernská Street and from the internal atrium.

4 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Hybernská Centrum [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Hybernska Centre [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Hybernská Centrum je nově zrekonstruovaná polyfunkční budova, která nabízí jak kancelářské prostory ve vyšších patrech, tak i obchodní prostory v nákupní pasáži v přízemí. Mezi standardní služby patří nonstop recepce s ostrahou, podzemní parking ve formě zakladačů, klimatizace a otevíratelná okna. K dispozici je také společná terasa ve vnitrobloku. Budova je umístěna přímo naproti Masarykově nádraží a je velmi dobře dopravně dostupná. V blízkém okolí je stanice metra náměstí Republiky a Hlavní nádraží, včetně tramvajových zastávek. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Hybernská Centrum is a newly renovated multifunctional building offering both office space on the upper floors and commercial space in the shopping arcade on the ground floor. Standard services include 24-hour reception with security, underground parking in the form of folders, air conditioning and opening windows. There is also a communal terrace in the courtyard. The building is located directly opposite Masaryk Station and is very accessible by public transport. Nearby there is a metro station Namesti Republiky and Hlavní nádraží, including tram stops. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 400 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 420 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 95 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 1152 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Hybernská Centrum

Hybernská 1009/24 – Prague 1

400 - 420 CZK
Available areas 95 - 1152 m2

Hybernská Centrum is a newly renovated multifunctional building offering both office space on the upper floors and commercial space in the shopping arcade on the ground floor. Standard services include 24-hour reception with security, underground parking in the form of folders, air conditioning and opening windows. There is also a communal terrace in the courtyard. The building is located directly opposite Masaryk Station and is very accessible by public transport. Nearby there is a metro station Namesti Republiky and Hlavní nádraží, including tram stops.

7 offices
1 retail space

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Rohan City A2 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Rohan City A2 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Kancelářská budova Rohan City A2 se nachází v dynamicky se rozvíjející lokalitě v Praze 8 Karlíně a na první pohled vyniká prvotřídním designem. Budovu o 8 nadzemních a 1 podzemním podlaží navrhnul tým Jakuba Cíglera. Kancelářské prostory typu AAA umožňují flexibilní uspořádání vnitřních prostor. Současně bylo dbáno na efektivní a ekonomický provoz. Objekt cílí na zelenou certifikaci nízkoenergetických budov na úrovni LEED Gold. V lokalitě budou vybudovány venkovní relaxační zóny, zeleň a napojení na páteřní městskou cyklostezku. Budova se nachází na Rohanském nábřeží, přímo naproti Kaizlovým sadům v bezprostřední blízkosti stanice tramvaje a metra B - Invalidovna. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Rohan City A2 office building is located in a dynamically developing location in Prague 8 Karlín and at first glance stands out with its first-class design. The building with 8 above-ground and 1 underground floor was designed by Jakub Cígler's team. The AAA office space allows for flexible arrangement of interior spaces. At the same time, care was taken to ensure efficient and economical operation. The building aims for green certification of low-energy buildings at the LEED Gold level. The site will feature outdoor relaxation zones, green space and connections to the city's backbone bike path. The building is located on Rohanské nábřeží, directly opposite Kaizl orchards in the immediate vicinity of the tram and metro station B - Invalidovna. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 17.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 105 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 17705 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Rohan City A2

Rohanské nábřeží – Prague 8

17 - 17,50 EUR
Available areas 105 - 17705 m2

The Rohan City A2 office building is located in a dynamically developing location in Prague 8 Karlín and at first glance stands out with its first-class design. The building with 8 above-ground and 1 underground floor was designed by Jakub Cígler's team. The AAA office space allows for flexible arrangement of interior spaces. At the same time, care was taken to ensure efficient and economical operation. The building aims for green certification of low-energy buildings at the LEED Gold level. The site will feature outdoor relaxation zones, green space and connections to the city's backbone bike path. The building is located on Rohanské nábřeží, directly opposite Kaizl orchards in the immediate vicinity of the tram and metro station B - Invalidovna.

6 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Rohan City A1 [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Rohan City A1 [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Kancelářská budova Rohan City A1 se nachází v dynamicky se rozvíjející lokalitě v Praze 8 Karlíně a na první pohled vyniká úžasným vzhledem. Budovu o 8 nadzemních a 1 podzemním podlaží navrhla světově proslulá architektka Eva Jiřičná. Kromě atraktivního designu bylo dbáno na efektivní a flexibilní využití prostor a ekonomický provoz. Jako bonus pro nájemce vznikla velkoryse pojatá sdílená terasa s krásným výhledem na město. Budova se nachází na Rohanském nábřeží, přímo naproti Kaizlovým sadům v bezprostřední blízkosti stanice tramvaje a metra B - Invalidovna. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Rohan City A1 office building is located in a dynamically developing location in Prague 8 Karlín and at first glance stands out with its stunning appearance. The building with 8 above-ground and 1 underground floor was designed by world famous architect Eva Jiřičná. In addition to attractive design, care was taken to ensure efficient and flexible use of space and economical operation. As a bonus for the tenants, a generous shared terrace with a beautiful view of the city was created. The building is located on Rohanské nábřeží, directly opposite the Kaizl orchards in the immediate vicinity of the tram and metro station B - Invalidovna. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17.2 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 17.2 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 400 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 5369 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Rohan City A1

Rohanské nábřeží 721/39 – Prague 8

17,20 EUR
Available areas 400 - 5369 m2

The Rohan City A1 office building is located in a dynamically developing location in Prague 8 Karlín and at first glance stands out with its stunning appearance. The building with 8 above-ground and 1 underground floor was designed by world famous architect Eva Jiřičná. In addition to attractive design, care was taken to ensure efficient and flexible use of space and economical operation. As a bonus for the tenants, a generous shared terrace with a beautiful view of the city was created. The building is located on Rohanské nábřeží, directly opposite the Kaizl orchards in the immediate vicinity of the tram and metro station B - Invalidovna.

5 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Dynamica - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Dynamica - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum Dynamica nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami nebo plně vybavené kuchyňky. Projekt Waltrovka leží na dynamicky se rozvíjejícím území Prahy 5 - Jinonice, na hranici širšího centra Prahy, v sousedství městských čtvrtí Anděl, Radlice a Butovice. Díky své poloze je Waltrovka skvěle dostupná z centra Prahy. Nabízí snadné napojení na Jižní spojku, dálnici D1 i Letiště Václava Havla. Kromě automobilové dopravy lze pohodlně využít spojení metra, autobusových a vlakových spojů. Samozřejmostí je také dostatek parkovacích míst a zázemí pro cyklisty. Waltrovka nabízí široké spektrum služeb včetně několika restaurací, kaváren, supermarketu, lékárny a také pošty. Kancelářské prostory od 7490 Kč za osobu za měsíc. Pro aktuální nabídku nás kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Dynamica Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work areas, phone booths or fully equipped kitchens. The Waltrovka project is located in the dynamically developing area of Prague 5 - Jinonice, on the border of the wider centre of Prague, in the neighbourhood of the Anděl, Radlice and Butovice districts. Thanks to its location, Waltrovka is perfectly accessible from the centre of Prague. It offers easy access to Jižní spojka, D1 motorway and Václav Havel Airport. In addition to car transport, it is also convenient to use metro, bus and train connections. Of course, there are also plenty of parking spaces and facilities for cyclists. Waltrovka offers a wide range of services including several restaurants, cafes, a supermarket, a pharmacy and a post office. Office space from 7490 CZK per person per month. Contact us for current offer. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 22470 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 74900 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 20 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 300 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Dynamica - Equipped offices

Kačírkova 982/4 – Prague 5

22 470 - 74 900 CZK per month
Available areas 20 - 300 m2

The Dynamica Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work areas, phone booths or fully equipped kitchens. The Waltrovka project is located in the dynamically developing area of Prague 5 - Jinonice, on the border of the wider centre of Prague, in the neighbourhood of the Anděl, Radlice and Butovice districts. Thanks to its location, Waltrovka is perfectly accessible from the centre of Prague. It offers easy access to Jižní spojka, D1 motorway and Václav Havel Airport. In addition to car transport, it is also convenient to use metro, bus and train connections. Of course, there are also plenty of parking spaces and facilities for cyclists. Waltrovka offers a wide range of services including several restaurants, cafes, a supermarket, a pharmacy and a post office. Office space from 7490 CZK per person per month. Contact us for current offer.

5 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Churchill - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Churchill - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum Churchill nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami nebo kavárnou s baristou. Možnost pronájmu kanceláří pro 1 až 20 osob. Pro větší firmy možnost pronájmu vlastních, plně vybavených kanceláří v odděleném prostoru s vlastním brandingem, zasedací místností a call boxy. Pro velké společnosti možnost pronájmu celého patra s plně zařízeným pracovním prostředím s veškerými službami. Budova se nachází na křižovatce ulic Seifertova a Italská s výhledem na náměstí Winstona Churchilla, v těsné blízkosti Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze a je skvěle dostupná automobilem i MHD. V pěší dostupnosti se nachází Hlavní nádraží a stanice metra C - Hlavní nádraží. Projekt Churchill nabízí širokou paletu služeb pro nájemce vč. supermarketu, několika restaurací a kaváren. Bezprostřední okolí poskytuje plnou občanskou vybavenost. Pronájem pracovního místa v coworkingu od 5000 Kč/měsíc. Pronájem kanceláře od 8700 Kč/osoba/měsíc. Pro aktuální nabídku nebo pro větší prostory nás prosím kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => Churchill Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work areas, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent their own fully equipped offices in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The building is located at the intersection of Seifertova and Italská Streets overlooking Winston Churchill Square, in close proximity to the University of Economics in Prague and is perfectly accessible by car and public transport. The Main Railway Station and the metro station C - Hlavní nádraží are within walking distance. The Churchill project offers a wide range of services for tenants including a supermarket, several restaurants and cafes. The immediate surroundings provide full civic amenities. Renting a coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rent from 8700 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 17400 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 87000 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 240 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Churchill - Equipped offices

Italská 2581/67 – Prague 2

17 400 - 87 000 CZK per month
Available areas 15 - 240 m2

Churchill Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work areas, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent their own fully equipped offices in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The building is located at the intersection of Seifertova and Italská Streets overlooking Winston Churchill Square, in close proximity to the University of Economics in Prague and is perfectly accessible by car and public transport. The Main Railway Station and the metro station C - Hlavní nádraží are within walking distance. The Churchill project offers a wide range of services for tenants including a supermarket, several restaurants and cafes. The immediate surroundings provide full civic amenities. Renting a coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rent from 8700 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us.

5 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => The Park - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => The Park - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum The Park nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami nebo kavárnou s baristou. Možnost pronájmu kanceláří pro 1 až 20 osob. Pro větší firmy možnost pronájmu vlastní, plně vybavené kanceláře v odděleném prostoru s vlastním brandingem, zasedací místností a call boxy. Pro velké společnosti možnost pronájmu celého patra s plně zařízeným pracovním prostředím s veškerými službami. Prostory jsou vybaveny ve vysokém standardu a kreativním pracovním prostředím. V Parku byl kladen velký důraz na kvalitu veřejného prostoru mezi budovami, které mají parkovou úpravu s velkým množstvím zeleně a vodních prvků. Areál nabízí velké množství vyžití a služeb pro nájemce. Poblíž komplexu se nachází obchodní centrum Westfield Chodov, které zajišťuje veškerou občanskou vybavenost. Dopravní dostupnost MHD je zajištěna bezprostřední vzdáleností linky metra C - Chodov a mnoha autobusovými spoji, do centra metropole jste metrem do 15 min. Sousedící D1 zajišťuje skvělou dopravní dostupnost automobilem všemi směry jak do centra metropole, tak na ostatní dopravní tepny. Parking pro hosty areálu jsou zajištěna v podzemních garážích. Pronájem pracovního místa v coworkingu od 5000 Kč/měsíc. Pronájem kanceláře od 8000 Kč/osoba/měsíc. Pro aktuální nabídku nebo pro větší prostory nás prosím kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Park Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent your own fully equipped office in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The space is furnished to a high standard and a creative working environment. In the Park, great emphasis has been placed on the quality of the public space between the buildings, which have parkland with plenty of greenery and water features. The site offers a large number of amenities and services for tenants. Near the complex there is a shopping centre Westfield Chodov, which provides all civic amenities. Public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate distance of the metro line C - Chodov and many bus connections, to the center of the metropolis you are by metro in 15 min. The adjacent D1 provides excellent transport accessibility by car in all directions to the metropolis centre as well as to other traffic arteries. Parking for guests of the complex are provided in underground garages. Renting a workplace in the coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rent from 8000 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 8000 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 225 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
The Park - Equipped offices

V parku 2308/8 – Prague 11

Price from 8 000 CZK per month
Available areas 15 - 225 m2

The Park Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent your own fully equipped office in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The space is furnished to a high standard and a creative working environment. In the Park, great emphasis has been placed on the quality of the public space between the buildings, which have parkland with plenty of greenery and water features. The site offers a large number of amenities and services for tenants. Near the complex there is a shopping centre Westfield Chodov, which provides all civic amenities. Public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate distance of the metro line C - Chodov and many bus connections, to the center of the metropolis you are by metro in 15 min. The adjacent D1 provides excellent transport accessibility by car in all directions to the metropolis centre as well as to other traffic arteries. Parking for guests of the complex are provided in underground garages. Renting a workplace in the coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rent from 8000 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us.

5 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Rustonka - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Rustonka - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum Rustonka nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami nebo kavárnou s baristou. Možnost pronájmu kanceláří pro 1 až 20 osob. Pro větší firmy možnost pronájmu vlastních, plně vybavených kanceláří v odděleném prostoru s vlastním brandingem, zasedací místností a call boxy. Pro velké společnosti možnost pronájmu celého patra s plně zařízeným pracovním prostředím s veškerými službami. V budově je kolárna se sprchami a locker roomy. Na střeše budovy se nachází velkorysá terasa s možností pořádání firemních akcí. Výborná dopravní dostupnost MHD je zajištěna bezprostřední blízkostí metra B - Invalidovna, stejně tak jako množstvím tramvajových spojů. Strategická poloha rovněž nabízí skvělou dostupnost automobilem, ať už do centra města, nebo na dálnici D1, D8 a D11. V budově je dostatek parkovacích míst i parking pro hosty. Pronájem pracovního místa v coworkingu od 5000 Kč/měsíc. Pronájem kanceláře od 8000 Kč/osoba/měsíc. Pro aktuální nabídku nebo pro větší prostory nás prosím kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Rustonka Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent their own fully equipped offices in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. On the roof of the building there is a generous terrace with the possibility of organizing corporate events. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate proximity of the metro B - Invalidovna, as well as a number of tram connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1, D8 and D11 motorways. The building has ample parking spaces as well as guest parking. Rent a workplace in the coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rent from 8000 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 16000 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 80000 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 255 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Rustonka - Equipped offices

Rohanské nábřeží 693/10 – Prague 8

16 000 - 80 000 CZK per month
Available areas 15 - 255 m2

The Rustonka Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to the client's requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent their own fully equipped offices in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. On the roof of the building there is a generous terrace with the possibility of organizing corporate events. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate proximity of the metro B - Invalidovna, as well as a number of tram connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1, D8 and D11 motorways. The building has ample parking spaces as well as guest parking. Rent a workplace in the coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rent from 8000 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us.

5 offices

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Dock In - vybavené kanceláře [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Dock In - equipped offices [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Business centrum Dock in nabízí plně vybavené kancelářské prostory včetně nábytku dle požadavků klienta, zavedeného internetu, úklidu, služeb recepce a copy centra. Klienti mohou využívat sdílených zasedacích místností a společných prostor s relaxačními a pracovními zónami, telefonními budkami nebo kavárnou s baristou. Možnost pronájmu kanceláří pro 1 až 20 osob. Pro větší firmy možnost pronájmu vlastních, plně vybavených kanceláří v odděleném prostoru s vlastním brandingem, zasedací místností a call boxy. Pro velké společnosti možnost pronájmu celého patra s plně zařízeným pracovním prostředím s veškerými službami. Okolní atmosféru dokreslují krásná parková úprava a dvě slepá ramena řeky Vltavy, v jejichž docích můžete najít kotvící lodě. V bezprostřední blízkosti se rovněž nachází park Thomayerovy sady, který je vhodný jak k aktivnímu, tak pasivnímu odpočinku. V budově je kolárna se sprchami a locker roomy. Výborná dopravní dostupnost MHD je zajištěna bezprostřední blízkostí metra B - Palmovka, stejně tak jako množstvím tramvajových spojů. Strategická poloha rovněž nabízí skvělou dostupnost automobilem, ať už do centra města, nebo na dálnici D1, D8 a D11. V budově je dostatek parkovacích míst i parking pro hosty. Okolí budovy poskytuje plnou občanskou vybavenost včetně mnoha kaváren, restaurací a dalších služeb. Pronájem pracovního místa v coworkingu od 5000 Kč/měsíc. Pronájem kanceláře od 8000 Kč/osoba/měsíc. Pro aktuální nabídku nebo pro větší prostory nás prosím kontaktujte. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The Dock in Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent their own fully equipped offices in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The surrounding atmosphere is enhanced by beautiful park landscaping and two dead-end arms of the Vltava River, where you can find boats docked. In the immediate vicinity there is also the park Thomayerovy sady, which is suitable for both active and passive recreation. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate proximity of the metro station B - Palmovka, as well as a number of tram connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1, D8 and D11 motorways. There is ample parking space in the building as well as parking for guests. The surrounding area provides full amenities including many cafes, restaurants and other services. Rent a workplace in the coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rental from 8000 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 8000 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => Kč [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 15 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 225 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Dock In - Equipped offices

Boudníkova 2538/11 – Prague 8

Price from 8 000 CZK per month
Available areas 15 - 225 m2

The Dock in Business Centre offers fully equipped office space including furniture according to client requirements, internet, cleaning, reception and copy centre services. Clients can use shared meeting rooms and common areas with relaxation and work zones, phone booths or a café with barista. Offices can be rented for 1 to 20 people. For larger companies, the option to rent their own fully equipped offices in a separate space with private branding, meeting rooms and call boxes. For large companies the possibility of renting the entire floor with a fully furnished working environment with all services. The surrounding atmosphere is enhanced by beautiful park landscaping and two dead-end arms of the Vltava River, where you can find boats docked. In the immediate vicinity there is also the park Thomayerovy sady, which is suitable for both active and passive recreation. The building has a bike room with showers and locker rooms. Excellent public transport accessibility is ensured by the immediate proximity of the metro station B - Palmovka, as well as a number of tram connections. The strategic location also offers excellent accessibility by car, either to the city centre or to the D1, D8 and D11 motorways. There is ample parking space in the building as well as parking for guests. The surrounding area provides full amenities including many cafes, restaurants and other services. Rent a workplace in the coworking space from 5000 CZK/month. Office rental from 8000 CZK/person/month. For current offer or for larger spaces please contact us.